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The work does not mean that somewhere someone violates the rights of any social group – simply, according to the author, there are people who lack certain information necessary for a comfortable life.

To learn more, you need to live longer. Some people from science say that after death, everything transforms into a quantum state, and with this comes absolute knowledge of everything, but don’t die in the pursuit of absolute knowledge, you can assure everyone that you should live up to 70 or 80 years, and then in this non-quantum world absolute knowledge will come if not about everything, then in psychology they will surely be complete or almost complete, everything will be decomposed into «bolts» and «nuts» in a social sense.

How to find out the rules of the psychological healthy lifestyle – do you need to ask a person who is happy with his life what he lives with, or does each Abram have his own program? Are signs of following the right healthy lifestyle rules a constant presence of pleasure from life? What is absolute knowledge – the ability to separate the present from the fictional, and 70 years is the time when some finish manipulating you and you start to «load» some? To clearly see the dark and bright sides of life is a purely philosophical concept, and everyone can perceive everything that is happening around him as he wants, but is there an objective reality that is around us – is it like that, and nothing else? Some have their own pseudo-reality, and does it interfere or help? Could it be that someone’s pseudo-reality will become an objective reality? Is there an objective reality? Who can change the «record», change the objective reality to one degree or another – scientists, politicians, businessmen, millionaires, or any person? Any society can be changed the way one wants, people will be the way one who wants and can change the rules of people’s lives – all are suggestible, but only the level of suggestion is different for everyone? The seemingly independent social movements are in fact absolutely all acting in the interests of certain politicians? Higher powers endowed everyone with instincts and other needs, but not all provided with instructions, how to satisfy these instincts and needs – is philosophy a forest that philosophers and ordinary people have been wandering for centuries in search of such instructions? Among some philosophers there are those who have lost their way in the forest of life, in connection with which they are trying to convey to people what does not work in life? Do people continue in our time to learn to communicate with each other? How do you need to live and how not to do it – all this is indicated in the laws, and the laws stem from the psychological needs of people? The one who does not want to live by the law is in prison, the one who cannot, in psychiatric hospitals? Laws are based on the majority opinion about what laws should be? Like it or not, you need to find a compromise when the situation requires it, if you live among people? If you don’t observe ethics and morality, you will annoy others, and therefore both morality and ethics are not just words that are meant to be manipulated by someone, but unwritten laws that follow, like those written, from the psychological component of people – that annoys others shouldn’t show up? The human brain is a very plastic material, and anyone and anything can be molded from a person, but as is commonly believed in scientific circles, a child under 6 years old generally lives almost under hypnosis – is it super hypnotable and suggestible? Does modern man need to live in multitasking mode? Is there such information, recognizing that anyone will change their lifestyle, because it will affect his lifestyle, or does any information change something in everyone? There is always a war with oneself, both in the physical sense – for example, when you endure hunger, observing a diet for weight loss – and in the psychological one, therefore the assertion that the body needs to be given what it asks is not always true, because if it asks alcohol or drugs, and if you give them to him, will it ruin him? Anyone who does not know how to communicate with people and is in a state of chronic pride, he goes constantly «hungry», including «hungry» in the presence of the opposite partner he needs, since he pushes everyone away from himself with his pride? How to properly respond to someone’s attention or questions from someone else? Do you need to be able to protect your lifestyle or do you need to be able to change it? Neurosis and other borderline disorders are the result of a psychologically incorrect lifestyle – how is cirrhosis with a physiologically incorrect lifestyle? Why leadership training, why be a leader? The astronauts are not leaders, although everything is fine with fortitude, and moreover, according to the documentary, their psychological tests exclude the presence of leadership qualities, we need a simple and space-controlled person with completely zero what is called «ambition» – the belief that if not a leader, then this is not good, is this the result of ordinary suggestion? For the sixth time, American doctors successfully performed a heart transplant on a famous billionaire David Rockefeller, RIA Novosti reports – does anyone who enjoys life want to live? By the age of 40, having made a retrospective of his relationship, he noticed that all my bosses with whom I worked for a long time were simple people, the same thing with the opposite sex, and those who were nervous and arrogant quickly disappeared from my life path – this is why, that I myself am like those who disappeared from my path, which means that opposites attract, or aren’t opposites attracted, or in different cases differently? The older the average person becomes, the more he becomes like everyone else – with age, what is called an individual is lost? After 40 years, most people are only interested in material issues – health and money? For those over 40, it becomes more difficult to manipulate, since they themselves can manipulate? Remember that the envy of the blind begins to see, the dumb to speak, the deaf to hear, envy is a natural signal that there is a competitor for what you need? Higher powers have specially invented what is called envy – is this for the presence of competition? Is it possible to consider as manipulation what gives a bilateral, but not a one-sided benefit? What will help people, teaching how to live, material well-being, or both? In some countries that are considered rich, there are many people who can lead the same way of life as kings and kings? When it seems to someone that everything’s bad for him, agents of someone’s influence inspired him or he inspired himself: the tsar or the king didn’t have a TV and a computer before – some don’t understand that they live better now than kings and kings used to live, why then should some people organize revolutions or leave somewhere? In some deemed wealthy countries, young people do not want to work, receive large unemployment benefits and go to other (mainly Asian) countries to look for the meaning of life, but for some reason these young people do not leave to find the meaning of life, working as workers in construction sites, factories and to farms? The word Pasteur comes from the old Russian «shepherd»? National building – can you create a state with people of any beliefs, with those that only you want? What seems strange to some, for others, the norm – feminism, an open family, child-free, the LBBH community, libertarianism, sologamy, etc. – are the social products of only rich states, since there people don’t think about earning money for food but thinks only of spectacles, everything is according to the Maslow pyramid – is all of the above possible when basic human needs are satisfied? Does the term «human syndrome have everything» exist? Is everyone benefiting from the very fact of his existence? Is it possible to change life for the better with the help of information or only with the help of material goods? Happy are those who know and are not afraid to do what others do not know and are afraid to do? In countries with low and average living standards, are relationships different from people in countries with high living standards? Every 6 minutes in the world, one child dies of hunger – they say that this is the official statistics of the UN, which takes place in countries considered to be poor, no one informs about this? As the scientists say, the concept of the passage of time is relative: when it is pleasant from something, it flows quickly, when it is unpleasant, it flows slowly – what should one do to whom endorphins are not produced from anything, and accordingly there is nothing pleasant in life? The reward system donated by higher powers to man is endorphins – are the so-called endorphin «traps» controlling everything? There are people who live in the past, there are people who live in the present, and there are people who live in the future, but there is also a mix, where there is something more, something less? Depression begins when old life strategies are broken, but there are no new ones yet, a person cannot live instincts like animals – does he have to carry any ideas, even those that are considered primitive? They took the drunk to the police – they interfere with life or help to make the right choice? You can look at fire, water and anyone’s extraordinary eccentric acts for an infinitely long time? What governs the life of everyone, what is called fate, or a combination of circumstances? How to study a person in terms of his instincts and emotions, and at the same time to be the bearer of the same instincts and emotions – is it difficult to study robots when the robot itself, or vice versa, does this simplify everything? Who are you, a gangster, but you without a doubt could also be a scientist, if you find yourself in a different environment. Me, you and all people are plasticine from which you can fashion anything; the question is in whose hands this plasticine is, and heredity plays a secondary role? A person is a tube into which you can fill anything, in any percentage of something – why is it not the other way around because you «poured» into yourself or others «poured» into you this and not other information? The words attributed to Hajj Nasredin are as follows: «No matter how you say halva, your mouth will not be sweeter.» Or is he wrong, and vice versa – a person, not only by suggesting someone, but also by self-suggestion, can «blind» any person out of himself? Most people are very suggestible? A person is considered to be someone who believes little and criticizes everything? It has always been fashionable for some to be like others or the other, or is it one of the instincts present in some as opposed to such an instinct as «I am special», or are these not instincts, but the results of upbringing? Raising a child, but do not break his will? Does the fate of the child (and not only the child, but also the family as a whole) depend on the propaganda abilities of the parents? Fashionable for some to be different from the people – am I special? Even the amount of what is considered various mental illnesses is different at different times – during Freud’s time hysteria dominated, in the 20th century schizophrenia, in the 21st century depression and panic attacks? Endogenous depression is a malfunction in the production of serotonin and dopamine. Does such depression happen or is failure a consequence of depression? In our time and in our places of life, the cult of caution and self-pity is to blame for everything, so now depression and panic attacks dominate – take less caution and pity yourself less? Behind every seemingly spontaneous social movement created are certain people who created it for pragmatic reasons? Does your character affect your fate and the fate of those around you? Everyone is an IT-person at a biological level – does everyone program people? Managing people is simple: are they all drawn to the one who can fill their body with hormones of pleasure, or the one who can remove the chemicals that cause a bad mood from their body? Can’t you sew a fur coat from words or can you sew with some? Quantum physics is right – everything is simple, because as you can educate someone, you can educate someone who has more knowledge and will, that educates him, and the world consists of those whom someone educated in in the same way in which they are now?

«… people are a flock of sheep, they need to be led…» are the exemplary words of one of the heroes of the film «Raised Virgin Sole» (USSR, 1959—1961, director Alexander Ivanov).

Civilization itself regulates its development. Words attributed to the Soviet scientist S.P. Kapitsa.

Look at people living in countries that are considered rich – they (the majority) do not criticize themselves and their behavior, do not listen to someone else’s criticism, but defend their lifestyle and find material opportunities to support it?

Reality shows and proves (I want to emphasize that it is reality, supported by facts of the reality of what is happening, and not rumors) that under certain conditions and circumstances it is possible to change reality, and on a global scale, suppose if you are a millionaire or a billionaire, you can influence the social the life of a society, creating various social movements in it, while completely rebuilding relations between people, between a man and a woman, creating matriarchy in a single country or in several states, or patriarchy, the question is only, whether they want the authorities of these countries to pursue your social experiments and how far will you go in this, if you want all the same.

Then, when you «take root» and your movement gains a global scale within the state, the psychological component will undergo a fusion with the legal: the parliament will pass laws to please the social community you created, and if we continue to talk about matriarchy or patriarchy, it will be laws, such as banning men from meeting women in public places and interpreting attempts to meet as sexual harassment or banning women from meeting men on the street, or even -That. A man is no longer a man if he does not take the initiative in meeting a woman – in the classical understanding of a man in his relationship with the opposite sex? It is said that in countries where laws prohibit men from meeting women in public, men are afraid to take the initiative in dating, women themselves are suitable for men, and women become the main ones in the family when it is created.

They also say that some guys who came to such countries from countries where the relationship between a man and a woman remain classical (where a man meets a woman) like this situation – when women themselves come up and get to know each other, as the local man will not, he is afraid of responsibility for breaking the law, saying, as already mentioned, that showing attention to a woman in the form of an offer to get acquainted can be regarded as sexual harassment. To recall that the above is of a real nature, if you wish, on a world map you can find some countries where what is called the feminization of society has occurred and where it is legally expressed in the form of the above prohibition on a man to take the initiative in getting to know a woman, this will still be mentioned.

As a rule, all social movements are created in the rich (in the rich, where people don’t think about what they think in the non-rich – where the first steps of the Maslow pyramid are passed) countries with a high standard of living, in poor countries people think, again as a rule, how to earn a living, and even if there are social movements in poor countries, they are created there by representatives and citizens of countries with high living standards, in any case, as many sources say.

A person can be brought up, as you like, and upbringing, according to modern statements, is the main thing in the formation of personality, not psychogenetic heredity, as there are proofs of this and there were countries (not just one person, but entire states), in some of which people are like «cogs» what they are told they will do, in others it’s the same ethnic group, but the situation is different.

There is nothing eternal, and this applies to the human psyche, it is also not eternal in the sense that it changes with age, and it is different for different people at different times and in different places, and the evidence given above speaks about this (if we recall the rich states, we can ask where did the warlike people who inhabited them and made their country go, what happened to the warlike psychogenetics of their descendants living). The richer you are, the more you and your descendants become weaker, because you become dependent on the servants and other attributes of a rich life, and you become weak not only psychologically, but also physiologically – you don’t walk, drive a car, and this is not entirely positive for health?

Therefore, I want this fact that the human brain is a plastic material, as well as the fact that in connection with this fact it is possible to fashion anyone and anything from a person, like plasticine, by a red line across the entire lower material of this work in the process of reading it. Also, based on the above, it must be said that you, being now fearless, could be careful, and vice versa, if you are careful, you could be fearless and not forget that this is confirmed by the facts that have already been said: it all depends on education or, if someone does not like the word «upbringing», from the environment.

There may be several options for the development and formation of what is called your psychic constitution – depending on the time in which you were, or on the place or places of your stay during your life, and also on who you talked to: you how a personality could go in several ways – this is similar to the assertions of theoretical physicists that according to quantum physics your copies can be many, many copies in the sense that here you are doing one thing, one work, and your copies are doing other things, and life in general they have developed differently.

The second red line to keep in mind is the need for some to constantly «fiddle» with the endocrine system, which is responsible for the production of pleasure hormones by any action, both harmless and unhealthy in ways – alcohol, etc. Around the hormones of pleasure and “ human behavior revolves, it is endorphins that regulate and control human behavior, regardless of how these internal opiates are received – naturally, from any favorite occupation, or artificially, through drugs or alcohol, that is, as narcologists say, drug addicts and alcoholics enjoy pleasure without any strong-willed and intellectual efforts, that is, if higher powers give pleasant things only for something, then some want endorphins to be brought to them «Saucer».

If all those human qualities, which will be discussed below, disappear only, for example, after 40 years of a person’s life – is it a delay in mental development or what is called infantilism – eternal childhood? Is an adult when all that is considered weaknesses in modern society disappears? A sign of adulthood in the modern sense is autonomy, independence from someone and from anything, for example, the absence of an uncomfortable psychological state in the absence of friends, the lack of emotional attachment to someone or anything, and so on in this sense? It’s normal to feel psychologically uncomfortable in some cases, because if everyone felt psychologically comfortable, then if we take into account the sexual factor, then no one would reproduce, and almost everyone without the opposite sex has discomfort, which is expressed in different degrees for everyone – Is it not a mobile (stable) psyche only for single people, for example, for the same astronauts? The average person – how does he differ from the non-average person, and what is the psychological portrait of both? The struggle for males and females – some do not take part in it, since they sincerely do not need and are not interested, are they all different? Units are not subject to what is called propaganda? Propaganda is a quiet weapon – it’s easier to deceive a crowd than one person, does the criticality to one’s and others ’actions turn off in the crowd? When an investigator invites a minor child to investigate, the boss sometimes tells him «Work with him (with the minor) ” – we extrapolate this into civilian life. Work with him (inspire) – with your husband, wife for a harmonious relationship? Propaganda propaganda – those who do it do it so that their refrigerator is full, and you watch not in the TV, but in the refrigerator: for some, the main thing is their economic assets? Cosmonauts and IT specialists do not spend time on emotional experiences, such as fear, love, aggression, sexual desires – since they do not have them in such volume as the majority, which gives them the opportunity to do what they do – their work and the implementation of those tasks that most will not cope with? According to the films about the training of astronauts, the people who are preparing to be sent to space are put into enclosed space for several weeks and watch them how they endure their deprivation of liberty, if someone has a «roof» from unfulfilled desires, so there’s one conclusion: no desires – no psychological problems from the impossibility of their implementation? There is not what is called weakness of spirit – are there people whom the majority and who are ordered by higher powers to have what are called weaknesses, for example, the instinct of reproduction? If everyone was like astronauts, that is, without what is considered to be weaknesses, and could restrain their sexual instincts, or if they were almost absent, who would multiply then – with higher powers everything is thought out in advance, there are no weak and strong ones in spirit, there are those, to whom one is prescribed, and those to whom the other is prescribed? Do not envy anyone, for it is written in the Gospel – to whom much has been given, much will be asked? Cosmonauts are those who don’t need what the majority needs, that is, they don’t have what they call weaknesses or their minimum – do the astronauts have no cognitive dissonance? Someone’s torment is when this someone does not do what the higher forces want from him? PSOG (psychologically healthy lifestyle) is the knowledge of the ways that you need to go to achieve the tasks set by higher forces, for example, higher forces tell you in a hormonal way that you need some person of the opposite sex, but you don’t know how to approach him, and you are already unhappy – an unfortunate one who does not do what higher powers say to him? Cognitive dissonance is when there are several tasks, and you don’t know which one to perform, and also when there are several ways to solve problems, and you don’t know which way to choose: there is a basic law (constitution), there are simply laws that should not contradict the basic law (constitution) – can this be brought to life? Most people, as a rule, think about the bad, criticize themselves – do I have an ugly nose, ears, eyes, body, etc.?

The most commonplace questions we are asked are «How do you manage in space without vodka and women?»

Cosmonaut Sergey Ryazansky.

The title of the material, «The Unspoken Resources of the Good Mood of Some,» could have continued: «… for those who have the needs of an average person or average person …”. (By the definition of «average person» the author means only the way of life inherent in some people, nothing else is meant by the term «average person» – he does not mean the intellect of a person, his level of income, etc., etc.)

Unspoken, not because they are forbidden to voice them, or it is decided to popularize the work with this name, but because not everyone voices them, not everyone uses them, and not everyone knows them. Why this happens and who does not voice them, does not use and does not know, is considered in this book.

If you start from school, some can be distinguished by the fact that they do not have or are present, but not in full, the qualities that others possess – while everyone is at school, there are those whose studies dominate other interests, they are rare either they don’t meet with the opposite sex at all, rarely or never at street companies.

Probably, each person should either suppress or fulfill their needs, with age they can go away on their own: as they say, he «outgrows» them or he’s «gone crazy» – if everything goes smoothly from the point of view of modern psychology and sociology. Some of them remove their needs for companies and disappear, like a lizard’s tail, other needs, which are also called weaknesses, in the end they are equalized with those who did not need companies at school, that is, the needs of some of them become minimal, but they they already lost time by spending it on the satisfaction of their desires, not related to study and education, and, therefore, they did not receive the knowledge that was obtained in educational institutions by someone who did not have what is called weaknesses. What is considered weaknesses makes it difficult to concentrate on learning?

There are non-emotional people (such as people of the exact sciences, pilots, astronauts, IT specialists, military personnel of special forces, doctors with their medical cynicism – in any case, their professions provide for the absence of what are called weaknesses), which, as a rule, are completely independent from their emotions, they don’t have them at all, or if there are, then at least there are those who are included in the category of emotional people (among them, as a rule, humanities and not only), it is precisely such people who usually have a lot of problems related to emotions, as they say – eople art sometimes dramatize the situation, but to live with especially difficult creative.

The astronauts are probably the most controlled people who can cope with any task, those who can do what they are told: say they need to lose weight – lose weight, are ordered to sit in isolation for months – will be in isolation, ordered to expose life of danger – they will endanger life, and also these are people who can be deprived of pain for a long time, people with a minimum of needs. What does it say? To the fact that everyone can find out how much he is able to carry out those tasks that are performed by those who are called strong spirit, for example, someone tried to lose weight, but failed, and some are capable of it.

A person with the psyche of an astronaut or almost like an astronaut has complete psychological comfort, because he does not have emotional needs or they have, but in the smallest amount, some people have a psychologically stable state only when they satisfy their instincts and needs, and here there comes a time when some do not know how to satisfy their emotional, and psychological stability because of this does not occur at all, or the emotional component is satisfied by methods dangerous to the carrier of emotions and for those around him.

What if ordinary classical psychology doesn’t help some or doesn’t help some? There is not only legal, but also psychological illiteracy? Sometimes when shooting a stuntman’s film, when he does his job, they will be replaced by those who are called a sugary guy who is afraid of everything that is associated with risk during the filming, and he will continue to act as the main character – this is a life consisting of the present and fake? All that is needed for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing, and what is good and bad in general, and can everything be good at all or when someone is good, is it because of this someone is bad? Can life be made better only at the expense of others? What do «winged» phrases mean – truth, or an attempt at what is called manipulation by someone, or something else? The main troubles of an emotional person are unconstructive fear, aggression and other emotions, as well as the inability to adequately respond to psychological and other aggression and ignorance of acceptable and effective ways to satisfy psychological needs? It is necessary for everyone to feel good, and not for the minority or the majority, if you think that you have decided to help people in need, but how can this be done? You walk along the street and see a drunk and dirty person lying on the ground – if you have «overvalued» ideas about the perfection of society, then try to help someone who is drunk to get home and only then will you understand if your reasoning has weight or is it just the demagogy of an ambitious person, start small, and then think about big? What is stress – is it when they have done what is called an insult towards you, and you did not say anything, and it gnaws at you? Are there truths that people don’t want to see and that they don’t want to talk about, or those that not everyone knows about? Are there some who know more than others, and they control those who know less than they? Without certain knowledge, the human brain is not ready for logical and rational operations? There are many works focused on the regeneration of what is called a damaged psyche, but people still die from what they call post-traumatic syndrome, and not only from this?

Some are trying to hide the truth, we are trying to pull it out.

Words by Michael Moore, director of documentaries, including Fahrenheit 9/11.

Either Michael Moore is truly an idealist, or by earnestness he earns his living. I wonder for whom he pulled out the truth, or was it a simple enthusiasm?

Nobody says that classical psychology and modern psychology are not necessary or not right – it’s not so, just classical and modern psychology probably doesn’t explain everything, because this psychology was not created by someone who works at a factory, at a construction site, in the field and was in other places close to reality, and there is evidence for this – the existence of people who have psychologically uncomfortable states after working with psychologists and psychiatrists, and there are people who, having talked to people who do not have any diplomas of psychology and have forgotten what a psychological discomfort.

One of the foundations and central issues of this material is a search in all objective reality, its separation from fictional, possibly with errors, an attempt to identify and distinguish between the objective and the subjective that a person faces in life, predicting situations after any actions, and also, if you can call it that, unspoken psychology, the term is not very scientific, but no one talks about science: examples of psychological and legal actions that can be learned from official sources are collected, probably, it will not be possible, affecting standard issues related to human-human interaction.

Preventive psychology – actions aimed at protecting from what is called stress, and regenerative psychology – actions aimed at eliminating negative results from what is called stress, this is what the unspoken psychology partially consists of, or the unspoken resources of good mood, because there must be an alternative to conventional classical psychology, higher forces or nature in general love the presence of competition in everything.

Why are they unofficial and by whom are they unofficial and for what purpose? We can say that they are not advertised because of something unknown, and why dig deeper? It is of interest that they don’t talk about them, and for what reason – they simply don’t know about them or whether they are beneficial to someone – it is secondary, and it’s difficult for everyone to please: ants are good when they pull a grasshopper into an anthill for that to eat later, but the grasshopper feels bad, is this the case when someone’s interests do not completely or completely radically coincide with the interests of others, so there are situations when classical psychology can not advise people? Mosquitoes, cockroaches, locusts, worms – bad people who interfere with life are called bad?

There is no freedom of some without the lack of freedom of others – in the classical understanding of freedom? Was what is called a revolution for the sake of freedom useless or useful, since any freedom of some is possible only at the expense of the non-freedom of others, until civilization sets in, and robots will do everything for everyone? It’s a paradox, but suffer from freedom – drug addiction, alcoholism and death – from them are the products of freedom in its generally accepted sense? Who will work for the one who becomes free? Ants and grasshopper: this is how it works in nature – someone, helping someone survive, or threatens the existence of another by his own existence or interferes with another’s quality life, is like killing a coronavirus or rhinotracheitis that has settled in a kitten so that it survives, but the virus it’s not a pity, although he is alive, like a kitten, but a pity for a kitten, is it somehow strange, is the virus also alive, or are people programmed with higher powers? The effect of a grasshopper and ants in nature – is it when one can be good, only when the other is bad, and vice versa? It is impossible to please everyone, both ants and a grasshopper, someone who, from the point of view of modern society, has inadequate needs or needs are adequate, but they are satisfied in an inadequate way, they are isolated from society? Science and perfected virtual reality, which will become reality, will enable everyone to satisfy their needs? Is there a rigid scientific foundation in every behavior? Life is a book written in the style of the book of becoming, that is, becoming what you are and who you will become?

«Imagine that you are a whole army, though consisting of one soldier,» are the words attributed to billionaire and US President Donald Trump.

Soldiers in the trenches of life. To supplement Trump’s words: «You must be a soldier of a psychological and legal nature – to know and anticipate the results of your actions»? Billionaires do not have the life experience of an average citizen, but they have a lot of time to think, since they, as a rule, and as it should be for millionaires and billionaires, do not work anywhere, which means they do not sell their free time to employers, as an ordinary person does, and when you do not sell your time to the one you work for, you, as already mentioned, have time to think, although there are professions where you can think as much as you like, for example, sweeping the streets.

As already mentioned, the work contains the unspoken methods collected by the author as opposed to the unspoken methods of forming psychological comfort (in no case is it something radical, but simply the unspoken, so to speak, «underground» currents of human relationships that only good relatives can tell about if there are any, but what to do when they are not?). These methods and information are not entirely new, many know about them, and these are, as a rule, those who have everything in life well, and those who, as a rule, are not very good about them. The material also has a lot of other, «utility» information related to the subject under discussion and not only it.

Can a psychologist prepare someone whom they call fighters, or is a fighter a psychologist himself? What is and who are psychological special forces? Can one learn to survive in the psychological sense, as well as mental health, at least partially from the units of psychological operations of the armies of countries in which such units exist, since only there all actions are based on a more or less objective psychology? As some women say, the best weapon between your legs?

The inscription on the emblem, found in the Internet: Psychological operations because physcal wounds heal. (Sample translation: «Psychological operations because physical wounds heal.») Perhaps it means that physical wounds heal, but psychological ones do not.

I did not read the book of the former head of the CIA Alan Dales, but they say that he allegedly wrote in it how people who were considered not quite normal (feeling uncomfortable in society) and living in the territory of a geopolitical opponent used for their own purposes.

Some of those who are called businessmen can play a scene during a telephone conversation to impress someone they call up with (for example, who they see as a potential lover, mistress, it doesn’t matter what kind of sexual orientation they call), saying, for example, to someone in his office about loading or unloading wagons, but at the same time so that the person the businessman calls up to hear this conversation happening in the office about supposedly loading and unloading, the question of which was actually not at the time of the conversation resha tsya. The one with whom the businessman is talking will think that yes, this person is rich, if in his conversation with someone in the office we are talking about deliveries on the scale of wagons – that’s how the two people involved in the business really behaved, the meeting with whom as a result brought to meet with them only lunch or dinner in a regular cafe for the usual amount.

Is manipulation an attempt to force someone to act in anyone’s interests? Does manipulation instill a sense of inferiority? Involuntarily politeness? Is it easier to manipulate with emotional people, are they more suggestible? Learn to identify threats to your interests? How to find out the mechanism of the relationship between people? Confidence and good mood are transferred from one person to another, some confidence and good mood are taken away from others, insulting and humiliating them? Is the interaction between people in some cases a battlefield in the psychological sense? Unhappy is he who cannot get what he wants, because he does not know how?

A person must bring up another person who has caused him psychological wounds, after which he will recover from psychological trauma, and this can be called compensation for psychological trauma or regenerative psychology, and these methods have long been known – write a statement to the offender to the police, and the system will take revenge? Some who do not have tools for implementing regenerative psychology treat psychological injuries with alcohol and drugs? A tool for regenerative psychology has long been created – is this the law and its principle of inevitability of punishment? What happens to the one who caused you trouble – they deprive him of freedom, and he feels uncomfortable, as he can’t satisfy his needs?

Old psychology is an old lamp-powered radio, a new one is a semiconductor radio, the digital era and the era of «digital» psychology are the end of the «analogue» psychology: the mysterious name for something is a decoy, a beautiful wrapper in the psychological sense – what’s more effective the name of something, the more appealing the bait and the more you want to swallow it? A lot of those who imagined that they are writing a new bible, can everything be checked only in the «does it work or not in practice» mode? Is innovation always a different perspective on things and the world? When moving through life, you need to follow some rules? About whom they say that he is not adapted for life, and who therefore needs either an independent husband or an independent wife: what is independence – when there are no weaknesses, and when help is not needed? The time has not yet come when robots will do everything for everyone, so it’s too early to relax, do you have to take part in creating such a time yourself? There is a physiological and psychological threshold of sensitivity and tolerance, the psychological threshold, like the physical one, is different for everyone – it’s like the body’s reaction to the amount of alcohol consumed, everyone has a different threshold: someone needs to drink 200 grams of vodka to be drunk, someone enough to achieve the same state of 50 grams of the same drink?

Everyone should have a «package» of duty motivational phrases to defend their interests?

There are phrases designed to encourage someone to reconsider their position (motivational phrases or, in the negative sense, «wiring» – if we are talking about fraud), such will still be in all chapters of this work. To someone who does not want to accept someone’s conditions, a friend said the following phrase: «He imposes his previously losing position.» Either this acquaintance said, when there are no on-duty arguments: «You are carrying some nonsense» or «He is sick.» The task of psychological warfare in everyday life is to bring someone out of the category of normality? Fear and suggestibility limit the scope of actions?

As they taught at school, there is already a bit of politeness inevitably, in the political sense: this has happened since the advent of atomic weapons – countries that possess these weapons have not physically fought against each other for a long time since atomic weapons made this pointless. Could politeness come involuntarily in a socio-psychological sense – in everyday life, between ordinary people, maybe people will become polite to each other when they know that impolite and rudeness can only do harm? Do some affect the psychology of people and in what ways?

As they say, any policy is implicated in the economy, and any manager wants everything in his household to be good, for this you need to do something and you need someone who will fulfill the desires of the manager on the ground.

And again about the divisions of psychological operations, we will make sure that the information about them is interwoven for some time in the material with other information in order to deprive the material of monotony without building it on one analysis.

They say that all units of psychological operations (PsO) perform approximately the same tasks (as of 2018) in:

oral propaganda, including work with the local population; distribution of propaganda literature and other necessary information; creation of propaganda groups in localities consisting of local activists, their organization and coordination of actions, assistance to the work of «their» journalists, collection of information and identification the most acute problems of the population for using this in the future as an information occasion; monitoring the current moral and psychological state of the local population; providing a group necessary material and technical property; direct holding of rallies, protests and dissemination of propaganda materials. creation and circulation of printed materials; creation and broadcasting of television and radio broadcasts to a designated area; transmission of necessary messages through broadcasting media; use of the Internet in the «right» channel; creation and broadcasting commercials on television and radio channels in the interests of PsO; involving mobile operators to ensure transmission propaganda textual, photographic, sound and audio-visual messages using mobile phones;

From this conclusion, which will be discussed further: it is possible that various services and mass media of various countries of geopolitical opponents partially participate in the formation of personalities of people.

But not only humans can control humans, but microorganisms as well: what is toxoplasmosis and is it true that toxoplasma controls the behavior of living organisms, including humans? Who is interested in information about toxoplasma and toxoplasmosis, we are looking for information on the Internet.

The main thing to know for what to live? Existence must be in tune with destination? Now the purpose is determined very simply – with the help of psychological tests? Those who know what they live for do not always know how and where to achieve what they live for? What is the best way to achieve the goal? When there is a goal, and you want to achieve it, you need to go to it, no matter what, and you should be stopped only by the question of your life and death, although some (famous scientists who tested everything on themselves), as history shows, and this didn’t stop – after all, will we all die sooner or later? When I did what was required for this material, some stopped saying hello to me and laughed at me: don’t be afraid to «break off» if you are engaged in any business, perceive everything as production costs, since people will react just like that, because they were programmed by higher forces? To feel comfortable, you need to live one day, like in a war, while not forgetting that there is a future? The task of modern psychology should be that each person possesses objective knowledge in this area, so that the theory does not differ from reality? Providing anything without evidence can be attributed to rumors and gossip? Not everyone is comfortable with people who go with «measuring devices» in their heads, measuring everyone how far he has moved away from their unwritten personal or public moral principles, collecting gossip, analyzing and criticizing the actions of everyone, and vice versa – comfortable with someone who is not does? Some, when they insulted someone, will bear it like a crown, saying to themselves «I did it», and get pleasure from it – what is the pleasure received from that behavior, which is called inadequate? The law – this is the thing that allows you to take revenge on the one who caused you trouble, is this regenerative psychology or regenerative psychiatry? The 2000s is a fashion for a healthy lifestyle – a physically healthy lifestyle – but what about a fashion for a psychologically healthy lifestyle, what needs to be done for mental health? Mental health is possible without pharmaceuticals; how is sport possible without anabolic steroids? We do not generalize anything in particular to the situation: you don’t need to see either pluses or minuses in everything, in each case there are pluses and minuses – we think in this category, since this is not self-hypnosis, and does it contribute to the correct analysis of the situation? Where it has departed, has it arrived? First we find out what mental health is and who or what takes it away, then we take measures for prevention and recovery? If you compare your favorite business or something that someone lives with a chair, is it worth knocking him out from under him sitting on it, and he immediately has depression and loss of meaning in life? Where are they, radically new ideas at the level of the achievements of modern science to curb what is called aggression? Lawyers say that you can’t release it – prison, psychologists say that you can’t release aggression, since its containment and accumulation in the end can lead to inappropriate behavior, or there are legal ways to release aggression – for example, by writing what is called a secret denunciation or official statement on the offender? All that some psychologists say is dogma or just working hypotheses – do you yourself need to personally be in the «shoes» of everyone to give the right advice? There are many causes of aggression: one of them, when some needs that are different for everyone are not satisfied – in some it is basic, in others it is superbase? The more needs a person has, the greater is his chance to become aggressive when they are not satisfied? When does what is called kindness and good mood end in everyone? What will happen if you create a state and educate people in it with a large number of requests and needs that first satisfy, and then stop satisfying these needs and requests? Those called neurotics are people with unmet needs? The one who is called neurotics, alcoholics and drug addicts are ideologically crushed people? A revolution in the brain, or instead drugs and alcohol – how to change the wrong thinking that leads to the use of alcohol and drugs? One is told about the elephant – he thinks «Elephant and money», the other is said about the elephant – he thinks «Elephant and love», the one who is called a neurasthenic is told about the elephant – does he think that the elephant will think about it or say it? Some say that xenophobia – the difference between their own and others – is built into most biological creatures, do we read the work «Aggression» by the zoopsychologist Konrad Lorenz? The film «Brain Games», which was shown in May 2018 on the Psychology 21 TV channel, speaks of a certain warrior gene, if not mistaken with the name, NAOA, that supposedly those who are called psychopaths have it, and those whom they call normal, if the meaning of the film was correctly understood, it should not be – but what about the fact that not one of the thousands who had to communicate in the army, in prison and outside these organizations, in which a large number of people are concentrated who grew up without a father was not aggressive, and aggression was manifested only about Are those who grew up in a complete family, with father and mother, parents and the environment educate and educate, or do genes still indicate a line of behavior, or a combination of genes and environment? Again, based on information from the movie «Brain Games», are there more people who are called psychopaths in business organizations in one country than among the population of the whole country? There is no resentment, just as there is no scamming – these terms are just a product of competition among people for a comfortable existence: you don’t like that someone wrote a complaint against you, so he is a scumbag or is he a resentment? If the law does not allow «breaking off» the offender physically, find loopholes to «break off» the source of irritation psychologically? In order to provoke the necessary reaction of someone to something, you just need to name the same thing in different ways, for example, not litters, but sparring partners? Having chosen the way of writing what is called complaints, the main thing in life, you may encounter the fact that when you retire, you won’t even have a money «hitch», because you devoted all your time to writing letters, but not to saving money? Those who are called non-self-sufficient and spoiled people always blame someone for their problems – is resentment inherent in them? What is it, the prevention of what is called crimes on an emotional basis – is it for you in the face, and are you for it in freedom or in its money? How to behave in a decent society, and does it even exist? Is flashing new programs in your head required if you feel psychological discomfort? The former, who is called an alcoholic, will not go past the current one when he asks for money for alcohol, and gives him them – do people help their people, those whom they identify with themselves? A programmer is, more simply, a translator who knows programming languages and translates information into a language understandable by a machine, a person can also be programmed, moreover, it consists of various programs, an example of programming a person with phrases can be as follows: «Not» cool «for someone who is not afraid of death, everyone is cool, since everyone will someday die? ” Each gopher is an agronomist – how many people, so many opinions, or are there those who express opinions and those who listen to them and follow them? Whoever screams and gets nervous, and also drinks alcohol, is called non-self-reliant? They say that healthy lifestyle – sex, sleep, sports?

Lyrics. The report of the man who came from the war: «Please send me to serve in the war zone, because I can not stand the horrors of peaceful life.»

Resentiment (fr. Ressentiment / rəsɑ̃timɑ̃ / «resentment, grudge, bitterness») – a feeling of hostility to what the subject considers to be the cause of his failures («enemy»), impotent envy, «painful awareness of the futility of trying to improve one’s status in life or in society». The feeling of weakness or inferiority, as well as envy towards the «enemy» leads to the formation of a value system that denies the value system of the «enemy». The subject creates an image of the «enemy» in order to get rid of guilt for his own failures.

The concept of resentment was first introduced by the German philosopher F. Nietzsche in his work «On the Genealogy of Morality». According to this philosopher, resentment is a defining characteristic of the morality of slaves, which opposes the morality of the masters. Resentiment, according to Nietzsche, actively manifests itself in the «revolt of slaves»: «The revolt of slaves in morality begins with the fact that the ressentiment itself becomes creative and generates values…» – these words, in fact, introduce the concept of resentment.

Resentment is a more complex concept than envy or dislike. The phenomenon of resentment is the sublimation of inferiority into a special moral system.

Source: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Resentiment

Regeneration (restoration) – the ability of living organisms to restore damaged tissue, and sometimes even entire lost organs, over time.

Lyrics: «Such people give meaning to life,» one former military man said ironically about those officials to whom he wrote complaints. Those to whom he wrote were morally and legally unclean bosses; by imparting meaning to life, he meant his complaints and their outcome. «What is this?» They asked him, pointing to written envelopes with information about illegal activities. «These are the instruments of education that violate the laws of the big-bellied and pot-bellied – I am the second teacher of Makarenko, Makarenko 2».

Lyrics: some go to trainings to become a leader and to develop leadership qualities – dismiss your boss from work with complaints revealing his possible immoral and illegal weaknesses, and then your wings will «grow», you will «fly» crowded with endorphins, you will have something like a «star» disease – and so you will become a leader?

Once again that in each situation there are both «cons» and «pros». Call any situation that has a minus sign, and there will be pluses, for example, you were fired from work – this is from the category of what can be classified as minus, but there is a plus in this, because the loss of the old is an acquisition new: where it departed, it arrived. In this regard, ideally, no one should accumulate negative emotions on anyone (referring to those who caused troubles in life (minuses)), since offenders can also bring «pluses» (there are no situations with radical cons when they beat someone half to death). But human nature dictates its own – negative emotions in relation to the offender accumulate in many people.

An example of analysis for the pros and cons of serfdom and its absence: according to historical data, after the abolition of serfdom among former serfs, general alcoholism began after they gained freedom. Pluses – while the serfs were serfs, their owners controlled their behavior, therefore, alcohol was not so accessible, and health due to alcohol did not deteriorate, the liver was not threatened with cirrhosis. Cons – harm to physical health due to the use of alcohol because of the freedom gained.

So at work, as long as there is work, there are bosses who do not give large quantities of alcohol to anyone who is interested in drinking, as soon as there is no work and bosses, what begins is called alcohol abuse, which is clearly not a healthy lifestyle. When there is so much work that you don’t like that there is no time to fulfill your needs, then it’s better to find a job in which the realization of your needs will become your work.

An example of an analysis of the pros and cons in legal and commercial senses in the presence of the criminal article «Speculation» (that is, reselling something) in the criminal code of the USSR, and after the collapse of the USSR in the absence of this article: pluses – while commerce was considered speculation, and for this it was possible to go to jail, those involved in illegal trade were very few, respectively, the profits from this type of activity were huge due to the lack of a large number of competitors. Cons – as soon as the article «Speculation» was canceled, and a lot of people started to trade, every entrepreneur’s profits from trading fell, and some were forced to quit commerce altogether.

Therefore, we recall once again that in each situation there are pros and cons.

Attention, this is an affirmative sentence: you do not need to commit crimes on an emotional basis, only within the framework of the law you need to «get out» to solve emotional conflicts.

According to the author’s personal statistics, it is precisely people from the so-called dysfunctional and single-parent families who commit crimes on an emotional basis – perhaps they simply don’t know and cannot correctly respond to the situation.

Psychologists have projects for the psychological recovery of the population, there is even one that says that emotions should not be restrained, but everyone is inclined to interpret this in their own way, judging by the news according to which crimes are committed around the world on an emotional basis – starting from bodily harm damage, ending with murders, but emotions can not be restrained in other ways, while not committing crimes and at the same time maintaining and restoring their psychological balance, because the main thing is to force the body continue to produce endorphins, when there was an obstacle to this, if not, then some pleasure hormones will be produced artificially by vodka or drugs? Living in harmony with nature in a psychological sense is to do what you want, because it was nature that created your basic needs in you? Some do not grow claws and teeth in a psychological sense, so is it difficult for them against the background of those who have them? Higher forces probably want competition among people, and people themselves call the presence of competition the engine of progress, which is why the human body produces endorphins if someone defeats someone or someone over something, like someone defeated someone or something, internal opiates are immediately developed, for example, you went through an interview for a job you really wanted, or you won a fight with someone, or you discovered some kind of scientific formula – and you just «Fly» after this, but not go, this happens in animals, for example measures, after a fight for the territory, the higher forces award the winner with a portion of the internal hormones of pleasure, how does the trainer treat his pet with delicious food, do the higher forces show us the path and the correctness of action with endorphins? How to restore psychological imbalance caused by insult without breaking the law? Anyone can become the director of their internal high-plant? Someone else’s inconvenient behavior is called syndromes and diagnoses for someone else – if someone began to actively try to attract attention, then they immediately call it Munchausen’s syndrome or there are no syndromes, and they were invented to «break off» those who wants to intentionally or inadvertently «take someone’s bread», depriving him of his work by his behavior? Not litigation and a trial between someone, but a struggle of ambition? I heard on the bus how two women spoke among themselves, one told the other that her daughter had a bad husband, that he only drinks whiskey, even when there is no money for whiskey, he doesn’t drink cheap alcohol, he borrowed money from people for expensive alcohol, to which she answered that it’s infantile that it was necessary to marry her daughter to a military man, since there is psychological testing when hiring, and civilians with a majority of mental defects, supposedly the state takes the best to their service – is it true or is it about a variety of personalities, one of oryh suitable for a single case, for each other? The one who hit you is not cool, he just has not «broken off» in his life yet – some do not understand their weakness, and some do not understand their strength? Those who have no obsession with anything or at least a passion for something are worried about something: take an example from scientists, are they obsessed with science, and are they not interested in the rest? Express dissatisfaction in a civilized way? Angry but not sinning? How to get a diverse life experience, you need to meddle in all places and situations, even in those in which everything is alien to you?

Angry, do not sin: let the sun not set in your anger.

(Eph. 4:26)

Affirmative sentence: if you are ambitious, you don’t have to commit a crime against the background of any super-valuable idea, at all times super-valuable ideas are different: write books, for example, about your thoughts related to your life experience of your time, pass on information about how to solve problems to others, so that others do not spend time searching for this information – this will satisfy your ambition and will serve the good of civilization and progress, because people will have more time to devote to their work, and the work will be better, as a person will t be in the comfort zone, which will bring the fastest progress. Everyone is fenced off from unnecessary information that forms an overly emotional and impressionable personality, but what to do when such a personality is already formed? Some «tear» the «roof» from some situations, others do not, it all depends on how you perceive something – astronauts feel comfortable in space, although for many, what they do is unattainable from the point of view psychological capabilities?

«I know what a human heart is, it always beats faster in honor of the winner,» – Professor Ramonte (Rolf Hope), TV series «Octopus» (La piovra, Italy, 1984—2001, directors Damiano Damiani, Florestano Vancini, Luigi Parelli, Giacomo Battiato).

In Russian, there is the word «zapadlo» – this is a synonym for the word «problem» or a synonym for the word «disgust» in the normative vocabulary: some computer programs, when you do not pay money for them, make «zapadlo» – a problem in the form of limiting the possibilities of working with them and pop-ups with an offer to register and pay.

It seems that classical psychology is becoming bolder and even beginning to give such advice that earlier could be attributed to unspoken (to those that only parents could give in the kitchen) or anti-pedagogical – I mean such advice as not to restrain one’s emotions who has them.

You watch the news from some places, in this news they say that someone killed someone with an ax in the apartment, that someone killed someone from the city administration and shot himself or the client was offended by the remark of the administrator in the cafe about the ban on smoking in the hall, left and returned with a weapon from which he killed the administrator – the question is, why? He could give him problems by simple complaints, for example, to the sanitary-hygienic service, pointing out the shortcomings associated with non-compliance with sanitary-hygienic standards, and next time he could amuse the «burrows» by allowing him to smoke, since the complaint could lead to inconvenient checks (even if there were no violations), as well as the possible material costs of the cafe owner. What to do to those who at the forensic psychiatric examination have been called a person with an unstable psyche and impaired pride? 100% of those who resort to physical influence on the offender, either from an incomplete, or from a rich, or from the so-called dysfunctional family, but they all have one thing in common – they do not know how to take revenge on the offender under the law and thereby preserve their mental equilibrium? It doesn’t matter if you were spoiled if you grew up in an incomplete family, your grandparents or other relatives or didn’t indulge, there may be one conclusion: you probably don’t have any information on how to react in case of emergency, and therefore you may not be the so-called social competence? Is law revenge (writing a statement or complaint) the best psychiatric session without negative consequences for your future? Those who are from an incomplete family or, as they say, from a dysfunctional family, must be at least at the same level with those from a complete and so-called decent family in order to compete with them, but sometimes it turns out the other way around? Each social group has its own threshold of tolerance, for example, the scandalous neighbors will endure for a long time the workers who live with them in the same staircase, and not for long any leaders? Not all girls and guys need only money – is this again a specific social group?

In almost any public catering institution, there are a lot of violations in each area, both in the sanitary sector and in the legal one, this is like a person – not everyone complies with the law and generally accepted norms of behavior, moreover – the situation could not even reach the point of writing of any complaints, the one who was banned from smoking could verbally warn the cafe administrator in an inquiry form that he would write a complaint, asking in response to the smoking ban, whether everything is normal with observance of sanitary and hygienic standards, whether fire safety rules and so on. Here, the cafe administrator would have already started to think differently in the «they choose the lesser of two evils» mode, the visitor could influence, in scientific terms, the neurochemical processes in the brain of the person making a remark, but he chose to shoot him and went to jail for a long time. There are laws and legal ways to defend their interests, but not everyone knows how to use it, act as if they do not exist, and it is impossible to do otherwise. And most importantly: some say that they applied for help to law enforcement agencies, but no one helped them. This happens, and this is due to the fact that there is no evidence base, which is especially difficult to collect in such a crime as fraud. Therefore, in addition to the statement, it is necessary, if possible, to bring proof of someone’s guilt so that the word does not turn out against the word, this means the word of the person who made the statement, against the word of the one on which it is written, and he, naturally, if not a fool, he will deny everything. Evidence can be: audio recording, video recording, witnesses, etc. Lent money to someone, he doesn’t give it back, ask him when he will give it back, and make an audio recording of what he will answer if he answers what he wants to give, but not yet maybe then there will be no fraud composition, you can even not make an audio recording.

All of the above happened due to the lack of information on how to react correctly in a given situation, due to the fact that none of the family members or anyone else taught the shooter how to, without breaking the law, restore the psychological imbalance caused by hurt pride – the question is, where are the coaches who conduct trainings on this topic, where are the psychologists who teach this?

And there are a lot of such cases in the media: killed a neighbor during a quarrel or a pensioner set fire to the city administration building, and there are situations when what is called «splashing out» of internal aggression on oneself – suicide after not finding a common language with someone.

Nobody thinks that it is possible to write a complaint, or does not understand how painful it can be for the same official, if we are talking about problems that have arisen in relations with public servants (the main thing that will be written in it), which can be deprived of a bonus, work or even sent to prison if he violated the law by his actions or inaction. Sample words of the correspondent Paul Dick (Aleksey Petrenko) from the movie «TASS is authorized to declare» (USSR, 1984, director Vladimir Fokin): «… the one who is doused with shit is to blame, and then let him launder himself…».

Some of those who tried to solve problems by the so-called civicized way, through a written complaint against someone who occupies any position, argues as follows: he wrote, but he worked and works, but he works works, and his career growth can stop, and he will sit in his post until retirement, something like a well-known saying will happen – an eternal lieutenant, so that, as they say, we dig deeper in our reasoning.

We can say that what then are the psychological interests of civil servants, because they get hurt after writing a complaint by a citizen about his actions or inaction – this is the cost of production for a civil servant, and he must eliminate the shortcomings, as well, as a rule, civil servants go through a psychological testing for aptitude, that is, a civil servant a priori should be a person with what are called strong nerves, that is, he came home from work and forgot about everything – not a stuck person.

The core on which the unspoken psychology is based is education, as in classical psychology, although some of those who got acquainted with this material said that the main thing in this material is to give «change» – as in a physical fight, only in psychological I mean, without going beyond the legal framework, to respond to the verbal «slap in the face» with the verbal «slap in the face», within the legal framework or in other legal ways, if someone did not answer the offender in a way that does not go beyond the law (he left the battlefield), then he, average person but sometimes a neurasthenic, his self-esteem has already decreased, and, accordingly, for the one who insulted, it has increased (this is an example of when one enjoys in a way that is considered inadequate, i.e., pleasure is obtained from behavior that is considered inadequate – in this case insults).

The second option is how to «give back», without responding to the verbal «slap in the face» with the verbal «slap in the face» – the person was insulted, calling him insulting, with a word and he must legally explain that the one who insulted is himself what he called the other, for example, they insulted someone, he gathered evidence that he was insulted, filed an application with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they gave the offender a fine and explained in such a way that he was not special and no better and no worse than those around him, that he, as they say, the same member of society, like everyone else, and no more and no less, with the same pr Avami and, most importantly, responsibilities, because if everyone has only rights, then the development of civilization will stop and even go backward, and almost all people are already spoiled by civilization.

«… when the intellectuals fight, the secret police get stronger …”, – quote from one of the heroes of the film «Major Whirlwind», director Evgeny Tashkov, USSR, 1967. How correctly this phrase was understood, but it probably means what they call scamming.

Some at their work sell for money their «swallowing» foreign aggression against themselves? On October 12, 2018, the Psychology 21 TV channel, at about 6 p.m., according to the program for this day, immediately after the end of the 9th series of the film «At the Origins» showed a screensaver with an aphorism: «The one who wins the war will never stop fighting», i.e., he enters into a rage. Further, in a several-minute insert, the psychologist advises the following: aggression needs to respond to aggression, supposedly not an aggression response to aggression, «swallowing» of someone else’s aggression, subsequently leads to the formation of the psychology of the loser. In this case, aggression is understood, for example, vulgar behavior, expressed in the demonstration of disrespect for the interlocutor in keeping his hands in his pocket, etc. Question: how, without breaking the law, no one speaks with aggression to aggression? By the way, in the 9th episode of the film «At the Origins» psychologist Charles Cake gave an interview and talked about his book «The End of Materialism». As far as we know, this book criticizes the theory that everything came simply from something and it is not clear for what. One can only add, or rather, another theory that the meaning in life is not in a particular, but in a deep, general understanding, some do not see because we are in the likeness of a computer game, where we are controlled with the help of pleasant and unpleasant sensations, but in private, as already mentioned, everyone has their own meaning of life – someone in inventing computer programs, someone in need of attention to it by all or people of a certain gender?

Any irritation, and rage, and anger, and screaming, and slander

with all malice may they be removed from you.

(Eph. 4:31)

Will be deleted, but how?

«To suffer without meanness is not possible», – the words, attributed to Tiutchev FI

«You will never go all the way to the end if you stop to throw a stone at every yapping» dog, «the words attributed to Winston Churchill are again cognitive dissonance, and again only those who are predisposed to this must answer, and if you answer everyone, you will not complete your mission in full or in full?

Affirmative sentence: people are spoiled by civilization, and therefore, in order to stay in it, they are forced to sacrifice something unambiguously, for example, to restrain what is called the animal principle, this is a need for pleasure from what is called emotional behavior (aggression and sexual attraction), people are also forced to restrain themselves from taking drugs that give pleasure (alcohol, drugs): everyone understands that people who are drunk from alcohol and drugs are the end of civilization, in the end even that t razrueniyu civilization – alcohol and drugs – poyavolis thanks to progress.

Some governments compete with each other, in their country they disseminate information that contributes to the creation of civilization and stability, in countries with which they compete for power, they disseminate information that contributes to the inhibition of civilization? The governments of some countries are sensitive to the fact that people watch and hear (this will be discussed below), protect them from harmful, in their opinion, information, in this case related to the suffering of other people, as a result, many who experience, what is called suffering, believes that his pain is unique, not knowing that there are people who are in a more difficult situation? Again, the governments of some states (as well as the parents of some children), being interested in the maximum life expectancy of citizens, urge them to be careful, but caution may be unnecessary, which leads to what is called phobias and neurasthenia? Is a psychiatrist the one who needs to delete unnecessary information and insert new information? Can restraining emotions, including sexual ones, lead to behavior considered inadequate? Some governments protect against information related to what is called pornography so that those who can watch and read it do not become those who think only about sex, as this, in one of many other options, could lead to the collapse of civilization, after all, some will not be able to build it in full, since their thoughts will be occupied by others? Some who have looked at what is called pornography may have a misconception about gender relations, some think why it’s not so easy to get into a sexual relationship in life, as shown in explicit films, many don’t know that this is because high sexual temperament, shown in materials called pornographic, is achieved through the adoption of porn stars inside sexual pathogens – drugs that increase sexual desire? What to do for those who have undergone sexual propaganda, who have not been able to isolate from this, and what to do for those who have a physiologically high sexual temperament according to gender or for other reasons (it is generally accepted that men have a sexual desire higher than women), how do they feel in a comfort zone in order to work qualitatively for the good of the state and civilization? Is the reason that some married men after 30 years old called alcoholism because girls are not so fond of speaking in simple terms, and this is the main reason for what is called a midlife crisis? Some, in relation to whom there was no what is called quality education, are forced to educate themselves in order to live a quality life, while those who, so to speak, have been raised qualitatively, comfortably earn money and do other actions they need? Values are changing adaptively: the situation is changing – are values changing? The condition when you are making trouble for everyone is called «compensation», which supposedly humiliated such people in childhood, but there is another «compensation», not only from children’s, but from adulthood – for example, when one uncle or aunt writes on their own offenders secret and overt statements and complaints? Psychologists are looking for some workarounds to achieve psychological comfort, but the path to psychological comfort has long been known – act as the soul lies and find out how to come to what the soul wants? You don’t have to think of anything how to «give back» to the offender without violating the law, does this indicate the line of behavior of the characters of various feature films? Some people from single-parent families or from those families that are called dysfunctional do not know how to avenge the law, and therefore they end up in jail? To avenge the law by writing a statement to the offender, is this a psychiatric rehabilitation session? With the right line of behavior and in the presence of the necessary information, the body will develop those chemicals that it produces after the pill, which is prescribed by a psychiatrist? Whoever watched the Soviet film «Prisoner of If Castle» by Alexander Dumas «The Count of Monte Cristo» remembers that Fernant didn’t kill anyone, didn’t go to the psychiatrist for help when Edmond Dantes, and not he, became the woman’s beloved man named Mercedes, and the psychiatrist did not prescribe any psychotropic drugs to restore mental balance, he «cured» himself by writing a denunciation to Dantes and removing him from his living space by sending him to prison: life is a struggle, and you can fight, but only by the law? To remain in the zone of mental comfort and psychological stability, some need to violate what someone has come up with and called moral laws? Elements of the psyche inherent in animals (fear, aggression) are absent or present, but to a small extent among those who are called scientists, which is why they became scientists, since nothing distracts them from this? There are worse denunciations of a bullet (words of intelligence chief Johann Staube (Leonid Bronevoy) from the film «End of Operation Resident» (1986, USSR)) – Larie Phillips and Emil Matasarenu (bank robbers), as well as the like because of their absence the necessary information did a great nonsense by picking up a weapon? The main thing with your actions is not to make yourself worse than it is at the moment by answering the offender in an illegal way? It is true that it is useful to society – does each depend on each other? If emotions are something higher than you and it’s difficult for you to control them, then you need to show them without breaking the law? With a person’s psyche, everything will be fine only when he gives «bruises» to his offenders in the psychological and legal sense, such is the human nature of some people, and when you go against nature, at least psychological discomfort is born, but at the maximum mental illness? Is the guilt of an aggressive information environment and the aggressive behavior of anyone? «Peace atom» and «Non-aggression pact» or something else in relations with each other? Is checking the lifestyle of the person with whom you connect the minutes, hours, days, months of your life the main thing? See who you contact – when you get in touch with someone, you need to predict the consequences, based on the person with whom you are in contact, will there be consequences in any case? One was said this way: «From his youth he was preparing for the army.» Not only can another person bring up a person, but he himself? The average person is not stable, he changes not only over the years of his life, as Felix Dzerzhinsky noted, but can change every day and hour – today he loves you, hates you tomorrow, and he also wears and changes «masks» involuntarily, and therefore Do you need to calculate each of your actions related to communicating with someone? Get ready for the fact that you will change every year, month, day and hour – is this called a «life experience»? Do priorities change with age? A person is changing, quarreling, or just breaking up with someone called a friend – is this normal, has he changed (or are you), has your relationship resource just worked out? Parents should remain in the «game» – do not let bring up a child on the street, do you bring him up? Do not scold the child strongly, do not synchronize his age with his age, because he is younger than you, remember how you were at his age? As some say, an astronaut is three personalities: before flight, during flight and after flight? Non-autonomy in life (lack of psychological independence from other people) can be dangerous in some cases? What did Darwin’s brother want to say with his «Eugenics» – many write only to satisfy their ego with at least something, having shown themselves, or does everyone have a rational kernel? You can become infected with love for the struggle, and this will affect your several generations, since you will not have time to earn the right amount of money for your family? Is strength of mind when there is no cognitive dissonance between the considered animal component (for example, fear) of a person and the considered human component of a person (for example, prudence)? Somewhere those who are called minorities won – is there a fierce competition for lifestyle and for any behavior, including sexual? Who sets the standards, and someone is really abnormal or just trying to impress someone that he is an abnormal psychological warfare everywhere, even in everyday life? The main thing is not to do everything from the molehills – as they say, without panic? John Hobs claimed that everyone is against everyone, but everyone is not only fighting, but also in partnership?

Nature is bloodied teeth and claws.

Words attributed to Charles Darwin.

The words attributed to Tsialkovsky, which he said, referring to why other sentient beings do not visit us: «We will not go to visit poisonous snakes, wolves and gorillas.»

They dismissed and immediately forgot about the place from which they were dismissed – the position of the security officer of the security forces (accordingly, the position of the person before being hired, who passed psychological testing for the presence or absence of excessive emotionality).

There is a work whose creation was commissioned by several researchers of the phenomenon of persecution – this is the book «Psychology of persecution» (Akademik Press Publishing House), which seems to have been attended by 23 researchers, including Dr. Christina Kinvin, Doris Hall. It reveals the reasons for the persecution of someone by someone, psychological portraits of the persecutors, etc. The book states that the persecution may be based on parting with a loved one, beloved, loss of work, etc. Ex-husbands can be targeted, wives, bosses. The initiators of the persecution, i.e., the subjects of the persecution, can be people suffering from schizophrenia, narcissism, alcoholics, drug addicts. The goals of the persecution can be different – for example, if the object is a former boss, then the goal, as a rule, is to do everything so that he loses his social status, that is, so that he is no longer the boss. The methods of persecution are phone calls, etc. It is not known whether the book «Psychology of Persecution» indicates what those who are persecuted, that is, objects of persecution (former chiefs of persecutors, etc.), are they are with mental health, because the bosses are those who have a need to humiliate people? We can conclude that those who are being persecuted «run into» the same people as themselves – with the need to humiliate? If everything is summarized, is it not all simple – what is called persecution comes from what is called envy and anger: does a person just want to «spoil» someone whom he considers an offender? What is criminal prosecution, why does it exist? According to history, do some rulers pursue their rivals?

Ideally, it is better not to get in touch with anyone so that there are no problems, but this is for those who do not need to communicate with someone, and what to do for those who have a need to communicate with someone, for example, with the opposite By sex, is information (which some people don’t have) important again to predict the various consequences of communication?

If communication takes place between a man and a woman, a man should know the average needs of an average woman, for example: a woman who has never been married will need a husband, most women (there are, of course, exceptions, but the majority, as in statistics) in this case they will not start relations with non-free, married men, some men know this and therefore do not always say that they are married. Women who are divorced, with children or married, but with a «bad» husband, usually need a sponsor (they have such a program in place – to ensure the future of posterity). If a free woman meets a man, she will be offended, if he abandons her, she will consider meetings as a relationship, so if a man is married and he needs to communicate with someone other than his wife, he needs to look for a married woman for meetings so that there are no problems and misunderstandings that may arise when dealing with a free unmarried woman. And so on. You can make predictions with information.

The fact was noticed that some people do not believe that the law works, and some do not know how to use it – some do not, so to speak, have instructions for using it. They don’t think about the fact that there is such a thing as a statement on someone’s illegal actions, that there is a prosecutor’s office and law enforcement agencies, and therefore they react incorrectly to various emergency situations in their lives.

Let’s say directly that even the law is based on the principle of punishing (giving «surrender») to the offender, that is, the offender brought you mental or physical suffering, and he must undergo mental suffering because he is deprived of his liberty while in prison. For those who have offended, if I may say so, fair prisoners are guilty of a fair, not releasing the offender to freedom.

For example, «surrender» in the sense that someone reports information about a violation of the law in various areas that occurred by your leadership, which, perhaps from your point of view, has deprived you of your job by driving him out to the street or lowering his social status (writing a message can also be considered a «surrender» of a psychological nature), it’s a kind of pill for recovering from the stress that you got fired, as the hero of the Italian movie Octopus said in one of the episodes of season 7 yayas with your enemy, is a politician, by discrediting of the enemy, the head of a criminal organization Ramonte professor (played its Rolf Hopa): «Once again I feel the power of it comes back to me.» This is how the psyche of some people reacts when a person does poorly in a psychological sense to someone who has done poorly in a psychological sense. This kind of psychological «surrender» in the form of revealing discrediting facts in the life of someone is shown in many films, in the same film «Prisoner of If Castle», for example. Everything happens only with a pen, pencil and paper, no physical strength to anyone. Someone will say that this is a film, but all films are built on real events (according to information from documentaries – Soviet feature films about intelligence were necessarily watched by the enemy’s intelligence services, which means that the intelligence agencies took into account the fact that the films contain a significant percentage of reality), it’s the same in science fiction films, only they describe future events that, as history shows, will come true sooner or later, and the film «Inspector of the GAI» (USSR, 1982, director Eldor Urazbaev), which shows how GAI inspector and his relatives are under pressure for not following the road of unspoken relations between people in society (in the «Reshalov» mode), everywhere «resolved» put him in the way of his principled position in the performance of official duties, in motorcycling classes, where they also got him, they explain to him that he «crossed» the road to one person, the film is «abruptly» in the teachings of those who are called political strategists about some persecution of officials on the heels.

In the film «The Elusive Avengers» (USSR), one of the heroes says something like this: «… I have a debt, I need to return it …”. And after that, he starts to whip the one who beat him – many films say that psychological equilibrium can be achieved only when you make disgust to the one who did it before you – this is the prescription for treating psychotrauma without pills, which will not be prescribed not a single doctor?

Whoever wants to read a sermon to people should not eat more sweetly than they.

The phrase attributed to A.S. Pushkin.

What is the salary of some media workers? The manipulator teaches that life which he himself does not live and does not want to live – does he have his own life, which depends on how the manipulator convinces others of something? A fraudster is one who is looking for people with weaknesses in order to satisfy their weaknesses, for example, he has deceived the one who is called a drunkard (who are usually from incomplete or so-called dysfunctional families), – he bought an apartment from him for cheap, resold and gave a gift to his mistress?

Who is Gene Sharp? How much money do those who own some media own? Combat social technologies, as some people like to call them a phrase that popularizes them, for whom are they created and who are reaping their positive and who are negative about their results? Mass psychology says that she has a simplified perception of something, namely they told everyone from the rostrum or in the media that he is bad, that means he is bad? There is a lot where the destruction of one by the other happens – someone eats someone in the natural sense, eats someone: does a sparrow eat a bug, a sparrow cat? If you do not lie, will civilization disappear? Live to old age – with age comes the system of mega-views on life?

Some of the advice of various ideologists on how to go through life for some people is absolutely unacceptable, especially for causing physical harm to themselves and possible death in connection with this. They completely contradict, to put it mildly, the rules in terms of healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle), so you can read for fun in order to know what you do not need to do in life. We remember that they themselves are not in a hurry to inflict physical harm on themselves and live to a very old age.

There are beliefs that harm their carriers and are usually aimed at young people, since they are easy to manipulate, because some young people want something global. Therefore, all the «downloads» can be clearly divided into harmful and useful for a psychologically and physiologically healthy lifestyle and understand where harmful and where useful come from. Harmful always come from a manipulator, looking, as already mentioned, for a better person, carefully study this issue and make sure that it is so, you can suffer from some tips. Some people in the service of the geopolitical opponents of your state create people with psychological discomfort to «undermine» the system and do what is called the monopolar world, and it’s not profitable for any person, because when there is one world state, they’ll end all rights and freedoms, why – will be indicated below in the material.

We move away from the global and return to everyday life. Here is an example of how the author’s acquaintance «recouped» within the framework of the law after a neighbor made a fake call to law enforcement agencies. He didn’t go and beat anyone, he simply started recalling the «sins» of the neighbor and also voicing them to law enforcement officers, and the «sins» of the neighbor were as follows: he walked the dog in the wrong place, was engaged in illegal entrepreneurial activity (he was selling cars) and did not pay tax on this, arbitrarily built a warehouse under the staircase of the apartment building – this was already reported not in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but in the BTI and in the Ministry of Emergencies, since the construction was illegal, it had to be removed.

Lyrics: they say that in the old days it was possible to go to the camp for denunciation – in those days it was not the evidence base that proved the guilt of anyone, but the «naked» fact of the accusation of the accused, and therefore they could go to jail for a long time after denouncing the neighbor.

By the way, the blood feud was present in the cultures of some peoples – from a scientific point of view, revenge is a justifiable action: one species harms another, and then those whom it harmed harm, since it endangered the physical survival of the one it harmed.

Also, a person seeks to isolate himself in the microworld from those who interfere with his life – destroying pathogenic microbes, without experiencing the slightest sentimentality to them. Why? Because they did not inspire pity for them, and if inspired, how paradoxical it sounds, would he really suffer when he would kill pathogens in himself?

«You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen,» the work «Poet and Citizen,» N. A. Nekrasov.

Reporting a violation of the law is not a crime or an offense, moreover, it is the civil duty of every citizen, and in some cases the direct duty of everyone, without exception, when it comes to crimes belonging to the category of grave or especially grave, in this case, failure to report may occur criminal liability.

The motto on the website of psychological operations is www.psywarrior.com: «Capture their minds and their hearts and souls will follow.» (Sample translation: «Take hold of their mind, and their hearts and souls will follow.»)

Do you need to forget about physical strength in solving any issues? Is modern classical psychology a psychology forbidding people to protect themselves, or is it not so? Is real psychology not just when they say it, but «clash» – only in a psychological sense? Is a real psychologist one who has let everything through life through himself, or maybe a person who hasn’t let anything through himself, except for lectures and books about psychology? Everyone himself is involuntarily a participant in a social experiment and a psychology researcher? To survive, it is not enough for a person to just satisfy his needs for food and other instincts, like in an animal – should his interests, inherent only to man, which animals do not have, be satisfied? The animal unconsciously understands why it is here – it satisfies its instincts, well, but a person needs to do something and love it almost as much as life, otherwise a person does not understand why he is here? What is freedom – is it the possibility of realization of sexual and other instincts, the realization of emotions, or is freedom freedom from the presence of the same instincts and emotions, that is, their absence, is such a dissonance obtained? What freedom can there be if people have a dependence on their biological nature, that is, on instincts? The less instincts and emotions, or if they are, but not pronounced, is it easier to live? Some of this is 50% of the animal (meaning instincts) and 50% of the person (meaning intelligence)? Maybe it’s 60, 70, 80, 90, or even 100% human, and only 40, 30, 20, or 0% an animal, or vice versa, and what happens when something is more and something less? We determine by those places that a person visits, what is more in it – from an animal or from a person? The more you have from the animal, the more dangerous you are in modern society for yourself and others and the more difficult it is for you to integrate into society in a country that is considered civilized? Are all human actions predictable, since they stem from instincts and other well-known needs? If someone at the time of any domestic conflict was drunk, legally he will always be to blame – since a drunk animal is 100% (this is not an insult, but a comparison), and the less sober someone differs from an animal, the more he becomes when drunk? Why do people behave this way and not otherwise – the problem is in physiology? Two days off a week is given to a person to fulfill the needs programmed into him by higher forces, the rest 5 days a week he is engaged in fulfilling the needs of others through him? If a person is not allowed to realize his basic needs, will his psyche «overheat»? I don’t have to act logically, and where to find places where illogical acts will not negatively affect my life – is it possible only in rich countries with good social packages, in other cases illogical acts are a luxury that is fraught with bad consequences?

According to documentaries, such a Soviet surgeon as Nikolai Amosov owns the following phrases: «Man is an animal, since he has biological needs,» «Man is an animal, only with intelligence.»

«… You will make a lot of discoveries, not wanting it yourself …”, – a phrase from the song by Ostap Bender (Andrei Mironov), the film «12 Chairs» of the 1978 version of the USSR (there is also the film «12 Chairs», shot in 1971 in the USSR).

Empiricism is the experience gained in practice – eyes, ears, nose, mouth and skin, in a word, sensory organs? Everyone, in order to survive, uses his life experience, if you do not use it or if it is not there, you can weaken and die? In difficult times and in times of change, do some always have a greater need for coaches and psychics to create pink hurt? Is the industry making money on experience a profitable thing? Everywhere only «cargo», «cargo», «cargo», «cargo» of those who live at the expense of «cargo», and no material assistance? I won’t give money, but will I teach life?

«… and now you need to think with your own brains, and the people are not used to it, he immediately, like a cow on ice, out of the blue… people will begin to move in bundles with their minds…» – exemplary words about the prospects of creating private insane asylums during the changes of one of the heroes of the comedy film «A Nightmare in a Madhouse», USSR, 1990, directed by Nikolai Gusarov.

Accidentally overheard in a bus conversation of two women. First woman: «His wife works, he does not work, sits in the apartment, writes a book.» The second woman: «And what is the book about?» First woman: «About life, but I say, did he even see this life?» From this, the conclusion is – can everyone be called psychologists who teach how to live – have they ever seen this life? Of course, in order to tell someone, you need to go somewhere, and not only in some places, but also in various situations, or chat with someone who has visited somewhere.

«… futurologists,» who don’t know real life, were clearly in a hurry.»

Excerpt from the article by Andrey Mukovozchik «Continuous Futorology» published in the newspaper «Sovetskaya Belorussia» (Belarus Today) No. 12 (25399) dated January 18, 2018.

Who is closer to real life – a psychologist, futurologist, or a person who does not have a diploma of the first and has nothing to do with the second, but who has been to various places and situations? Is a real psychologist and futorologist the one who is as close to life as possible, and not hidden from it? Why are there suicides? The psychologist must be a leader, otherwise how will he lead people if he, under certain circumstances, can be one of those who need to be led? The best psychologist is the one who is called a strong spirit person: do people «absorb» their qualities and line of behavior when communicating with him? Psychologists can be divided into theorists and practitioners: the theoretician is the one who deals with psychology in the office, the practitioner is the one who is in practice? Futurologist Alvin Toffler, who, according to his biography, went to work as an installer to learn about life from the inside out? Relations between people can be divided into sea waves: the first, second, third, fourth, etc.? One of the directions in the study of psychology is to try everything on yourself – who wants to try on «alien» shirts, having been in situations that ordinary people encounter? A strong one who does not have what are called weaknesses? A smart one who has weaknesses and can satisfy them? According to the phrase attributed to Guy Julius Caesar, is everything an experience teacher?

Psychologists, undoubtedly, without irony, smart people, transpersonal psychology, team building (team building), tests by Lusher, Eysenck, they have a lot of serious psychological discoveries and works, among which, as popular science films tell, for example, a woman is excited by tactile touches, and the man from what he saw (how this will help to survive, for example, a hungry and apartmentless guest worker at a construction site), it turns out that the psychology of some psychologists is for a certain social stratum, while those who work are guest workers om and sleeps in a transport car, sometimes feeding lice on himself, everything is fine, since a migrant worker a priori can’t have everything bad, he’s a guest worker, so he’s fine, maybe the migrant workers are all right in the psychological sense, maybe, they are all strong in spirit, because the profession itself requires the presence of fortitude.

Psychologists are literate, but, unfortunately or joyfully, not all of them know the life, the life of a migrant worker, a homeless person, an unemployed worker, perhaps to become a good practical psychologist, and not a theoretician, you first need to work on a construction site as a helper, in a factory as a machine operator – to find out what kind of «bread» is what people say, as many Nobel laureates in the field of medicine did: they tested everything on themselves, endangering their lives, infecting themselves with diseases and trying to cure themselves of them with their invention.

There are words that are attributed to Felix Dzerzhinsky: «Whoever didn’t sit in solitary confinement has nothing to talk about» (by the way, such famous people as pilot Valery Chkalov, film actor Georgy Zhzhenov, singer Alexander Novikov, hero were in prison or on guardhouse Kotovsky revolution, and they probably are real psychologists, only without diplomas). You can rephrase the words of Dzerzhinsky – «who did not work at the construction site, with that…» or «who did not experience deprivation, with that …", so no matter how loudly it is said, you can probably go from the Old Testament to the new, in this case, in the sense of psychology, or to supplement existing psychology with psychology that helps to survive such as the same homeless and hungry guest worker, differentiate psychology for different people, since everyone has different problems, they are not universal, because classical psychology is probably about it definitely doesn’t say anything.

The inscription on the logo of the unit of psychological operations: «Persuade change influence» (approximate translation: «Influence changes belief»).

How to find a remedy for what is called stress, without side effects – incorrectly released what is called emotions, and has already broken the law? Higher powers gave instincts and other programs of behavior, but did not give methods for their implementation? Aggressive people are no less free than in prisons, they just, unlike those who are in prison for crimes committed on an emotional basis, know how safe it is to throw aggression, for example, in what is called complaints and denunciations (by anonymous letters) – this makes it possible to restore the psychological balance to those who have been offended, without resorting to physical impact on the offender. The states and the people living in them, «banned» some actions psychologically (moral) and, just in case, legally (laws) for those who are not affected by morality and beliefs? In one of the feature films about the war, a soldier took a cartridge in his hand and said something like this: «This (cartridge) is for those who are not affected by» beliefs». Sometimes you have to use force to those who are not affected by beliefs? If you consider yourself serious, and if, for example, you listen to the radio and believe everything they say, are you not serious anymore? Each consciousness has its own torture – for some, torture is an ugly hairstyle, for others is torture being in prison? Make muck – get joy, or the antidote for stress has long been known, should the psychologist give the necessary information to restore psychological stability, as the doctor needs the right medicine? The behind-the-scenes psychology prevents mental problems (you got naughty, and you spoke out) and heals them, while the classical one is not quite capable of this and deals, as a rule, with the consequences of stress, and not with warning it (you got naughty, and you «Swallowed» without responding to rudeness)? Is behind-the-scenes psychology a kind of «wild West,» an area of psychology that is not yet officially used? Is classical psychology transformed into coaching and motivational oratory or is it just inventing new phrases by ambitious people to emphasize individuality, and is there really no difference between classical psychology and everything else, or is there? An example of the actions of the unspoken psychology is given in the film «Prisoner of If Castle»? Judging by the actions of the heroes of the film «Prisoner of If Castle», psycho-technologies for healing have long been known, why was it necessary to reinvent the wheel again in the form of psychology, and even which rides poorly? There is no stress at work, if there is stress, then this work is not for you? There is no stress, since stress is only someone’s personal perception of a situation as stress? It is necessary to make sure that no one defeats you, you need to get a job where you feel like a fish in water: choose a place where we will be the first, not the second? Is life cruel to those called tender? If you don’t like people (it happens), you need to isolate yourself from them or find a job where you work alone? Live yourself and do not disturb others? If they will listen to the speaker, then only then will he be a speaker, without listeners there is no speaker, without listeners there is no psychologist and there are no other experts on life? The suite is made by the king – if everyone considers the king to be a king, then only then is he a king? Are angry, vengeful people usually sentimental? Voodoo doll and black magic – «yesterday’s snow» and self-hypnosis, denunciation (anonymous letter) with real facts pointed out in it by someone, is this the Voodoo doll and black magic? There should be books with unofficial (unofficial) information (or etiquette) with the information that is given to children in families considered normal according to generally accepted canons and not given in other families, such books can be given to those whose problems the state could not solve through psychologists etc., for example, to people suffering from various addictions, since people with addictions will sooner or later stumble on a wall of social misunderstanding, such a book is something like the «Field Charter» of an army unit, which briefly states what is needed for lat in order to fulfill the mission and survive? If books with information about the real structure of the social system and about other things that help people correctly understand what is happening and survive, these books do not always want to be sold in bookstores, they can be sold in specialized places, for example, in pharmacies for those who were not helped by the classical psychological help, or can the same psychologists and psychiatrists write to their clients who are confused in life’s labyrinths so that they can find a way out of this labyrinth? Deprogramming from unsuccessful programming – is this when the new replaces the old? Is the information in this material the information that should at least be voiced? Offend the weak – well done against the sheep, and against the well done the sheep himself? When you are weak, everyone attacks you, when you are strong, you have no conflicts with anyone, and nobody touches you – is a lame duck always in greater danger than healthy? Are they afraid of making the bold their enemies, but they are not afraid of making the timid one their enemies? When someone was fired, is there no longer power over him who fired him, or is his influence limited at best, which gives certain opportunities for the dismissed person? After the fight, waving their fists? It is generally accepted that some people in creative professions have a psychopathic personality type – it is believed that some artists self-medicated, unconsciously used what is now called art therapy for treating or stopping their psychopathic conditions, whereas about denosotherapy (anonymous therapy) or intrigotherapy and recognition of these terms officially scientific and psychological, it’s not a secret that many people use this to restore psychological balance? Rezanuli and does not overgrow – how to make a psychological wound overgrow? You need not look for ways to fulfill your needs, but learn to manage yourself – again, cognitive dissonance? What is the lordly attitude towards people? How to deal with what is called «socially unapproved norms of behavior»? Having two rather than one job gives an independent position: is it noticeable that those who constantly have two or more jobs do not «break down» and work out to retirement? If you work in the civil service, and at the same time you or your relatives have a business, then you have a quiet life and career? Ikar’s syndrome is when an overly self-confident boss, who has never seriously broken off before in life, with inclinations called sadistic, runs into a subordinate who looks like himself, dismisses him, and then he writes complaints about him and «drags him» in court, until the fired boss is fired? For any boss, a dismissed subordinate can cause trouble, since he now has no power over him, and the former subordinate has nothing to fear, since he will no longer be fired and since he has no job? Is any team an aggressive environment or at least fair competition with each other? Confidence is transferred from one to another, like a baton in a baton – defended your own, and you are full of confidence, lost, and you have a bad mood? Can you concede in anything if this contributes to further victory? Does everyone talk about everything that happened at their previous place of work when they «drop out» of the cage (when they no longer work there)? If you are not mistaken, it was in the comedy «Dog in the Hay» filmed in the USSR that one of the heroes of the film (a hired artist) said something like this: «The boss is the person who, when he’s the boss, needs to carry the pot and knock him over the head of this pot when he is no longer the boss»?

«Anyone who has shamed a great power will never be safe. As long as people are obsessed with revenge, they will set precedents that they are not good at joking with, «the phrase from the movie Terminal F about Edward Snowden.

The inscription on the logo of the unit of psychological operations: «Win the mind win the day» (approximate translation: «Win the mind – win the day»).

The public demands the resignation of the Telecoms management (the name of the organization was changed for legal reasons, the similarity in the name to any organization is an accident) after a wave of suicides that swept through the company.

The information obtained from Internet resources and other media outlets indicates that at least 20 employees of the company committed suicide in a year and a half and that the company’s leader was allegedly to blame – it is asked, someone wants to say that none of these employees went for help to psychologists or psychiatrists? Definitely had to go, given the Western European mentality announced in the media, where it is considered the norm to go to psychologists and psychiatrists for psychological help, well, did this help those who committed suicide? It can be seen that there is definitely no, well, if there really was a problem in the leadership, then the same Fernand, a character from the work of Alexander Dumas, showed how to solve this problem (we repeat – why it’s been known why to reinvent the wheel). There, as they say, it’s a matter of technology, there would be a person, but there would be a criminal code article, could psychologists and psychiatrists give such advice to those who turned to them for help from Telecoms? Of course, no, who can imagine a psychologist or psychiatrist who gives advice to his client to write a denunciation (anonym), for example, about the violation of the law by the boss, which is the reason for his psychological discomfort and even the reason, as in this case, of suicidal behavior, but write to the head there is that, «clean» people do not exist, and the one who doused with shit is to blame, and let him then launder. And the head of Telecoms, according to the media, «jumped» from the accusations against him, saying that he was just doing his job, demanded from his subordinates, and they just got so weak on their own.

Nobody wants to say that all the bosses from the category of those who are considered sadists are just as wrong to say that all teachers or pediatric doctors are pedophiles or all pathologists are necrophilia, just people with the above oddities, as they say, are looking for professions that bring them as close as possible them to the possibility of realizing these oddities.

The bosses are needed to organize the activities of people, there are simply those who enjoy insults and humiliations of someone, while the insults and humiliations are not related to work processes. There are those who are called sadists and who have found for their oddities a suitable profession called a «leader», believing that it justifies their line of behavior.

So who is to blame for the above suicides – the boss or subordinates, who may be those who are called impressionable people, and who themselves are responsible for their deaths? On the topic of human suicide, the hero of the film «Fire Versts» (USSR, 1957, director Samson Samsonov), if not mistaken, was told when he saw the corpse: «Intelligence is a game of imagination». And about the game of imagination, we can recall the children’s writer Korney Chukovsky and his story «Cockroach», where all the animals were afraid of the cockroach, and the sparrow ate it. Soviet cartoons raised in children the absence of cowardice and excessive impressionability, as well as Soviet cartoons brought up mutual assistance. In the cartoon, for example, like «Tom and Jerry», the characters were endowed with qualities such as cunning and resourcefulness. As the saying goes, the king makes an entourage, if everyone recognizes one person as a king, then he exists, like a king, as soon as he is no longer considered him, he is no longer a king: someone just suggested to himself that his boss – a king to whom no responsibility extends, and he is as simple a citizen as the others, no more no less. If you are afraid of someone and recognize his power over himself, then he is the king, until a sparrow flew from the story of Korney Chukovsky.

The inscription on the logo of the unit of psychological operations: «Mutatio animi» (approximate translation: «Change of soul»).

Fear and faith in miracles rule some, and some use it: why wait until scientists invent something to help people – I’ll go to the sorcerers and they promise to do everything quickly? Life is a struggle, and part of this struggle is cunning, is this part of the unspoken psychology? Who and for what is ready to give soul and body? Should a person be prepared for life? Do not swallow the bait prepared for you by manipulators that you or your intermediaries will have to meet in life? You need to be careful with some people who often participate in dialogs and whose work involves communicating with people – can they be the ones they call manipulators? They say that some of those who do not want to work physically find a way out, how do they do this – they begin to «load» people? Most go in «masks» and are afraid to take them off, since they consider it dangerous to remain themselves? Undercover psychology is prohibited or unaware of it, so psychologists and psychiatrists do not learn tricks or they do not know how to trick, then what can they teach? My life – my rules, as I want, and I live? If a person over 30 speaks of highly moral or highly idealistic things, is he either an idealist, or a cunning hypocrite, or crazy? Does a person who is not physically disabled or not in prison have the right to complain about life? Who has a monopoly on convincing someone of something or doesn’t have it? A lot of what wants to influence the human consciousness, and there is a struggle between them? A disabled person lived in my yard, and there were people who didn’t have physical disabilities who came to him and complained «out of friendship» about their life – did they really not understand the situation? He is disabled, and they are healthy, and they still complain about life to a disabled person: whoever complains about life to a person with physical disabilities, is that disabled person mental? What are motivators and demotivators?

As the doctor said in the movie «Fight Club» (Germany, USA, 2000, directed by David Fincher), the protagonist of this film: «Go to where hopelessly sick people are and you will see real suffering». You can see the project «I am shy of my body» (Ukraine).

There is such a person as Nick Vuynich, he is, as it is now called, a motivational speaker, without a doubt he is the one who is called a strong-spirit person, according to the media, he has a rare genetic pathology (phocamelia) from birth, he does not have full hands and legs.

Tips are good, but isn’t eating tips or money a hungry person? Satisfied with the hungry is not a friend? I sang to you, you didn’t dance – the one who is called the manipulator is offended when people don’t listen to him and when people don’t follow him, like rats after a boy playing the pipe in a famous fairy tale? An ideal person is one who does what he needs to do – everyone should be in their place? Study the statistics regarding the right question before making a conclusion, or will you get an unclear result? Any sociological polls can be simple fraud, not true, carried out in someone’s interests, and polls can be conducted with simple «extras» hired for the money to say what the person who hired them needs to say? Remember that everyone lives in legal and psychological restrictions? Psychology is not universal, should psychology be adapted to the country, place of residence or to a social group and to each person? It makes no difference whether or not they perform actions against me that are considered to be manipulation, the main thing is that I feel psychologically comfortable, since on a conscious and unconscious level, everyone is manipulating someone? Which part of any society has more pronounced what is called social maladaptation? Who has to go more than one kilometer of copper pipes, fire and water? One who does not have parents who can qualitatively prepare for life will only succeed in life in the second half, when a person has his own life experience, is it important to remain normal until then? Everywhere hidden motivation and manipulation – you need not to understand the world literally and constantly analyze the incoming information? The puppeteer inside you in the form of endorphins, with the help of which higher powers control you? Do not always believe your eyes and ears, although what you hear is not an auditory hallucination? Hatish, eat, people, wider, what are the words «shibals», these are the words that determine social status? «Give those with whom you can’t do anything, to us,» the state says many different organizations, «we will correct the situation.» There are many who want to set the right path, and soon there will be as many as those who want to set the true path? Does anyone have any problems just because of the lack of necessary information? Where and who replace myths with real information – in the family are parents, and if not there and not they, then in prison? The son of a general cannot become a marshal, since the marshal has his own children: who will help someone who has grown up or is growing up in an incomplete family – an organization to protect a person, or should he help himself, or should people like him help him? Whether you swim or not swim – when you are alone in the sea of life, you need to be more resilient than those who are not alone, and know more than those who are not alone, but here’s the paradox how you will know more, because if you alone, you have no one to tell about all the underwater currents, so you are not a competitor to those who swim as a team? What is risk diversification – if one brother cannot get a job in life, his brother will help him, who will help someone who does not have a brother, sister, father or mother? There are those who lived in a complete family, but they are still «alone» – parents who lived for themselves, make their descendants uncompetitive with the descendants of others? Words inserted into phrases for manipulating people: «so-called», «pseudo», «supposedly», «sort of like»?

We stopped by for an hour! Hello Bonjour, Hello!!! Well, soon love us, you are very lucky!!!

Come hang ears together! Better in a good way

Clap your hands!

An excerpt from a cartoon song

«Bremen Town Musicians» (USSR, 1969).

Sirens are ancient Greek mythical creatures, whose songs are beautiful, and they want to lead people astray swimming on ships, they want to lead Odysseus out of the way with their alluring singing, and to prevent this from happening, according to myth, Odysseus slaughtered his companions on a sea voyage ears waxed, and he tied himself to the mast of the ship.

Earlier, when there were no computers and the Internet, pocket thieves told a crowd of people that a train was flying in the sky, while the crowd was watching, they climbed her pockets.

«Have you ever heard a mason or a machine tool talk about high ideals, only big-bellied and muggy uncles speak about this, as our bosses do, since they can do nothing more than invent fairy tales for adults and voice those tales that need to be voiced at some point, they take them out and put them in, like a disc puts in a disc jockey, and make them work at a construction site, and all their idealism ends, read the fairy tale «How a man fed two generals», like, so called, they think that they «load» people, and think that it’s their calling, but the common man doesn’t need it, he just needs to earn money for a living, youngsters are being carried on their «load», – the words of Vasily’s assistant in a smoking room at a construction site.

Manipulate and manipulate, as a rule, there is no manipulation: one receives one, the other another, which means that one manipulates the other to the same extent as the other with it, just everyone gets what he wants – the seller receives money for the goods, working money for his product of labor – this can also be interpreted as manipulation.

Something already manipulates a person’s behavior, for example, instincts, such as sexual ones, but such manipulations, such as using alcohol and drugs, are not beneficial for a person in the sense that this does not improve the quality of life, but worsens – the body deteriorates, therefore, this is unacceptable, since the essence of the material is psychological comfort without harming the physical.

The material does not speak about the infringement of the rights of any part of society – orphans and not orphans, people who grew up in single-parent families and who grew up in full families are in equal positions with each other, which history proves, just among orphans, people from incomplete families, as a rule, do not have the information necessary for a quality life that is brought up by full families or they do not receive it during the life period during which they are received by complete families, i.e. the necessary information is received late, as the radio signal from because of the big p distances from the emitter to the receiver. And so in any family – in an incomplete, complete, in that where someone grew up with one child in the family – they may not tell what you need to know for a quality psychological life, only, as a rule, in incomplete or in so-called dysfunctional families are more likely that you will not hear what is needed to ensure maximum comfort, again in the psychological sense.

In connection with the above, this material was created in order to increase the standard of living and prolong life (since there are habits that shorten life, which are characteristic, as a rule, for those discussed later in this sentence), mainly those who grew up without parents, people brought up in single-parent families, and others, according to the author, the least socially protected people, which will be discussed below. Therefore, the work is recommended primarily for acquaintance in single-parent families and not having close relatives, since such people, as a rule, do not have unspoken sources of information that they can use, sources that are their relatives. The real story: Andrey grew up in a large family without a father, went to prison, died of heart failure. There are also so-called psychological orphans who seem to live in a complete family, whose members do not have, as they say, bad habits, but they were not given information in this family about, so to speak, a set of unspoken resources of good mood and their products, and also about «secret diplomacy» (recall the film «The Inspector of Traffic Police», which was already discussed), which is present between people in any society, are psychological orphans growing or, if lucky, raised in families, again, as they say, abusing alcohol drinks or among parents living their own lives or arranging their own lives, forgetting about everything else.

The real story: Sergey from a complete family, parents working, studied to be a lawyer, an excellent student «real», not due to the efforts of relatives, dismissed for negative reasons related to the wrong decision of the working moment at work. He knew any right perfectly, but he didn’t possess «underwater» currents.

Let us digress to statistics, why it needs to be studied in the right framework, because there are patterns, knowing which statistics can be used to our advantage, reducing or eliminating the possibility of manipulating oneself by someone. For example, knowing that according to statistics, 8 out of 10 people (80%), when asked to guess any number, they will guess the exact number 7, you will not succumb to a manipulator who will pretend to be a telepath when he says that you guessed the number 7, of course If you are in these 80% of people who must make up the number 7, this is probably due to the fact that the number 7 is considered lucky.

Also, a certain number of injuries occur each year, of course, with errors, but within a certain amount, for example, in one year 13 million, in another 13 and a half million, etc., so that accident is predictable, insurance companies know about it companies and bookmakers, they know how many insured events and winnings will be for a certain period of time. All this information from the series «The main element. Anticipate an Accident», Russia, 2013.

This work can be attributed to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle), not just a physical, but a psychological healthy lifestyle, although, as you know, physical illnesses can result from an unsatisfactory psychological state of a person.

The inscription on the logo of the information operations unit: «Indicium dominates» (approximate translation: «Information domination»).

If the information in this material is interpreted as the norms of healthy lifestyle in a psychological sense, then, according to the healthy lifestyle standards, if you use alcohol or drugs, then you lead or led a psychologically unhealthy lifestyle and because of this you resort to the use of the above psychostimulants? For the leader, the main thing is to set a goal, allocate resources and monitor the execution, or should each boss and manager have a «package» of motivational phrases for subordinates to work with? Failures of those who do not know how to «load» people, on the street, at work and at home? In a family, in order for it to be strong, you need not even «load» your spouse or spouse, but «reboot» from unnecessary downloads (for example, envy to a more successful or successful) that impede the existence of the family? Are there some things that if you haven’t told the family, then there’s nowhere else to learn about them? Words attributed to Otto von Bismarck: «Those who save on schools will build prisons.» Prison – a meeting place for those who did not possess the necessary information?

There is such a thing as a military specialty (those who have experience in military service and a military ID understand what they are talking about), and according to information received from communication with former military personnel, there is such a military specialty, as special propaganda.

They say that a person, sorry for slang, needs to be «loaded», that is, convinced, because someone’s children who take the wrong steps in life are usually the result of their parents not knowing how or «loading them» badly they are incompetent as, as they used to be called, political officers or, as they call them now, deputies for educational work, the result, as the hero of the film «Dostagaev and Others» said (production «Lenfilm», USSR, 1959, directors Yuri Muzykant, Natalya Rashevskaya): «There is nothing daughter in you.» He does not get what he expected from his child, but he expected, judging by his phrase, relations in the «father and daughter» mode, and such relations, it must be understood, are not. «There is nothing sons or daughters» – does this happen when children begin to «load» people from the street or from any other side?

No matter how much you say to the child, «Do not do this,» but if you yourself do what you criticize, the child will do what you will do, and not listen to you? The main thing is to «catch» a train going in the right direction – in the right, in the sense, healthy? Whoever grows up in an incomplete or, as is customary to say, in a dysfunctional family may have the same ambitious goals with those who are in a full and prosperous family, but the paths to them will usually differ? Those who grow up in a full and prosperous family will reach their goals without any loss, since they will give him the right «instructions» at home and prepare them for a clash with reality? They say that some special services of some states set themselves the goal of creating people with a psychologically uncomfortable state on the territory of their geopolitical adversary, which means that they are responsible for the psychological state of people, and someone may have psychological problems not only because of generally accepted situations?

Once again, that, first of all, this material is for those who grew up with one child in a family or in an incomplete family, for those who did not have parents, and we also add that the work is also for emotional people, for those who are called majors, who, as they say, were spoiled and for which, in this regard, the idea of the environment in a psychological sense is not ideally correct, as they say, romanticism (what is called adult childhood) is its own architecture of pseudo-reality, i.e. when in your head your own, unacceptable reality, pseudo reality, and all of this work for those not mentioned about someone, but who is heavier than the other, because of something, in short, for all those who are experiencing psychological distress.

It is also believed that there are people of certain statuses and certain professions, after parting with whom they cannot adapt to new forms of social relations, they say that this, for example, may be a military man who found himself in a «civilian» before he rose to retirement, a prisoner who has spent most of his life in prison and released, etc.

Both in jurisprudence and in psychology need a program of action? Stereotypes are different at different times, then what’s the point of stuffing yourself with stereotypes? They who have grown up in an incomplete family or in the absence of it cannot compete qualitatively with those who grew up with their parents? In some cases, people’s psychological experiences are related to their inconsistency with modern social standards, but people come up with standards, and can everyone set their own standards? Whoever is called stronger in spirit sets the standards? What are called fortitude, is taken from the correct idea of the surrounding reality?

In general, the presence of normal, it must be emphasized, normal parents in the generally accepted sense – this is the right program of action for their child in all stages of his life cycle, which they give him, and this correct program of action gives positive results again for their child.

Heard about a man who is classified as a major, he had a rich father by the standards of the region where he lived, and the bandits used it, they promised to make him thieves, luring him in parallel with money, and he asked them when he will become thieves, to which he received the answer that he will soon become.

The source of information for people like those who grew up in single-parent families and in the other cases mentioned above is usually people who are not their relatives, as they don’t have either a father or an older brother, sister, mother or no one at all, who could give advice, also the source of information in this case – some media, films trying in most cases to manipulate the above people (and not only them) with unprofitable consequences for the manipulated (for example, popularization of the illegal image life, the result of which may be a prison, is not warned about this, as about the dangers of tobacco or alcohol on the labels from them, before the movie about the bandits begins, it is not indicated that if you repeat everything, you can go to jail), forming with him manipulation of a distorted understanding of reality (the term «Pepsikol generation» has been heard by many), which subsequently interferes with the quality of the so-called social adaptation as a result of misunderstanding or misunderstanding of what is happening.

Simply put, when there are no normal relatives, the creation of a program of a child’s line of behavior does not occur through their advice, but through those who try to manipulate others around them arbitrarily or involuntarily, for example, through criminals who lure, as they say, children from dysfunctional families.

Manipulation can be through hidden and non-hidden advertising – it can be alcohol advertising (hidden advertising is when many scenes in the cinema are an order for the director of the producer of any product, in this case, if we talk about alcohol, the order for the director is a scene for drinking produced by the company that ordered the director a scene with alcohol, on the bottle with alcohol there will be a label of the customer’s company, in the cinema they will drink alcohol of this particular producer) or the manipulation can take place across the street – this is popular tion violation of the law, about this already, in principle, and said, manipulation is certainly present in various organizations.

By the way, the presence of relatives for someone is not only the information they receive from them about how to survive, the relatives are also «pulling» – they help to survive, forcing, for example, the boss of the one who has these relatives, the so-called “ secret diplomacy» works, Well, an orphan does not have such luxury.

Let’s talk about internal drugs, which are natural opiates in the human body – are there natural ways to get endorphins and artificial ones? As the song says, «the song helps us build and live»? You need to listen to only a very few, since the «phrases» of some can be dangerous for psychological health – is it better to let the refrigerator win, and not the TV, the apartment, and not the street? How is consumer behavior manipulated in trade objects, in advertising, in the media, in the cinema?

The natural ways of producing endorphins are considered to be listening to music, traveling, eating food, doing what you love, and artificial – using alcohol or drugs.

Any material can be written or read to music. Also, endorphins in someone can cause weather conditions, for example, heat. Therefore, I want to emphasize that it is best to get acquainted with the information in any material or create any material, if possible, while listening to music, or while working, listening to your favorite work – do we remember music in the trading floors of hyper- and supermarkets? It is believed that this contributes to greater sales, a person is introduced into a small, but in a trance or in its weak likeness (a favorite piece of music causes chemical reactions in the body, expressed in the release of internal drugs – endorphins and time begins to flow in a different way. e., as they say, time is relative – when you are pleased, it goes quickly, when it is unpleasant, it stretches slowly). Any sounds, images that can change neurochemistry to a pleasant area are also used to increase sales, you can also pay attention to the fact that in supermarkets and gambling establishments windows are closed, as a rule, with tarpaulin extensions so that visitors to institutions and shoppers in the store are not distracted by what happens on the street, it is believed that this also affects the amount of profit and the volume of sales, but this, as they say, is another story, we return to the dominant essence of the material.

The inscription on the logo of the unit of psychological operations: «Win witn words» (approximate translation: «Victory with words»).

In the modern world there are places where, besides reading a book, there are almost no other entertainments, in some cases, books are forced to read circumstances, after you become a hostage to these circumstances?

Gratitude for the help in creating the material to police officer OPNiON Yu. A. Yuryev, French foreign legion sergeant A. Antonsev, philologist A. I., working as a translator in Asia, human resources inspector A. N. Anttseva, who was serving his sentence in places of deprivation of liberty Strunov E.I., former district police inspector Kotov S.S., seller Vorodina N.L. and many others.

There may be some incorrectness in the material, since there was more ambition to create the material than time, and more than money to correct it in the editorial office of the print publishing house, the goal was to convey information, the rest is secondary.

Everyone should convey and tell what he understood during his life? How can one make a choice without sometimes knowing its consequences – the main thing in life experience? It is impossible to develop standards that will suit everyone, since everyone is different? Many have acquaintances who commit suicide, or acquaintances of his acquaintances, all of these people most likely were assigned to the category mentioned above: from single-parent families, from families that are called dysfunctional? Many of the deceased met with psychologists and psychiatrists – why did they then die? Psychological and psychiatric science can not help in some cases, since it, like any science, is at a certain stage of development? What was previously considered a dermatozoid hallucinosis (for example, the apparent presence of something foreign in the body) is now called morgellon’s disease (parasites in the body) – is science prone to make mistakes even in our time or does it correct old mistakes? What is called the formal approach to blame? Is suicide flaws in the psychological structure or the result of a lack of information, such as how to fight for survival in modern conditions? Is everyone an autonomous warrior? Hoping for the best, getting ready for the worst? Whoever enjoys the so-called eccentric acts is called inadequate? Why do some produce endorphins from socially unacceptable behavior? Problems from the lack of information, objective information? Small islands of happiness amidst large islands of misfortune and shock therapy for those who are already in shock? Whoever is called non-self-sufficient needs an independent wife (husband)?

«Without knowing the truth, you cannot rule,» are the words attributed to Don Reba (Alexander Filippenko) from the film «It Is Hard to Be a God,» USSR, Germany, France, Switzerland, 1989.

A friend had a fight with his wife, she sent him to prison for several days, he went out and resorted to suicide – he hanged himself. Who needed such shock therapy – him? Obviously, this was more for him than something superfluous, and his actions speak of it, and this probably proves that something needs to be changed if, of course, there is a desire. They told the other that he didn’t know how to do anything, so no one took him to work, and he also committed suicide, but if he knew that there are whole countries where none of their citizens work at all, physically, anyway – these are rich states, and there are countries where someone has been living on unemployment benefits all his life, and he has a lot of justifying arguments.

Some have relatives serving in the police force, some have somewhere else, they teach these some whose relatives are how to behave in an emergency or regular situation, and what to do to someone who does not have such relatives, but only has an emergency situation? Go to a lawyer, a lawyer may not give objective advice (as a rule, in some cases this happens, and besides, before you go to a lawyer, you need to find out if he has success in his work, and not be content with simple rumors expressed by someone about him, like he is a good lawyer, and why he’s a good one, it’s not clear, because each profession has its own indicators of professionalism, and such an indicator in the work of a lawyer is, of course, primarily terminated (closed, as they say a) criminal or administrative cases instituted in respect of his customers if there are none, if the lawyer could not stop a single case, ie. e. to prove a person’s innocence, it… not everyone would have gone to such a lawyer who is even slightly inclined to the analysis). And not only because the lawyer does not know something, although this is also possible, and also very often due to the fact that the lawyer can be «confused» (a rough synonym for the word «make friends») with law enforcement agencies or be shy and to be afraid because of this to give practical advice, which also happens quite often, it is difficult to arrive at the expected result.

A familiar lawyer says that the following categories of lawyers can be deduced: those who are afraid of revoking a license for lawyer activity, «deceived» – «friends» with those who protect the law, «businessmen» – those who deliberately give the wrong advice to extend the investigation and consideration of the case, such as by «merchants,» it is not profitable to terminate it before the court, they need the case to go to court, then file a cassation appeal with a higher court, take money for it, then file a supervisory appeal and again take money for it. Again, from the words of a friend, some lawyers are afraid to give bold advice that could really help their client, some lawyers think that they can get a license to practice law from them, but what will happen in reality, they will take the license away or not – not known. Probably the same with psychologists.

You watch the news on television, and they say that someone in a mission went to some poor country of a poor continent and there he began to show what is called a sexual perversion to the local population, but there was nothing, since its manifestations were not in a country considered civilized, but somewhere there. It turns out that someone who is prone to unacceptable behavior in a country called civilized can go to other so-called uncivilized countries to realize his extraordinary mental inclinations?

It turns out that a psychologist can advise someone to go somewhere, where there will be no responsibility for any actions that are considered unacceptable in a civilized country, that is, there are people who are in a comfort zone, only doing what deduces from the comfort zone of other people around him, and they can go to a place where they will have nothing or almost nothing. But will a psychologist advise such a thing, in the sense of leaving someone somewhere and realizing there that is prohibited in his country of residence? That is, according to news from the TV, some are faced with the choice of either languishing from unrealized, illegal fantasies that others do not have, either being treated as modern science can cure them, or going somewhere and doing what they want.

Psychological issues are almost always intertwined with legal ones, therefore a person’s problem is usually both legal and psychological, therefore it should be solved, as in medicine (in some cases), by several specialists, it’s like a consultation of doctors of various specializations who solve the problem with the health of one person, and where to get such a consultation from a psychologist and a lawyer to a person who came to the psychologist for help? A psychologist cannot be both.

Among my acquaintances, as already mentioned, four people, each from different regions, committed suicide in the process of creating this work, some died from drug and alcohol use, I also know that half of all who died are mentioned above, went to psychologists, to narcologists and other health workers. What then is the cause of death, psychology or psychiatry, based on the foregoing, did not give the proper results or the reason in another? Perhaps the truth is that those who are no longer with us simply did not possess the information they needed?

The inscription on the emblem of the information operations unit (all information in this material about the written mottoes of the various later units is taken from the Internet): «Fronscursor» (approximate translation: «Courier of appearance»).

For those who want to switch from ordinary psychology to not ordinary psychology, you need to familiarize yourself with the psychology developed in the army units of PsiOp (units of psychological operations, which will be discussed below in the material), which, as a rule, are only in large armies states? Can the psychology of psiop units be called unspoken psychology? What is written in the charters (textbooks) of units for psychological operations? Will there always be a psychological warfare – is it a repeating but mutating cycle? Digging from the fence to dawn – everything is thought out in the army of any state, contrary to the prevailing opinion of some about the supposedly stupid things in it: a soldier is distracted from thoughts by a drill song, and digging from the fence until dawn because the soldier must be constantly busy with something, What again distracts from unnecessary thoughts? What is the psychology of psychological operations? What are they doing in the so-called psychological warfare laboratories? Compliance with a certain sequence of covert actions invariably leads to the desired result? To be happy, you need to listen to yourself, to your desires and be able to satisfy them, and you need to know the worldview of a person with such needs as yours and who is doing well?

Logic takes you from point «a» to point «b», and imagination takes you anywhere.

Words attributed to Albert Einstein.

Unfortunately, as already mentioned, there was not enough time to adjust and edit as perfectly as possible what is written in this material, you have to do a lot of your work (in some song it is said that memoirs are written in retirement, the author does not have rich acquaintances which, if I’m not mistaken, gave the US writer Harper Lee the opportunity not to work for a year and write the novel «To Kill a Mockingbird») and solve no less problems, since the standard of living in the place where this material was created is not so luxurious and chic, to in some places of the planet Earth. Therefore, perhaps, somewhere, something written will look messy, but the main goal was, again, as already indicated, to convey the information that was accumulated as a result, sorry for the immodesty of our own life experience and as a result of the collection and analysis actions of specific people of different social strata, starting from those who are called migrant workers, ending with civil servants, etc., and maybe it will be said loudly, having suffered all their knowledge and life experience that they have now.

I tried to use only a reflection of the facts, and not belief in anything. According to the above, in some sections of the material it is proposed, as pundits say, not some incomprehensible concept, but a working technology to achieve their goals, technologies accumulated by various people who are not certified psychologists, therefore such skills and knowledge should not be wasted, but should serve the one who needs them.

«Inform, Instruct, Inspire» («Inform, train, water-

move»), – the inscription in the Museum of the CIA.

The objective (unspoken) resources of psychological comfort are not disclosed and are not recommended for use by psychologists and psychiatrists, or do they not know them, or does anyone who thinks so, just wants to attract attention? Where are they options for proper behavior? Should there be not just psychology, but psychology corresponding to a situation in which not everyone can visit? Are the rules of behavior or inventions valid, not only because they are invented, but also because they are also advanced – can everyone come up with something and promote something, which then becomes a stereotype? If your behavior does not correspond to the stereotypes invented and advanced by someone, you need to be careful in communicating with others, since your line of behavior may not be accepted? Is temporary or permanent lack of competition something to use?

Returning to the foregoing, as a weapon to achieve their goals, such psychological skills and knowledge that it is not customary to speak out loud can be more effective than a thermonuclear charge (in any case, for the category of people for whom this material is recommended), and this not the words of the one who wrote this material, but of the one who has already read it, while the one who has already read the material and made conclusions is not a friend or relative of the author. After all, when you know something that others do not know, new opportunities open up – it is a micromonopoly on something new. 7 volumes, but one central thought? I would like to add that here, in this material, there is nothing superfluous, no one went around and around to create the volume of the written, therefore the number of pages looks more like a brochure (although it later grew to a book) than the book, and most importantly, everything was done out of sheer enthusiasm, without pursuing the goal of any commercial gain. The material was not created under the control of anyone, was published with the money of the author, therefore it is worth assuming that this material will be of interest, since in connection with independence from someone it is made as objective as possible when writing and publishing the material, it does not promote the interests of those persons who could finance the writing and publication of a work, because such persons, as already mentioned, are not.

Every effort was made to make the material as clear as possible, in connection with which the task was not to «strain» the one who would get to know him, so that he would not rely on his quick wits and think out what was meant by read. The work is presented in a form from top to bottom, from, so to speak, «global» to «non-global».

Dreams of love, eternal vacation and pink clouds – do not be so sensitive and thin-skinned? Are we returning from dreams to earth, or at least descending below Earth orbit – the more developed is the country, the more are there those who are called non-self-sufficient? No matter how corny it sounds, but for the constant presence of endorphins in the body, you just need to find yourself in life in the form of a choice of a profession that will give you love, and eternal vacations, and pink clouds? Why do almost everyone dream of the sea, palm trees, romantic encounters with the opposite sex, and no one dreams of finding themselves in prison or unloading a car with cement in bags of several tens of kilograms, because it does not produce endorphins? Are suicides committed because the body no longer produces endorphins? Do what makes wings grow behind your back? Those who criticize everyone are those who simply grow «wings» from this action, and that’s all – don’t listen to anyone, do what your «wings» grow from? You need to know what to do and what not to do, what to say and what not to talk, communicating with a person you need and are interested in, so as not to cause him such emotions as fear, aggression, irritation, disgust – think what to do, when to do or what to say and when to speak? When you bring into society something new and at the same time disadvantageous for some, you may encounter what is called prejudice?

«If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans,» this phrase was not expressed by the author, an unknown person, and therefore the author cannot make a reference to him.

There is a film about the search for a profession that contributes to the release into the body of natural opiates – endorphins. It is called «What a smile you have» (director Oleg Nikolaevsky, USSR, 1974). The phrase of one of the heroes of the film, uttered by the main character Seryozha Savinov (Alexei Mokrousov): «If you had talent, he would have overthrown you, tormented you, would not give rest».

As Alvin Toffler wrote roughly (who worked as an installer, according to his biography, he chose a profession to learn about life, and therefore had the moral right to write about it), people learn to communicate and live together, you can only add that they learn this or even relearn how to live in a new, called civilized world, because in the old everything was clear – he killed, took the prey of the one he killed, or they killed you and took your prey, etc.

Not yet come, the times when robots or something else will do everything for everyone, not all problems have been solved by science, progress and other institutions, so a collision with a considered hostile (not pleasing) force is inevitable, almost everyone will pass to a greater or lesser extent and this will go through until civilization reaches the level of development when these forces are controlled or cease to exist at all, that’s just the problems that arise when confronted with this force, each solves his own mu. Say what you like, there are fewer and fewer clashes with this hostile force, which is called life circumstances, but nevertheless it still exists, thanks to scientific achievements it becomes easier, but easier, probably only physically and not for everyone.

Does modern man have one problem – unfulfilled desires? The one who is not fascinated by anything, is not disappointed in anything? Do people prefer comfort?

Cognitive dissonance is a state of mental discomfort of an individual caused by a clash in his mind of conflicting ideas: ideas, beliefs, values, or emotional reactions. Cognitive dissonance – two types of thought processes, one of which interferes with the other.

The rivalry between the emotional, intellectual and physical causes chaos inside a person if there are no ways to realize emotions and physical needs, especially if a person is one of those who are called emotional and temperamental, and if emotions also collide, they collide in this way, for example, as a struggle between fear and the desire for something or someone, then the mind begins to hang on snot, and if there are still a bunch of needs that you don’t know how to satisfy, it’s hard at all, a complete mental imbalance begins – emotions say «Satisfy us», physical needs say «Satisfy us», intellect says «Stop», you don’t know what to grab and what to do, how you don’t know what to do, tearing mother of a dying calf between instincts to be with him or to catch up with herd, abandoning its dying offspring, it turns out like in Ivan Krylov’s fable – a swan pulls a cart in one direction, a pike in the other, a cancer in the third.

Everyone lives in a modern world in which emotions and instincts should be blocked, and it is believed that this is a payment for civilization, because emotions and instincts prevent you from concentrating on work, and without work there is no progress, without progress there is no civilization, and who wants to be washed in dirty form in a hut in the absence of civilization to satisfy their instincts and emotions? Or some need to satisfy their instincts and emotions for quality work for the benefit of civilization, so what to do?

Psychologists and psychiatrists are those who know what kind of person the state (government) needs, but do not know what kind of person they need for themselves? A person whom everyone, as is now customary to say, is «bred» (deceived) and who has a problem because of this, doesn’t need a psychiatrist with a psychologist, but a specialist in countering «divorce», for example, a lawyer? In some cases, if not in all, is it better to let loose those emotions and instincts for those who have them, so that they do not interfere with a quality life and so that they do not subsequently incite to actions called inappropriate? There are actions that can develop endorphins, but psychologists and psychiatrists don’t talk about them, can they be told only, for example, in the family, by parents – to children?

Psychologists and psychiatrists are trying to create the maximum psychological comfort for each person, but so that the methods of achieving this comfort for the person do not interfere with the lives of other individuals, therefore, as already mentioned, neither the psychologist nor the psychiatrist will give advice that will help one, but with This, according to the psychologist or psychiatrist, will harm another, but modern trends are going in a different direction, Overton says a lot about it, whose works can be found on the Internet.

A departure from the topic of conversation in order to relax: if someone has not passed psychological tests when applying for a job, this does not mean that he will not pass the tests anywhere, and no one needs him, different tests have been developed for different professions, and in case of failure to pass a test, for example, for the civil service, we can say that a failed test is not needed only in the civil service, and not everywhere it becomes unnecessary (again we emphasize that the tests are different everywhere), and that it is not in the civil service needed, then this is up to a certain point (this info a mission for those who really want civil service), it is not needed when there are many who want to take a seat, but with a shortage of personnel, the testers are ready to close their eyes to a lot, if the conversation is about the army, the medical board is ready to close their eyes to a lot, in the case when there is a recruitment of new recruits for the war, because for well-known reasons there are not so many who want to get there. By the way, as a rule, «army» tests are aimed at identifying anxious individuals, such a state is not interested in the quality of soldiers (again, in the event that there are an excess of necessary candidates), this will still be discussed, if you are anxious, then self-realization should not be realized in the army sphere.

If you believe the information received by the author, then it was Neil Miller who identified four types of motivational conflicts, each of which can play a role in the emergence of what is called stress.

Conflict of approximation – approximation. This conflict arises when a person seeks to achieve two desired goals that cannot be achieved simultaneously. For example, he is trying to choose which of the two films to watch. Or he chooses whether to enter a prestigious institute or get a profitable place. Conflicts of proximity – approximations are usually resolved relatively easily. Conflict of avoidance – avoidance. This conflict takes place when a person faces two unpleasant situations, and avoiding one situation leads to a collision with another. For example, a woman with an unwanted pregnancy may, for moral reasons, resist abortion – in this case, both the birth of the child and the termination of the pregnancy are undesirable. Conflicts of avoidance – avoidance are very difficult to resolve, and they create a strong emotional tension. Conflict of approach – avoidance. This is a situation in which one event or activity carries both attractive and repulsive features. Achieving the desired at the same time leads to exposure to the unwanted, while avoiding the unwanted is associated with the rejection of the desired. For example, the dilemma of a student who is offered an illegally obtained copy of the final exam. Deception will cause guilt and humiliation of self-esteem, but at the same time provide a good assessment. Conflicts of proximity – avoidance are very difficult to resolve. Multiple conflict of proximity – avoidance. A person needs to choose between two jobs: one is prestigious, promises a high salary, but involves a longer working day and moving to an area with an unfavorable climate; the other offers great opportunities for advancement, better climatic conditions, but low wages and an indefinite duration of the working day. This is an example of a multiple conflict of approximation – avoidance, a situation in which it is necessary to make a choice between several alternatives, each of which has both positive and negative sides. This is the most difficult conflict to resolve, partly because it’s difficult to compare individual aspects of the alternatives, for example, how good the climate is better than the indefinite duration of the working day or to what extent the chances of quick progress compensate for the low starting salary.

Everyone has different views on the same thing? The task of someone who wants to change a person’s personality is to «stir up» something that theoretically should be given to him by higher powers, but for some reason doesn’t work, for example: people are suing someone, completely forgetting that they have a family and children, spend time and money on lawyers, getting pleasure from it, in this case, in these people you need to «wake up» the instinct of making money and spending it on your family and, accordingly, have fun, enjoy the fact that the child went to rest at sea or somewhere else? Cultivate what is sleeping in you or in someone else, if this makes it easier to live?

It is funny, but it is the attitude to the place where someone is located that determines the psychological state of this someone who is somewhere, for example: someone got into the army, and he believes that they are manipulating him. He will not be quite comfortable there with such convictions, but the other, on the contrary, will consider that he is manipulating his presence in the army, such people call the army a «feeding trough,» in which they feed, dress, etc., in general, a full social package, such a metamorphosis.

What is the strategy for meeting needs? Everyone decides what information is harmful to him, what is useful, what to listen to, emotions and instincts, to look for ways to implement them or to act differently (but some do not have emotions and a minimum of instincts, and that’s for sure, there are such people – these are astronauts, for example, if we are talking about a profession that people with such qualities occupy, it was mentioned at the beginning of this work), look for ways out of emotions and instincts, using the mind. Also, everyone decides what to choose: a self-regulating life or a life regulated from the outside, everyone thinks what he should decide: whether the trend of rejecting various generally accepted norms is negative for him or not. There are many ways, but you need to choose the one that will go as comfortably as possible, and so that your comfort is not uncomfortable for others?

In poor countries with a low standard of living, you cannot take purely emotional decisions and actions, it can ruin or you need to minimize them, because in addition to this you have to solve material problems, you can’t, for example, send your boss away and take unemployment benefits, as in in some rich countries, in a poor country, the results of each action need to be predicted, looking back and around, if you do not have a hundred or two thousand dollars in your «hitch»?

total goodwill or total thoughtfulness under the guise of goodwill? I do not like the fact that there is little love – what is the problem? Create a ministry of love and bring love to the masses? In the modern world, some things cannot be called literally, they need an official cover by other names – a substitution of terms – for a better understanding of what is happening, go to the Internet and watch what is the «Overton window»? Manipulation by substitution of concepts? Manipulation by throwing bridges – is it when you combine two facts that are not related to each other together?

Sample words of a clergyman from the film «State Border» (USSR, 1980, director Boris Stepanov): «… power should be clearly humane, but secretly terrible.»

Why do some politicians of rich states pamper people with large social packages – for the sake of social peace, probably?

According to statistics available on the Internet (no one says that it is objective or not objective, it simply is on the Internet), the happiest people live in Denmark (according to the media, as of October 2013, there is one of the highest social benefits), as can be seen from this, the government of this country has undertaken the solution of the problems of its citizens, in any case, material. And from here the following social consequences follow, for example, such as if the state is rich, then theoretically the staff of employees at enterprises or institutions is large enough, in the sense in connection with which you work less, relax more – there is time to satisfy personal needs, respectively, no one not nervous (personal needs are not suppressed) and, accordingly, lives longer and better.

According to the life expectancy in any country, you can determine where the rich country is, and where not very: where they live longer, the country is richer there, respectively, where it is less, it is poorer. As a rule, people in a rich country work less, have more rest, a poor country cannot afford it, the staff in any organization is small, since there are no funds in the budget to expand the staff, and therefore people living in poor the state, more, respectively, the rhythm of life is faster, respectively, more time has to be devoted to work, less to solving one’s problems and satisfying personal needs, this affects life expectancy, therefore in less rich countries it is less neck.

Affirmative sentence: the most important thing is to understand that absolutely everything is suggested and suggested, that the material state of a state, rich or not, does not affect the psychological comfort of anyone, it affects what thoughts and program in the head. Some are potentially able to feel comfortable on the planet Mars, where there is no civilization, where the expedition from volunteers is going, and with all this it will be a one-way road, since it will be impossible to return back.

In poor countries it’s worth a little relaxation, and you are already at the bottom – do you need to rely on yourself in them? You can’t relax, otherwise there will be a hangover, as after alcohol?

Partly, maybe it’s true, because not everyone lives in a humane Canada, where, according to rumors, they give a vacation in the presence of depression in a person, in a poor country it is a luxury, a poor country simply can not afford it, because its economy will bear losses are such that the standard of living may become lower than the existing one, so you can’t get addicted to alcohol and other things that are considered weaknesses and addictions, since then no one will help you. But in a poor country, where living conditions are much harsher than in a rich one, you can also be the one who is called happy, having the same needs as the population of countries where wealth is very close, but it is only possible in poor regions in in most cases, only if certain points are observed, for this, of course, there is no point in going on the road for advice to a local or foreign psychiatrist or psychologist (they were created, probably, in order to solve issues that are unresolved by some heads of state, as a rule, economically of a nature: if there is no money – go to a psychologist or psychiatrist, he will help you, but, of course, not only with money, but only with suggestions and pills, but with money, a hitch, only the governments of rich countries give money in the amount necessary for a comfortable existence).

Is everyone a practicing psychologist? A new psychology is being created, the essence of which is the life experience of an individual person?

As a rule, to solve unresolved problems it’s just worth talking to those who know life not in theory, but in practice (who knows best how to trade – a theoretician with a trade education who himself never traded, conducting trainings on the sale of goods, or himself seller), and it’s not necessary to do this purposefully, as a rule, all this happens by chance and spontaneously, just like that.

As was said, many people feel happy in a not-so-rich state (if it were the other way around, then the poor countries would not exist), and vice versa, there are unfortunate people in rich countries, you need to find out how they get it, there are meaning those who live in poor countries – either they curtailed their «exorbitant» needs, if any were available, or they learned how to satisfy them, and, of course, they play an important role in achieving the desired time and place where you are trying to to achieve, and not only something material.

For example, about time, if someone remembers, then in the 90s in the USSR and after its collapse, when the VCR was a luxury and when there were no more than 4 TV channels on television, TV shows like «Slave Izaura», “ It’s just Maria», there were practically no people on the streets, emergency services – police, ambulance, firefighter – were resting during the show of the series on television, all the events in the series were discussed by the people of the USSR that was ending their existence, but they would have shown these series now, probably if someone looked, then not in the same quantity as before, the series was shown in the right place (where no one had seen such series before and where there were only 4 television channels) and at the right time, professional artists of the USSR of that time were surprised and perplexed how such films could win the viewer.

It must be remembered that everyone has their own concept of happiness and comfort, everyone has everything in their heads, some people have such a concept of happiness and comfort that can shock others. Perhaps someone has heard about people with a syndrome of impaired perception of the integrity of the body, these people become happy when they deprive themselves of their own part of the body, and they dream about it until the moment of amputation, for example, legs, until they do it, they they feel extremely uncomfortable in a psychological sense, and no one knows what it is, a mental disorder or something neurological. But only a person with a syndrome of impaired perception of the integrity of the body deprives himself of his legs – he becomes a happy person.

Some states that, in their rhetoric, like to talk about the rights of ordinary people, in practice do not quite follow it – in order to enter from a country that is less wealthy, to a country that is more wealthy, it is necessary for the one who enters to the bank account was solid by the standards of the country from which he leaves, the amount of money or his salary should be quite large, is money the thing, if not the main thing, then one of the main ones? Is money anyway in the first places in importance, is the penal economy the receipt of money from fines in the budget? It is fashionable to be a materialist at some time and in some place – no one forbids you to be a materialist if you follow the fashion: for the soul, write a book, invent something, do business for money? Some in official rhetoric argue that they are against something, for example, material wealth and money, it turns out that in reality in life it is not even against – much of what is called guile and licorice? Some people have a healthy interest in money, but they convince others that money is evil, and some listen to them and believe them? If adults speak of high ideals, is it suspicious, since at this age most people are only interested in material goods and preparing a «sweet» life for their children? Is money a magic wand and a magic wand? For some, the greatest benefit in life is independence, and independence is given only by money, or is independence a profession in demand? In any confrontation with anyone, can money play for him (if he has one) and against him (if the opponent has one)? Is independence a profession in demand when no one will do a job better than you? Is money the first necessity before something else or the second after something else? For some, no one will change their lives for the better, only money is this a delusion or not? If a person has many weaknesses, then his friends are not people, but only money, and such a person cannot be the one who is called a devotee, since his weaknesses will force everyone to betray? If you are ugly and do not know how to sing, and if at the same time you have money, you turn out to be very beautiful and sing great? At the institute or at the university, if you wrote a work and let the teacher get acquainted with it, you will most likely be told when they read it, that you are a demagogue, they will refuse to print for free, and when you have money, you he is his own master, and everything is decided: you can print your work for your money in an unlimited number of copies, does this mean that money still gives independence? If you have something called weaknesses for alcohol or such as gambling addiction and so on, and at the same time you do not want to solve the problem of removing these weaknesses, then in any case you should care about the money, otherwise you will be lost, or the presence of money will only bring harm, since you will «get drunk» to death with alcohol if you are prone to what is called drunkenness? If there is a lot of what is called weaknesses, then you need to go where you can earn a lot in order to satisfy big needs, for example, for businessmen? If there is not what is considered weakness, then you need to go where there are hardships, for example, in the army? As the musicians say, if I do not play one day, I notice it myself, if two – my friends notice it, if you do not play three days the audience will notice – you need to prepare yourself for the realization of your dream (program) in order to be in harmony with by yourself? It is said that in some cases, as a rule, some vulnerable and ambitious personalities tear to power, they perceive power as protection against unnecessary criticism and as the impossibility of any aggression against them, but in our world power is not ideal, and when do they understand this, does it disappoint them, to put it mildly? In some places, power is not ideal and not absolute for the rulers, it needs to be shared with those over whom you control – does competition exist for it so imperfect, and these competitors are other rulers? Does a certain profession need a certain mindset and a certain algorithm of actions?

If you want someone to become your enemy, lend him money. (When he does not give them back to you, he will become your enemy).

No one needs to exaggerate the value of money, although there are those who live by this, there are many facts of the end of life by suicide by some businessmen and cases when they start to «greatly fan» when instability occurs in their business and commit murders, and, as already mentioned, suicides when they believe that they cannot maintain their standard of living, in which, for example, as some businessmen, they usually have a woman in each city where they go for business.

Someone strives for independence, believing that money gives it, that’s true, but the profession that is in demand in society also gives independence, but when it is not there, then there really can’t be any independence when, as the people say, «hands under x… are imprisoned, «that is, when you don’t know how to do anything, it’s not really good, when you’re at home, you need to» hook «on someone in order to survive, like the heroine of the film» Cruel Romance ” (USSR), but the one for whom someone is hooked will then begin to manipulate him if he wants.

Many, for example, who need relationships with the opposite sex, but there is no way to come to them because of ignorance of how to do this, replace the missing «drivers» of behavior (more on that below) with money, buy relationships is also a good option.

In some regions and cases (but only in some, there are rich states where there are many taboos), the less wealthy the state, the more moral and legislative imperatives it has, and these restrictions on the rights of citizens of poor countries are a necessity for the survival of the state, since the government has nothing to plug «holes» in the economy, if the population wants to lead the same lifestyle that the population of the states considered rich can afford, there is nothing to compensate for these «holes», because, unlike the rich states For those who are not wealthy, there is no way to plug this very «hole», namely, for example, a sufficient amount of oil or other minerals; therefore, people living in countries with not very high living standards do not have to relax, as it can to allow the population of some rich countries, sitting all their lives on social benefits, and work (and there are people who have never worked anywhere all their lives, and many do not work for generations: my grandfather, father, son, grandmother, mother, daughter).

Courage, strength, conviction: if it’s hard for you, then you climb the mountain, if it’s easy for you, then you fall into the abyss – do not forget that science has not yet reached the point where everything is good for everyone? The more you succeed in visiting large social strata and social institutions (army, prison, civil service, construction site, elsewhere), the more realistic approaches to life, the more you will understand how to behave in a particular situation, the better analysis and forecasting of situations? Some were neither in the army, nor in the prison, nor in the civil service, nor at the construction site, did they have realistic approaches to life even without these institutions, and in order to reach their level of psychological development, some needed to go to both the prison and the army? What is a pragmatic approach, and each comes to him at a different time? In the modern world, what is considered adulthood comes only at 30 or even at 40, and sometimes does not come at all – what is what is called infantilism? Earlier, in earlier periods of history, people grew up quickly – is that the whole problem? What is growing up – is it the understanding that everything around is empty, except for money?

What does it mean if it’s hard for you, then you climb the mountain, and if it’s easy for you, then you fly into the abyss – it’s something objective or simply complacency when things are worse than ever, because sometimes it’s not true that is felt in some expressions, and some kind of calming self-psychotherapy, although there is some truth, probably in some sayings, for example, such as «there would be no happiness, but unhappiness helped», so you need to analyze each situation and not look for only one minuses, but pluses, and vice versa.

In fact, judging by the actions of some professional politicians, if we take their behavior model as an example, we should strive to create the possibility of realizing emotional decisions, but so far there is no such possibility, emotions have to be restrained to varying degrees depending on the situation. In modern conditions of life, one has to use intelligence to satisfy emotional needs and get a little closer to one’s emotional goal, many do so, they would be ready to come to what they want by any means, but are forced to restrain themselves within certain limits due to prevailing circumstances caused by the realities of modernity, and realize your emotion a little bit, use the intellect, which is aimed at finding a way to realize emotion in full, and not a little bit, for example, how any businessman wants to multiply the number of people of the opposite sex that he has, for this he must think about where to get resources for this – money.

It turns out that in most cases, intelligence is needed for most people just to find ways to realize their emotions (to throw out, for example, their hidden aggression on the offender not by physical impact, but by writing a denunciation (anonym)) and physical needs, with the exception of probably, there can only be the same scientists and astronauts and similar people – pick up a laptop or satellite tuner and say to yourself: «This (computer) was invented by someone who has no emotions, otherwise he would not be able to concentrate on anything».

Let’s digress again: as you know, politics implies a balance of power between states and continents, and this is correct, since the world should be multipolar (higher forces probably want to see competition in everything), and there is nothing wrong with someone striving for power, most importantly, to like it, and if you like it, then the person is in his place. Indeed, if only one state rules the whole world, then there will not be what they call and consider freedom, and freedom is the realization of what the higher forces put into a person, starting from instincts, ending with the implementation of intellectual activity, higher forces, judging by the fact that there is such a profession as a politician, and the presence of different languages that people speak, see the existence of multipolarity, that is, the presence of competition, as appropriate? The role of a politician in society to save the state from chaos, to build civilization, only for some it is better, but for others worse?

A person, at least one who is engaged in science, should not and cannot, according to his psychological constitution, think about everyday things – is this an axiom? Who is Yusu Yundur, and did he speak the truth?

Scientists and astronauts were mentioned for a reason – it’s a layer of people that, if not completely, then more than the average person, has left the instincts and emotions that are common to all biological organisms, so if someone is not a scientist, then he lives in a world where he is either in a sense in certain situations a hunter or a victim, and he must reckon with this in order to survive, although in connection with the achievement of civilization this is not so pronounced in some places.

Caught at a bus stop with a friend, turned his and his attention to a lying drunk person, the approximate response of a friend to my attention to a drunk was the following: «You are above him, do not pay attention to him.» Moreover, the acquaintance was not a supporter of any ideologies in the political sense – there are people who live by what they want to be better than others, in connection with this, some have some kind of political ideology regardless of whether they realize it or if they want it or no, and also some begin to cultivate some thoughts, turning them into political trends? We discover a new type of man-hated theory, present in some: those who seek spiritual purity in other people and hate those who do not have it – an aggressive person, and not so white and fluffy, did anyone think about this? It’s interesting how they become good and how they become evil: if someone lived in a rich place, received a large unemployment benefit, and suddenly everything changed – he needs to get up early in the morning to go to work and not to somewhere in the office, but to the construction site, and to engage in physical labor, will he remain kind? A simple test of kindness – you live in a rich place, you don’t work all your life sitting on benefits, and at some point they tell you that there is no more money in the budget in order to maintain your standard of living and people like you, and you need to go to work at a construction site or factory, but there is a way out, you can send troops to the same rich place and take wealth, naturally, there will be human casualties – whatever you choose, hard physical work or send troops and take everything else and further, due to this, to live without working? Can people’s relations be built on trust, as K. Marx dreamed, or is there always and will be hidden motivation behind the official one? Some figures must justify each step, and do not always these justifications reflect true motives?

The children’s film «Auburn, honest, in love» (USSR, 1984, directed by Leonid Nechaev), which tells about the decency of someone who cannot be a priori decent by nature in the usual sense of the word – since he is a fox predator.

It is generally accepted that those who are called dishonest, greedy, cunning, deceitful people (they need these qualities to achieve their goals and, perhaps, not some ambitious ones, but just so as not to starve to death), this is something bad, because everyone considers bad those who did not do good to them or did what they call filth (apparently, people are programmed).

Non vowel resources of some good mood

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