Читать книгу 5% More - Alden Michael - Страница 8

Take Them as Far as They Can See, Then They Will See Further


I learned that phrase from an unethical, nefarious businessman who is now in jail for his wicked ways. This man achieved what appeared to be supreme success; he had homes all over the world, he drove cars that cost more than most people's homes, he dined at the finest restaurants, wore clothes from the finest designers, and had more money than he knew what to do with. Why would I share this phrase from such an unscrupulous character? Well, the phrase is not evil and neither is its meaning. But it is very powerful when you want to achieve something, whether it is jogging to the next telephone pole or one more lap around the track, or one more sale before the end of the day. Once you get there, just ask for 5 Percent More effort out of yourself. You have already achieved your goal, so you have nothing to lose. You only have things to gain. Now imagine if you did this every day in every aspect of your life. Take yourself as far as you can see, then once you get there take yourself just 5 percent further.

Why did that unscrupulous businessperson end up in jail and lose everything? He appeared to have given more effort, he appeared to try just a little bit more than others, but what he was really doing was cheating. He was certainly 5 percent better at cheating, which gave him temporary success, but it ultimately led to his demise. You see, he told people that he would take them as far as they could see and they would then see further, but what they eventually did was fall off a cliff after he got all he could out of them.

If you are 5 percent better at cheating, stealing, or committing fraud, you will eventually end up broke and in jail. You see, 5 Percent More works virtually for everything, including dubious activity, so you must be careful when applying what you have learned so that it is for good and ethical purposes. Fast success never lasts. But if you use 5 Percent More for good ends, it can help you to achieve anything good. It did for me.

Now, I'm a marketing guy. I sell products on television. Yeah, they are infomercials. It's not the only thing my company does, but it's what we are really good at. Plus, we sell mostly supplements on television, which adds a layer of skepticism. There are companies every year in my industry that get sued or shut down for being 5 percent better at cheating or lying or defrauding the public. Some people will always look down upon what we do as a company. My company, Blue Vase Marketing, prides itself in being the best at what we do. That means we are better in every aspect of the business, including compliance. Are we perfect? No. Do we make mistakes? Yes. Why am I telling you this? Sometimes, as individuals, we look at others from the outside and judge. I don't blame those people. However, if you are one of those people, suspend your judgment and read the book. What I'm discussing, and have discovered, has propelled me to levels that not only seemed unattainable to most, but downright unrealistic and preposterous to even think about. I was and am a kid from the projects who grew up around poverty and despair and learned how simple concepts like 5 Percent More could get me more than most. If that's you, then let's get real and learn from someone who should have nothing but has more than most, from financial freedom to material things people usually dream about.

5% More

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