Читать книгу Good morning, come across… - Александр Шурлов - Страница 4

Play characters


Alexander, the main character.

Mike, an inquisitive young man.

Mike’s girl.


(Manhattan, New York. Aleksander walks along Times Square, then enters a cafe. He sits down at a table with a young couple).

auther Saramutin V.


Excuse me, do you mind if I join you? I will not disturb you.

Mike’s girl

No, no. Please, have a seat.

(after a few minutes the girl leaves, the waiter comes to the table and addresses Aleksander)


Your menu, sir. Will you order something right now?


Bring me a cappuccino, please, and nothing else is needed. I will only coffee. Thank you.


Excuse me, where are you from? I’m curious if I’m thinking right. I don’t think you’re from the States.


Did you get it from my accent?


Yes. Yes, and from your appearance too. You don’t look like an American. It’s hard to explain why. Of course, many different people live in the States, but it can be seen that you are most likely from somewhere in Europe. You are very stylish and beautifully dressed. The coat on you is clearly not cheap. And you went into a cafe, where mostly only young people hang out, who do not have a lot of money in their pockets. It’s a bit strange. Conclusion: you most likely came from somewhere. So I was curious, where did it come from?


Yes, the coat is not cheap, but it is very old. It’s just that I very rarely wear it, and therefore there is no demolition for it. This is Pierre Cardin.


Wow, cool. Looks especially good with this muffler. It is beautiful. This is a classic.


I agree with you


So where are you from, sir?


I’m from Russia


Wow! It’s the other side of the planet! You have come to us really from afar.


Yes, I just arrived last night. And this morning, the first thing I decided to do was go to Manhattan, because I always dreamed of visiting here. I’ve been here many times – on different YouTube channels.

(both smiled)


And how do you like the real Manhattan?


Very cool! I love big cities. Each city is good in its own way, but exactly the city. Concrete, tall glass buildings, sun glare. I definitely like New York. Now there are many beautiful high-rise buildings in many countries of the world. But the flavor of New York is special. These narrow streets and skyscrapers are interspersed with buildings from the 19th and 20th centuries. This is great! I love big cities. The crowd that rushes not knowing where. You look at people and think: Lord, they all have their own problems. And how many people are here! It’s a nightmare.


Excuse me, what’s your name?




And I’m Mike. Aleksander is short for Alex?


No, no. Do you remember such a great Roman Emperor, Aleksander the Great?


Yes I remember. There was such one. There is a great movie about him. I really liked it.


Yes, yes, you young people are guided by films, and not by the knowledge of the school curriculum.

(both smiled again)


Alex is not quite Alexander. There is also a consonant name Alexei. In Europe and the States, it is more often this name that sounds like Alex. If you want to know my short name, then it is. My name is simply Sa-sha.


Aleksander, you speak with an accent, but quite well. Where did you learn the language?


I really got into learning the language just a year ago. Believe it or not, I managed to learn it a little. I speak not very well, but I speak. But it cost me a lot of time and effort, I did it every day. There have been many times in my life when I regretted not knowing English. And when I opened a business on Amazon, I decided that it was necessary to learn English. And then suddenly the host of the TV show “The Late Show with Craig Ferguson” invites me, and I can’t connect two words in English. And the translator will not convey the energy and intonation that I can convey.


Why would such a celebrity invite you?


Well, what if I win the “Best Children’s Writer of the Year” award?


Are you a writer?


Oh… Mike, I have many professions and all sorts of talents. Sorry for my lack of modesty. But I will tell you an important thing, modesty does not adorn a person. Because of false modesty, it often happens in life that a person, having world-class talent, remains in obscurity. So yes, I’m a writer, and not just a children’s writer.


Wow! Nice to meet a real writer. Recommend any of your books, I will buy it on Amazon and read it.


I advise you to buy the book “God’s Gift or Mistake”. But I warn you, this is not a fiction novel. This book is designed to make the reader think.


The name is very interesting and alluring. Why “God’s Gift or Mistake?” And what “God’s gift” does it say about?


About “God’s gift” to predict the future.






I thought they were all legends. Fiction.


And why do you think so?


Because the future does not exist. This is impossible. I believe in God, and therefore I also believe that a person creates his own future. He is the master of his own destiny.


Then why can I predict your future? For example, about your relationship with the girl who was here with you 5 minutes ago?


I don’t believe. You don’t know her or me. How can you know our future?


I can. But I’m afraid you won’t like it.


Something sad?


Not really. It’s just… I saw you with her for a couple of minutes. I think you’re in a relationship, judging by the way you kissed her. But, I’m sorry, you weren’t meant to be together. You probably don’t like what I’m saying now. But I don’t want and don’t like to lie. And the fact that you will not be together, there is nothing to worry about. You will definitely not remain in life without love and your beloved. I am 100% sure of this.


Well, we’ve been dating for three months now. And I like her.


I’m sorry, my friend, but you won’t be together for long. Your love will pass. You are completely different people.


Well, here you are again talking like that, well, how do you know this?


Fine. Fine. Well, then how do I know that you are an Aquarius, and she is a Scorpio, if I only saw you together five minutes ago?


You… And really, how do you know this?


You see, Mike, when you practice for many, many years the knowledge that is of little interest to ordinary people, and meet people who are very characteristic in their appearance and body structure for their astrological sign, then it is quite easy to understand. Many years of practice, and you are almost a magician. Although there is nothing magical here. Trust me. You know the multiplication table. So is this. Each sign of the zodiac, men and women, is characterized by certain features of appearance. You memorize and practice.


And what’s wrong with us?


Oh… what the nonsense! You didn’t understand correctly. Listen. Everything is fine with you. It’s just that you’re an Aquarius and she’s a Scorpio. That’s all. You are both interesting people. I didn’t say there was something wrong with you. You just don’t fit together. Understand? This is the only difference.


Not really. Why are we not suitable for each other? We feel good together. I have no problems with her. Absolutely.


Good morning, come across…

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