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Course V


Table of Contents

The Practicus will be examined in the following books

LIBER CCXX. LIBER L VEL LEGIS Sub Figura CCXX. as delivered by XCIII. unto DCLXVI. This book is the foundation of the New Æon, and thus of the whole of our Work.

LIBER XXVII. LIBER TRIGRAMMATON, being a book of Trigrams of the Mutations of the Tao with the Yin and the Yang.An account of the cosmic process: corresponding to the Stanzas of Dzyan in another system.

LIBER CCXXXI. LIBER ARCANORUM τών ATV τού TAHVTI QVAS VIDIT ASAR IN AMENNTI Sub Figura CCXXXI. Liber Carcerorum τών QLIPHOTH cum suis Geniis. Adduntur Sigilla et Nomina Eorum. This is an account of the cosmic process so far as it is indicated by the Tarot Trumps.

LIBER CD. LIBER TAV VEL KABBALAE TRIUM LITERARUM Sub Figura CD. A graphic interpretation of the Tarot on the plane of initiation.

LIBER LVIII. This is an article on the Qabalah in the Temple of Solomon the King, EQUINOX V.

LIBER LXIV. LIBER ISRAFEL, formerly called ANUBIS. An instruction in a suitable method of preaching.

LIBER LXXXIV. VEL CHANOKH. A brief abstraction of the Symbolic representation of the Universe derived by Dr. John Dee through the Scrying of Sir Edward Kelly. Its publication is at present incomplete.

LIBER DXXXVI. BATRACHOPHRENOBOOCOSMOMACHIA. An instruction in expansion of the field of the mind.

LIBER D. SEPHER SEPHIROTH. A dictionary of Hebrew words arranged according to their numerical value. This is an Encyclopaedia of the Holy Qabalah, which is a Map of the Universe, and enables man to attain its Perfect Understanding.

LIBER DCCLXXVII. VEL PROLEGOMENA SYMBOLICA An Systemam Sceptico-Mystiae Visae Explicandae, Fundamentum Hieroglyphicum Sanctissimorum Scientiae Summae.A complete Dictionary of the Correspondences of all magical elements, re-printed with extensive additions, making it the only standard comprehensive book of reference ever published. It is to the language of Occultism what Webster or Murray is to the English language.

LIBER LXVII. THE SWORD of SONG. A critical studyof various philosophies. An account of Buddhism.

LIBER MMCMXI. A NOTE ON GENESIS. A model of Qabalistic ratiocination. This course is specially adapted to the Task of this Grade, the attainment of Gnana Yoga.

The Blue Equinox

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