Читать книгу A Reckless Affair - Alexandra Scott - Страница 3


“And what other secrets have you been hiding from me, Miss Martyn-Browne?”

For a moment her heart seemed to stand still, then it was racing hectically. But, with an effort, she forced herself to answer lightly. “So many, I don’t know where to begin.” It was a relief to see him smile, and she felt she could hurry on.

“You know, you are very trusting, Jake. You have only my word that I am who I say I am. I could be perpetrating the most enormous con trick.”

“I’ll lock my door tonight as a precaution.” Now his look was teasing but with a hint of a challenge.

“I promise you are quite, quite safe.”

“You disappoint me.”

Ginny found herself maneuvered against the bole of one of the ancient oaks, and as he spoke in that low disturbing voice, he placed one hand flat against the trunk and hooked the other against her waist, pulling her into the curve of his body, effectively overpowering her.

“Jake.” It was a gasp of fear and longing. “lake, don’t.”

And gently, gently, all his attention on her mouth, he lowered his mouth to hers.

A Reckless Affair

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