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ACSAmerican Community SurveyBEPSBase Erosion and Profit ShiftingCEMDConfidential Enquiry into Maternal Deaths (UK)CIPOLDConfidential Inquiry into Premature Deaths of People with Learning Disabilities (UK)CPICorruption Perceptions IndexCRISECentre for Research into Inequality, Security and EthnicityDFIDDepartment for International Development (UK)DGEDirectoria Geral de Estatística (Brazil)DTP3diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussisECOSOCEconomic and Social Council (UN)EITIExtractive Industries Transparency InitiativeEUEuropean UnionFATCAForeign Account Tax Compliance Act (US)FSIFinancial Secrecy IndexGAVIGlobal Alliance on Vaccinations and ImmunizationsGDPgross domestic productGFIGlobal Financial IntegrityGRDGovernment Revenue DatasetGRIDGroup Inequalities DatabaseICIJInternational Consortium of Investigative JournalistsICRICTIndependent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate TaxationICTDInternational Centre for Tax and DevelopmentIFFillicit financial flowsILOInternational Labour OrganizationIMFInternational Monetary FundINGOinternational nongovernmental organizationIPCIntegrated Food Security and Humanitarian Phase Classification FrameworkITICInternational Tax and Investment CenterJEMJustice and Equality Movement (Sudan)LeDeRLearning Disabilities Mortality ReviewLGBTlesbian, gay, bisexual and transgenderMDGsMillennium Development GoalsMNEsmultinational enterprisesNGOnongovernmental organizationNHSNational Health Service (UK)OECDOrganization for Economic Cooperation and DevelopmentONSOffice for National Statistics (UK)OPHIOxford Poverty and Human Development InitiativeOWGOpen Working GroupPPPpurchasing power paritySDGsSustainable Development GoalsSTEPSociety of Trust and Estate PractitionersTBIJThe Bureau of Investigative JournalismTRACITTransnational Alliance to Combat Illicit TradeUNCTADThe UN Conference on Trade and DevelopmentUNDPUnited Nations Development ProgrammeUNICEFUnited Nations Children’s FundUNODCUN Office for Drugs and CrimeVATvalue-added taxWHOWorld Health Organisation

The Uncounted

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