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“There’s a mass murderer on the loose.”


“You didn’t forget already?” Ten Bears asked.

“No,” Annja said slowly. “I didn’t.”

“Let us professionals handle him. We do a bad enough job without any help.”

She wasn’t sure quite how to take that. He seemed like a man who, for all his cockeyed banter, took his job very seriously. She also didn’t think his tongue was more than halfway in his cheek, and wondered just who wasn’t doing their job quite so well.

“One more thing before you go,” he told her as she started for the door of his small office. “We got us some young South Plains braves here in western Oklahoma who don’t much like white-eyes. And they play rough. Tempers are extra short right now since some of them don’t like it that we got us a great big new casino opening up in a few days.”

He laughed at her expression. “Don’t worry,” he said. “They can’t fire me for calling them braves. Any more than they can make us Indians call ourselves Native Americans. That fight we won, anyway. Maybe it’s a trend.”

She had to laugh. She found herself liking the lieutenant. “Maybe it is.”

But as she left she found herself thinking, I don’t believe in werewolves.

But there are plenty of things I don’t believe in that have a nasty habit of turning up anyway….

Tribal Ways

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