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Luigi Cannelloni’s story of life among the Colourful Set in Renaissance Italy has been sniffed at by art historians ever since his tatty notebook was discovered in an antique terracotta pot used as an umbrella stand at Leonardo’s, an aptly named Italian restaurant somewhere in London.

Professor Spottafake, an eminent art historian, had the cheek to question the possibility of an early 16th century Italian manuscript turning up in a late 20th century pasta joint. After a few glasses of Chianti, he dismissed the ‘Diary’ as the drunken ramblings of someone waiting too long for an order of Spaghetti Bolognese.

But it takes an expert in more than art history to tell the difference between age spots and gravy stains, and this is where one of Leonardo’s regular customers, Alex Parsons, comes in.

Thanks to Ms Parsons, we can all now enjoy the authentic flavour of 16th century Italy, and dine out on delicious, mouth-watering tales of flaking frescos, power-crazy popes, pushy patrons and that genius who was Leonardo da Vinci.

The Lost Diary of Leonardo’s Paint Mixer

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