Читать книгу English Original Reader for Technical Students. Power transformers: short-circuit testing, monitoring systems (Smart Grid) - Александр Юрьевич Хренников - Страница 2
ОглавлениеIMS-Information-measuring systems;
LVI–Low Voltage Impulse;
FRA-Frequency Response Analysis;
T-controlled power transformer;
TV-voltage transformer;
CT-current transformer;
B-high-voltage circuit breaker;
ANR-accidental and non-regime;
RW-regulation winding;
DGA-Dissolved Gas Analysis;
ADC-analog-to-digital converters;
RMSD-root-mean-square deviation;
AFC-amplitude-frequency characteristic;
HV-high voltage (winding);
LV1-first low voltage (winding);
LV2-second low voltage (winding);
MV-medium voltage (winding);
HEPS-Heat Electric Power Station;
JSC “FGC UES”-Joint Stock Company “Federal Grid Company of
Unified Energy System”;
STL-Short-current Testing Laboratory;
SREPS-State Regional Electric Power Station;
IR-control-infra-red control;
PD-partial discharges;
DC-direct current
DO-digital oscillograph;
GIS-gas insulated switchgear;
SAWP-specialized automated working place;
TCS-technical condition state;
IEPS AAN-Intellectual electric power system with the active-
adaptive network;
M&R-maintenance and repair;
EMF-electromotive force;
OA-operational amplifier;
EDS-expert- diagnostic system;
TREE-transformer and reactor electrical equipment;
ETCS-electrotechnical complexes and systems;
DM-diagnostic models;
DF-diagnostic feature;
ED- electrical device;
OFA-operational physical actions;
EMC-electromagnetic compatibility;