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Table of Contents

I. Mediaeval Map of Constantinople by Bondelmontius Frontispiece
facing page
II. The Myrelaion (since it was burned). (1) From the north-west. (2) From the south-east 20
III. (1) The Myrelaion (since it was burned). The Interior, looking east. (2) Suleiman Aga Mesjedi 24
IV. (1) Bracket in S. Saviour in the Chora. (2) Sculptured Slab in S. Theodore. (3) S. Mary Diaconissa. Heads of Windows in south arm. (4) Sculptured Slab on the West Wall 28

Church of S. John of the Studion

V. The Ruined Interior, seen from the minaret of the mosque. (2) The West Side of the Church 36
VI. (1) Façade of the Narthex. (2) The Ruined Interior, at the West End of the North Side 40
VII. Entablature and Anta Capital in the Narthex. (2) Cornice in the Narthex, looking up 44
VIII. The Church from the south-east 48
IX. (1) The East End of the Church. (2) East End of the North Side of the Church 52
X. (1) The Cistern beside the Church. (2) Another View of the same 54

The Church of Ss. Sergius and Bacchus

XI. The Interior of the Church, looking north-west 62
XII. (1) A Capital in the Church. (2) A Capital in the Narthex of S. John of the Studion 66
XIII. (1) The Church from the south-east. (2) View in the Gallery over the Narthex 70
XIV. (1) The Interior of the Church, looking north-east. (2) Portion of the Entablature in the Church 74
XV. The Baptistery of the Church of S. Sophia. (1) The Exterior from the north-east. (2) The Interior of the Dome, showing Continuous Pendentives 76

The Church of S. Irene

XVI. The Church from the south-east 84
XVII. (1) The South Side. (2) The North Side 86
XVIII. The Interior, looking east 90
XIX. (1) Vaulting at the north-western Corner of the Atrium. (2) The Northern Arch of the Main Dome, seen from the South Gallery 92
XX. (1) Mosaic in the Soffit of an Arch. (2) Portion of the Mosaic Inscription on the Outer Arch of the Apse 96
XXI. (1) The Interior, looking west. (2) The Door at the East End of the North Aisle 98
XXII. (1) Vaulting over the South Aisle. (2) A Compartment of Vaulting in South Aisle, looking up 100
XXIII. (1) A Capital in the South Arcade. (2) Base of a Column in the South Aisle 102

The Church of S. Andrew in Krisei

XXIV. The East End of the Church 106
XXV. (1) The Church from the south-west. (2) The Interior, looking south 108
XXVI. (1) A Capital in the Inner Narthex. (2) A Capital in the Arcade under the West Dome Arch 110
XXVII. (1) A Capital in the Outer Narthex. (2) A Capital in the Outer Narthex 112
XXVIII. (1) View in the Outer Narthex. (2) View in the Inner Narthex, looking south 114
XXIX. (1) View in the Cloister. (2) View in the Courtyard 116
XXX. (1, 2, 3) Three Views of the Decorated Doorway in the Cloister 118

The Church of S. Mary Panachrantos

XXXI. (1) Vault of the Passage on the West of the Dome in the South Church. (2) The Interior of the North Church, looking north 122
XXXII. (1) The North Church, looking east. (2) The North Church, looking west 126
XXXIII. (1) The Diaconicon, looking east. (2) The Western Dome Arch in the South Church 128
XXXIV. (1) The East Window of the South Church. (2) The Outer Narthex, looking south 130
XXXV. (1) The East End of the South Church. (2) The East End of the North Church 132

Church of S. Mary Pammakaristos

XXXVI. (1) The Church from the south-east. (2) The Church from the west 138
XXXVII. (1) The Inner Narthex, looking south. (2) The Dome, looking west 142
XXXVIII. The Parecclesion from the south-east 144
XXXIX. (1) The East End of the Parecclesion. (2) The West Column in the Parecclesion 148
XL. (1) The East Column in the Parecclesion. (2) The Column flanking the East Window in the Apse of the Parecclesion. (3) The West Column in the Parecclesion 150
XLI. (1) Interior View of the Dome in the Parecclesion. (2) Mosaic in the Dome of the Parecclesion 154
XLII. South Side of the Parecclesion 156

Church of S. Theodosia

XLIII. (1) The East End of the Church. (2) The Church from the south-east 164
XLIV. (1) The Interior, looking north-east. (2) The Eastern Dome Arch 168
XLV. (1) The Dome over the Stairway to the Galleries. (2) The Narthex, looking north, and the Stairway to the Galleries 172

Church of S. Mary Diaconissa

XLVI. (1) The North-west Side, seen from the Aqueduct of Valens. (2) The North Arm, looking east 182
XLVII. (1) The Interior, looking north-east. (2) The Interior, looking south-east 184
XLVIII. (1) The Lower Part of the North Side of the East End. (2) The Upper Part of the North Side of the East End 186
XLIX. (1) South Eikon Frame. (2) Detail in the South Eikon Frame 188
L. (1) The Interior, looking west. (2) A Capital on the Column at the Entrance to the Church 190

Church of Ss. Peter and Mark

LI. (1) The Church from the south-east. (2) Font outside the Church 192
LII. (1) The Dome, looking north. (2) Looking across the Dome, from the south-west 194

Church of the Myrelaion

LIII. (1) The South Side of the Church. (2) The Narthex, looking north 196
LIV. (1) The Interior, looking east. (2) The south-west Angle of the Cross 198
LV. (1) S. John in Trullo from the south-west. (2) The Interior of Balaban Mesjedi 202
LVI. The Church of S. Thekla. (1) From the north-west. (2) The East End 208

The Church of S. Saviour Pantepoptes

LVII. (1) Door leading from the Outer to the Inner Narthex. (2) The Dome, looking west 212
LVIII. (1) Decoration in Brick on the Exterior of the South Wall. (2) Bracket in the Parecclesion of S. Mary Pammakaristost 214

Church of S. Saviour Pantokrator

LIX. The Church from the west 220
LX. (1) The Church from the north-west. (2) Fragments of Sculptured Marbles found in the Church 222
LXI. (1) Interior of the South Church, looking east. (2) The Southern Arm of the Church 224
LXII. (1) Entrance from the Narthex to the South Church. (2) Interior, looking from the South Church through into the North Church 226
LXIII. (1) The Gallery in the North Church, looking south. (2) Interior of the North Church, looking east 228
LXIV. (1) Arch in the North Wall of the South Church, seen from the South Church, looking north. (2) Arch in the North Wall of the South Church, seen from the Central Church, looking south 230
LXV. (1) Narthex of the North Church, looking north. (2) Outer Narthex of the South Church, looking north 232
LXVI. (1) South Bay in the Gallery of the South Church. (2) View in the North Church, looking south 234
LXVII. The Pulpit in the South Church. (2) West Side of the Central Bay in the Gallery of the South Church 236
LXVIII. (1) Interior of the East Dome in the Central Church. (2) Interior of the Dome in the South Church, looking north 238
LXIX. (1) The East End from the south. (2) East Window of the Central Church. (3) The East End from the north 242

Church of S. Theodore

LXX. (1) The North End of the Western Façade. (2) The Church from the north-west 244
LXXI. (1) The Central Dome from the south. (2) The Western Façade from the south 246
LXXII. (1) The South Cross Arm (exterior) from the south-east. (2) The East End from the south 248
LXXIII. (1) The Capital on the Southernmost Column in the Façade. (2) Capital in the Façade 250
LXXIV. (1) The Outer Narthex, looking north. (2) Capital on the North Side of the Door leading from the Outer to the Inner Narthex 254
LXXV. (1) The Interior, looking east. (2) The Interior (upper part), looking east 256

The Refectory of the Monastery of Manuel

LXXVI. (1) From the west. (2) From the south-east 258
LXXVII. Cistern of Aetius 262

Church of the Gastria

LXXVIII. (1) The Church from the east. (2) The Entrance 268
LXXIX. (1) The Church from the west. (2) The Interior 270

Bogdan Serai

LXXX. (1) The Apse in the Upper Chapel. (2) A Pendentive of the Dome. (3) The Chapel, from the north-west 280

Church of S. Saviour in the Chora

LXXXI. (1) The Church from the west. (2) The Church from the south-east 288
LXXXII. (1) The Church from the north-east. (2) The North Side of the Church 292
LXXXIII. (1) The Inner Narthex, looking south. (2) Another View of the same 296
LXXXIV. (1) A Capital in the Outer Narthex. (2) Another Capital in the Outer Narthex 300
LXXXV. (1) The Interior, looking north-west. (2) The Outer Narthex, looking south 304
LXXXVI. (1) The Eikon Frame on the South-eastern Pier. (2) The Interior, looking east 308
LXXXVII. (1) The Cornice above the Main Door (on the Interior). (2) The Archivolt on the North Wall of the Parecclesion. (3) Window Heads in the Central Apse 310
LXXXVIII. (1) The East End of the Parecclesion. (2) A Capital at the Entrance to the Parecclesion 314
LXXXIX. (1) The Parecclesion, looking south-east. (2) The Parecclesion, looking west 316
XC. (1) Mosaic representing the Miracle of Water turned into Wine. (2) Mosaic representing Mary caressed by her parents, and blessed by priests seated at a banquet 322
XCI. (1) Mosaic representing the Registration of Mary and Joseph at Bethlehem. (2) Mosaic representing Theodore Metochites offering the Church to Christ 326
XCII. The Archivolt on the South Wall of the Parecclesion, with the Epitaph in honour of Tornikes 330
Byzantine Churches in Constantinople

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