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In submitting to the public the following interesting cases illustrative of the effects of my mode of treating diseases of the eye, I have prefixed to them the original communications transmitted by me to the Lancet and the Medical Gazette. My reason for so doing is this—I wish it to be seen by actual comparison, that in every instance the confidence I have expressed in the efficacy of these medicines has not been overrated; on the contrary, it will be seen that I have said less than the facts really warrant.

It will also be found, that the cases which have come under my treatment are, without exception, such as have been regarded either as hopeless, or at least such as have previously enjoyed, without sensible benefit, all the advantages of our best Ophthalmic Institutions. It cannot therefore be contended, that the ordinary treatment would have proved equally efficacious if it had been previously tried.

I have also given the cases that are at present under my treatment, in order that all who take an interest in the subject may have ample opportunity of watching their progress, and forming, from their own observations, just conclusions.

I have also added some important observations concerning the action of the essential oils on the eye, as exhibited both externally and internally.

Treatment of the diseases of the eye, by means of prussic acid vapour, and other medicinal agents

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