Читать книгу Традиционализм, либерализм и неонацизм в пространстве актуальной политики - Александр Щипков - Страница 1



доктор политических наук, профессор М.М. Мчедлова, (факультет гуманитарных и социальных наук РУДН)

доктор политических наук, профессор С. Ф. Черняховский (Европейский институт JUSTO)

Shchipkov А.

Traditionalism, Liberalism and Neo-Nazism in the Realpolitik context. – Saint-Petersburg: Aletheia, 2015. – 80 p.

Fighting for history, the rewriting and “normalization” of history are trends that have been actively transforming the social and political context in recent years. One of the most significant sore points, which has to be touched upon within the framework of the new evaluation of historical relations and the current politics, is the phenomenon of Fascism and Neo Fascism. Until recently it seemed to be nothing more than a subject of historical studies, but the events of the of the 2010s make it clear that the issue has by no means turned into a relic. In some respects the mythology of Neo-Fascists, their methods and practices stay the same, while in others there are noticeable changes. The book is dedicated to analysis of Neo-Fascism as a contemporary phenomenon.

Традиционализм, либерализм и неонацизм в пространстве актуальной политики

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