Читать книгу Евгений Онегин / Eugene Onegin - Александр Сергеевич Пушкин, Александр Пушкин, Pushkin Aleksandr - Страница 100

Chapter I


The country, flowers, field spaces,

Love, idleness – I adore those!

I’m glad to note the variations,

Which differ my and Eugene’s souls.

I do not want a mocking reader

Or other literature figure

Composing intricate blackwash

Collate Onegin with me, gosh,

Forgetting shame claim it wherever

That a self-portrait I did write,

Like Byron, poet of the pride,

And am not able, never ever,

To write the poems more or less,

But of myself and nothing else.

Евгений Онегин / Eugene Onegin

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