Читать книгу Я как Единое. Сущность христианства и его судьба. Часть I. Понятие религии - Александр Ерохов - Страница 2


Ego as the Absolute. The essence of Christianity and its Fate

Part 1. The Concept of Religion

The idea of equivalence between self-consciousness of a human being and self-consciousness of the Absolute as a main idea of existence and a main idea of Christianity was revealed for West scientific tradition in philosophy of G. W. F. Hegel. At that very moment, with breakthrough in development itself, scientific skepticism, after detaching from its intellectual beginnings and starting to crave the truth, finally reunited with common religious tradition of human self-knowledge. The development of the concept of ego as identical with Ego (ego = Ego) throughout time is the subject of this particular work. The first part is devoted to conceptual definition of religion, the second one to development of the idea in intellectual sphere from Ancient Egypt to Judaea, and the third one to Christianity revelation and its historical Fates.

Я как Единое. Сущность христианства и его судьба. Часть I. Понятие религии

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