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Table of Contents

VER. 1. The first edition continues from this line to ver. 24 of this


VER. 12. Originally in the first edition:—

In various talk the cheerful hours they pass'd,

Of who was bit, or who capotted last.

VER. 24. All that follows of the game at ombre, was added since the

first edition, till ver. 105, which connected thus:—

Sudden the board with cups and spoons is crown'd.

VER. 105. From hence, the first edition continues to ver 134.

VER. 134. In the first edition it was thus:—

As o'er the fragrant stream she bends her head.

First he expands the glittering forfex wide

To inclose the lock; then joins it to divide:

The meeting points the sacred hair dissever,

From the fair head for ever and for ever.

Ver. 154. All that is between was added afterwards.


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