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For encouraging me to begin this projectand helping me see it to completion, I grate-fully acknowledge the support of MichaelSelzer, Timothy Hiscock, William Lamsback,J. Owen Zurhellen IV, Kenneth Chumbley,Haskel Fleishaker, Mark Bernstein, ChristaMuscato, Carolyn Boltin, Melvyn Feliciano,John McMenamy, Aspan Ohson, Ariel Fried-man, and Mariya Kobe.

I oer my sincere appreciation to Trudi Cloyd for her heroic assistance with re-search and writing during her final year of medical school. And I thank the medical students who generously sacrificed por-tions of their summer vacations to help with research: Zachary Adler, Fernando Cuadrado, Brianna E. Damadian, Lauren

Foster, Rachel Kaplan, Antonio Pires, Yoon Kyoung Choi, and Prabhjot Singh.

In addition, this book benefited from the expert editorial skills of Abby Bus-sel, the artistic abilities of Monte Antrim,and the technical assistance of MarthaBurzynski.

I would also like to acknowledge the physicians who have profoundly influ-enced my development as a radiologist: Alexander R. Margulis, Steven Ross, Hideyo Minagi, and William D. Robertson.

Finally, this work would not have been possible without the inspiration, influence, and example of my teachers in other disci-plines: John Teramoto, Tsutomu Ohshima, Tony Geballe, and Robert Fripp.

Emergency Imaging

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