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3.2.5 Change over Time
ОглавлениеIt may seem easy to look back at the design decisions made in previous architectural generations of the internet and scoff: If the benefits of network regionalisation are clear and the first steps along this path had already been taken, then why not build it out in this way from the beginning? Like all choices made during system design, there are many trade‐offs which govern whether it is feasible both technically and economically to deploy a specific level or type of infrastructure at a given time. The choices made during a particular decade as highlighted previously must be appreciated within the time and context they were made in, without judging them by what we now know in the present.
Although these changes over time to the architecture of the internet in response to the needs of both its users and its operators are remarkable, it is important to note the level of difficulty that is inherent in making any change to a complex network system. The next section describes one of the methods used by the global network engineering community to minimise the impact of any changes on other parts of the system so that changes can often be made as and when they are ready, with no need to concurrently change other links or endpoints in the network to ensure correct operation.