Читать книгу Owning It - Alex Kajitani - Страница 6



About the Author

About the Contributors

Foreword by Harry K. Wong


What This Book Is

How This Book Is Structured

Part 1: Owning It in Your Classroom

Part 2: Owning It With Your Most Challenging Students

Part 3: Owning It at Your School and District

Part 4: Owning It in Your Community

How to Use This Book


Owning It in Your Classroom: Strategies for Creating an Environment of Achievement

1 TIME TO GET REAL Revisit Your Personal Philosophy’s Value What It Means to Be Real Strategies for Success Teach What Is Real Be Reliable Be Realistic Summary Reflection Questions
2 FIRST IMPRESSIONS Make the Most of the First Five Minutes of Any Class Students Are Your Customers Strategies for Success Connect Quickly Lose the Lull Grab Their Attention Provide Purpose Cut the Hypocrisy Summary Reflection Questions
3 VISIBILITY IS EVERYTHING Increase Your Classroom Presence to Seem Like You’re Everywhere at Once The Broken-Windows Theory Strategies for Success Make Phone Calls Home Honk and Wave While Driving to School Greet Your Students at the Door Utilize the Eyes in the Back of Your Head Insist on a Clean Floor Summary Reflection Questions
4 PLEASE STOP THINKING Understand Four Things Teachers Say That Sabotage Learning Strategies for Success Connect to What Students Do Know Stress the Learning, Not the Testing Remember That the One Doing the Talking Is Often the One Doing the Learning Dig Deeper to Address the Issue Behind the Issue Summary Reflection Questions
5 I SAID BE QUIET … AND START TALKING Help Students Learn Out Loud and Still Keep a Handle on Your Classroom We Can’t Fear Student Participation Strategies for Success Use Think-Pair-Share Ask Three Questions Record It Summary Reflection Questions
6 DEAL WITH DATA Transform Your Perception of Data and Help Your Students Succeed How We Define Data Strategies for Success Use Data to Begin a Conversation, Not to End It See the Real Student Behind Every Piece of Data Make Data Useful by Not Keeping Them Secret Use Analogies to Make Data Friendly Summary Reflection Questions
7 IT’S TEST TIME Think Outside the Bubble on All-Important Standardized Tests Strategies for Success Make It About Improvement, Not Perfection Focus on Celebration, Not Intimidation Involve the Whole School Community Talk to Your Students About Bias in Testing Summary Reflection Questions


Owning It With Your Most Challenging Students: Strategies for Succeeding With Students Who Are Struggling or At Risk

8 IT’S ABOUT TIME Close the Achievement Gap With Struggling Students Real Students in the Metaphorical Gap Strategies for Success Teach Curriculum That Is Culturally Relevant Help Keep Other Good Teachers (Like You!) at Your School Get Targeted Training Connect With the Quiet Ones Summary Reflection Questions
9 LET’S TALK ABOUT RACE Bring Ethnic Identity and Culturally Relevant Curriculum Into Your Classroom Where to Begin Strategies for Success Understand What Ethnicity Is Understand How Ethnicity Forms Understand How to Use Ethnicity in the Classroom Summary Reflection Questions
10 THE SECRET TO MOTIVATING THE UNMOTIVATED STUDENT Succeed With Students Who Are At Risk A Super Success Story Strategies for Success Understand and Honor Cultural Barriers Bring in Success Stories Tell Them About Yourself Summary Reflection Questions
11 BEYOND THE BAD KID with Pete Fisher Manage Disruptive Classroom Behavior What Lies Behind the Behavior Strategies for Success Maintain Your Self-Control Create an Environment That Fosters Positive Behaviors Offer Clear Alternatives to Negative Behaviors Implement Incentives That Align With Needs Work Together, and Have a School Plan Summary Reflection Questions
12 NO, OR QUID PRO QUO? Negotiate With Students Who Are Struggling Negotiation Starts With Common Ground Strategies for Success Use Reciprocity to Build Relationships Establish Consistency Use the Value of Social Validation Motivate Through Scarcity Summary Reflection Questions
13 THE UNINVOLVED PARENT Reel Parents in With Three Basic Strategies Strategies for Success Utilize Technology to Communicate Offer Free Food and Childcare Think Like a Salesperson Summary Reflection Questions
14 STUDENT-LED CONFERENCES with Mindy Crum Empower Students by Putting Them in Charge A New Kind of Conference Strategies for Success Select and Announce Dates Engage in Ongoing Communication Gather Data Complete a Checklist Conduct a Dress Rehearsal Consider Your Room Configuration Hold the Conference Summary Reflection Questions


Owning It at Your School and District: Strategies for Succeeding as a Member of a Staff Team

15 MAKING MEETINGS AN HOUR TO EMPOWER Turn “Not Another Meeting!” Into “Let’s Get to Business!” The Cultural Importance of Meetings Strategies for Success Ask (and Answer) These Two Questions Reward Creative Thought Invite Guests From Time to Time Turn Routines Into Traditions Summary Reflection Questions
16 WELCOME TO TEACHING. PLEASE STAY Help Your School’s New Teachers Succeed (and Stick Around) Strategies for Success Minimize Negative Talk Celebrate Milestones and Successes Include New Teachers in Decision Making (But Don’t Force It) Help New Teachers Stay Healthy Summary Reflection Questions
17 TALKING ’BOUT MY GENERATION Improve Schools by Minding Collegial Generation Gaps Generational Gaps and the Importance of Talking About Them Strategies for Success Acknowledge and Celebrate Generational Differences Openly Create Teams, Mentorships, and Communications That Mind the Gaps Remember the Common Goal Summary Reflection Questions
18 WE NEEd TO TALK Approach a Colleague About a Conflict How to Rethink Your Approach to Conflict Strategies for Success Be Well-Rounded Confirm Behavior Without Publicly Criticizing Make an Appointment Rehearse and Open With Confidence Be Specific Be Real and Listen Make a Plan Appreciate and Follow Up Summary Reflection Questions
19 TURN JOB SHARES INTO WIN-WIN-WINS with Megan Pincus-Kajitani Learn Five Ways to Make Shared Positions Work for Teachers, Students, and Administrators Strategies for Success Plan in Advance Drop the Attitude Begin and End the Year Together Put It in Writing Set (Flexible) Limits Summary Reflection Questions


Owning It in Your Community: Strategies for Making a Positive Impact Beyond Your School and Classroom

20 THE GENERAL PUBLIC ON TEACHERS Turn Potential Foes Into Supportive Allies All People Have Opinions—About Everything Strategies for Success Stop Reading the News, and Start Creating It Tell Stories Offer Your Podium Look the Part Brag Equally Summary Reflection Questions
21 START SPREADING THE NEWS Put the Spotlight on Your School We Are the Marketing Department Strategies for Success Offer Campus Tours Create a High-Quality Website Find Your Niche and Brand It Empower Student Voices Summary Reflection Questions
22 COMMUNITY-BASED PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Get Teachers Into the Community and the Community Into Teachers The Purpose of Community-Based Professional Development Strategies for Success Select a Topic and a Presenter Find a Location Publicize It as an Experience, Not as a Workshop Plan Ahead Remind Everyone of the Intent Follow Up and Build Community Summary Reflection Questions
23 TEACHING TEACHERS Step Up and Share Your Ideas With Fellow Educators The Importance of Sharing Your Knowledge Strategies for Success—How to Get the Gig Pick Your Topic Write Your Blurb Make Your Pitch Be Easy Strategies for Success—What to Do Once You’ve Got the Gig Be Prepared and Flexible Go Early Learn by Doing Tell Stories and Connect the Dots Have Fun Summary Reflection Questions
24 THE 5-5-5 OF TEACHER BLOGS Use Blogs to Learn, Share, and Influence Others Strategies for Success Five Reasons Blogs Are Important Five Blogs You Should Be Reading Five Steps to Start Your Own Blog Summary Reflection Questions Epilogue References & Resources Index
Owning It

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