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The woman was still alive…

Annja felt her heart leap in her chest. In that instant, everything changed.

Time became the enemy, a crushing weight resting on Annja’s shoulders. Every minute counted now. Annja needed to get the woman covered up and back to the top of the ledge, then to a medical facility as fast as humanly possible.

“I don’t know if you can hear me, but I’m going to try to get you out of here. Don’t struggle. Just lie still and let me do all the work. Understand?”

She leaned in close, but didn’t hear a response.

“All right. Hang on. I’m going to free your arm, then roll you over.”

Annja looked down at the woman she’d come to rescue. Her face was as pale as the rest of her, but even in her present state Annja could see that she was beautiful. Beauty, true beauty, always brought the predators out of the shadows.

One of the woman’s eyes was swollen shut but the other opened.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got you. You’re going to be okay,” she told her. “I’m taking you to the hospital.”

The woman blinked, then moved her lips slightly. “Krv…Grofka.”

Startled, Annja pulled back. That was one Slovakian phrase she did understand.

Krv Grofka… Blood Countess.

Bathed In Blood

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