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MADGE called into the shop and dragged Catriona off to lunch, leaving the part-time assistant to hold the fort for a couple of hours.

The food at the Wheatsheaf was always excellent, but the meal was in danger of being spoiled, for Catriona at least, by the snatches of loud conversation drifting from the two women at the next table.

‘…sent the damned thing back to him, dahling. I mean…he knew I wanted a Jeep as a run-about. Everyone has a four-wheel drive these days…’

‘…a nice figure, I grant you. But who the hell is she? I heard that her father is a pig farmer down in Essex!’

‘…bald and hopeless in bed, but he has this marvellous luxury cruiser in the Med. So naturally I…’

They made Catriona squirm. If you stayed in this part of London long enough you began to recognise the type. Usually in their early twenties, they were full of shallow pretensions and mannerisms and their empty lives revolved around social position, money and sex—in that order.

When they finally got up and left she looked across the table at Madge and said in exasperation, ‘Did you hear them? What an exhibition of conceit and arrogance and sheer…’

‘Yes, dear,’ Madge said mildly. ‘I think everyone heard them, and now they’re hearing you.’

‘Hmph! I don’t care. I feel better getting it off my chest.’ The chicken in honey and ginger sauce tasted better now, and she savoured a piece before commenting bitterly, ‘You won’t believe this, Madge, but I tried to model myself on women like them when I went out with Ryan Hind. I thought it was the way to attract men. I was trying to be smart and sophisticated.’

‘Well, you certainly attracted him, didn’t you?’ She fixed Catriona with a stern, reproving eye, then relented. ‘I’m sorry. That was a crass thing to say. But it’s been over a month now since you found out the truth. You should be over it by now.’

Catriona sighed and stared at her plate gloomily. ‘I’ve tried to forget it…put it down to experience as you suggested…but I can’t. I…I lie in bed at night and he’s there in the darkness, whispering his lies in my ear. When I close my eyes I see his face and his treacherous smile. And when I do manage to get to sleep he’s still there, haunting my dreams.’

Madge looked at her dryly. ‘That sounds to me like you’re still in love with the rogue.’

She looked up, startled. ‘In love with him!’ Her voice cracked in protest. ‘After the way he treated me!’

‘Oh, you’d be surprised at the folly of some women,’ Madge proclaimed, helping herself to a large sip of vodka and tomato juice. ‘They just can’t resist playing with fire. The worse a man’s reputation the stronger the attraction. They delude themselves into believing that all it needs to make him change his ways is the love of a really good woman.’

Catriona lowered her eyes, then viciously stabbed at another morsel of chicken, wishing it was Ryan Hind’s heart. Still in love with him! That was rich!

‘Look…’ she said, after a moment. ‘You invited me here to lunch, and I’m sure it wasn’t just to sit and listen to me moaning about my troubles.’

‘You’re wrong,’ Madge announced with a smile. ‘That’s exactly why I brought you here. But before we go into that…’ She delved into her handbag and laid a small gift-wrapped box on the table. ‘That’s for you, my dear. A small token of my appreciation.’

Catriona gave her a puzzled look, then with curiosity began to undo the wrapping.

‘I dropped in to see my accountant this morning,’ Madge informed her. ‘He tells me that the takings in the shop have gone up twenty per cent since you began working for me.’

‘Oh? Well, that’s good news, but I’m sure I can’t take all the credit,’ Catriona said modestly. ‘It’s more likely to be that new range of Italian skirt-suits we’re stocking. They’re selling like hot cakes.’

Madge dismissed her protest with a wave of a well-manicured hand. ‘Credit where it’s due. The customers really like you, my dear. I’ve watched you in action. You’re not pushy and you’re always pleasant. More importantly, though, you’ve got a natural instinct for good taste. If a customer chooses something that doesn’t suit them you tell them straight to their face.’ She gave a throaty chuckle. ‘Oh, I know some of them get the hump and march out with their noses in the air—you see, they aren’t used to shop girls doing that sort of thing—but they come back a few days later, and the word spreads that they’ve finally found a shop which puts its reputation before sales figures.’

‘Well…if you say so.’ Catriona murmured, secretly pleased. The wrapping was off now and she opened the lid. Her eyes widened and she gasped as she removed the gleaming gold bracelet from its bed of black velvet.

‘It’s beautiful!’ She looked at Madge self-consciously. ‘It…it must have been awfully expensive. You shouldn’t be giving me presents like this! It’s embarrassing.’

‘Don’t tell me what to do with my money, young lady,’ Madge admonished her with a fond smile. ‘That little bauble is meant to cheer you up and get you back on form. You haven’t been your usual bright-eyed self lately, have you?’

She accepted the rebuke with a weak smile of apology. ‘I…I suppose not.’

‘You’re damn right you haven’t. And the reason is obvious, isn’t it?’ Madge paused, eyed her thoughtfully for a moment, then asserted dryly, ‘That really must have been a night to remember if it’s still got you glassy-eyed after all this time.’ She leaned across the table and lowered her voice. ‘So tell me…woman to woman…are all the things I’ve been hearing about him true?’

‘What things?’ Catriona asked warily.

‘Is he as good in bed as they say he is?’

A question like that would have shocked her a month ago, which only went to show how sheltered and innocent her life had been in Kindarroch. But this was London and this was Madge, and between them both she was rapidly getting an education.

‘Can’t we discuss this tonight back at the flat?’ she asked in a frantic whisper.

‘No. I’m going away for a couple of days. I’m catching the evening flight to Paris. An old flame of mine has invited me over for a house-warming. He’s just bought a château.’

Catriona smiled to herself. Madge seemed to have enough old flames to set fire to a rain-soaked forest. ‘That sounds exciting,’ she said. ‘I hope you have a nice time.’

‘I will.’ Madge assured her. ‘He’s a sweet old thing. Now answer my question. Satisfy my curiosity. How would you rate Ryan Hind as a lover?’

‘I’ve no idea,’ she answered stiffly. ‘He was the first and quite possibly the last lover I’ve ever had, so I’ve no one else to compare him to, have I?’

Madge gave a delicate cough. ‘Pardon me. I was forgetting. Well, let’s put it another way. Did he make the earth move, as they say in novels? You don’t have to go into the details. A general impression will do.’

There was no way of getting out of this. Madge could be like a terrier after a rabbit when she wanted to. Catriona almost blushed, but managed to remain calm in spite of the memories and passionate emotions the question evoked.

Her strongest emotion was one of guilt at the willingness with which she’d surrendered. But there was also the undeniable fact that her own awakened sexual desire and the apparent loving tenderness he’d used to inflame that desire had been a combination impossible to resist.

His touch had been electrifying, and as his hands had explored and moulded and caressed every contour of her body she’d closed her eyes and let herself drown in a warm sea of sensual delight and rapture. She’d felt the vigorous hardening of his own yearning as he’d crushed her to him, then she’d clung to him in a fever as he’d lifted and cradled her in his arms and carried her to his bedroom.

His loving had been slow and exquisitely controlled, turning every nerve into incandescent flame until at last he’d thrust deeper and faster and brought her to a heart-stopping, dizzying climax. She’d gasped and moaned and raked her fingers down his back, only half hearing his own groan of satisfied release.

Suddenly she was brought back to earth by the sound of Madge’s amused voice, ‘All right! That dreamy look on your face says it all. Then I can take it that the stories about his prowess are all true?’

Catriona cleared her throat and said primly, ‘I was the only one wearing L-plates that night. He certainly seemed to know what he was doing.’

Madge raised her eyebrows. ‘Well, I should bloody well think so, considering the amount of practice he gets!’

Catriona toyed with her fork and wished that Madge would change the subject but Madge didn’t.

‘What puzzles me,’ she went on, ‘is why you were so surprised when you saw his picture in the paper and discovered that he was going with someone else. Surely you must have had your suspicions about him when you awoke in the morning and found your taxi fare on the table? I mean…how much of a hint does a girl need?’

She bit her lip, looked at Madge helplessly, then shook her head, more in wonder at her own innocence than anything else. ‘No…I didn’t. He’d already told me that he was a busy businessman and I thought that since I’d still been asleep he’d left me undisturbed out of consideration. And, anyway, there was that note promising to get in touch with me as soon as he got back.’ She gave a laugh of self-mockery. ‘That shows the kind of fool I was, doesn’t it?’

Madge regarded her with sorrow. ‘Your misfortune was to fall in love with him. Any other girl would have realised that he’d only been looking for a one-night stand, but you’re so guileless and innocent. I don’t like saying this, dear, but you’re going to make an even bigger fool of yourself if you keep on brooding about it like this. You have your whole adult life ahead of you. All men aren’t like Ryan Hind. Some day you’ll meet someone decent, who really loves you, and you’ll get married and raise a lovely family.’

‘And how can I tell if a man is decent or a…a rat like him?’ she demanded hotly. ‘I was wrong once and I could be wrong the next time, couldn’t I?’ Her face hardened. ‘Well, there won’t be a next time. I’ll make damn sure of that.’

Madge sighed in frustration. ‘It’s just as I feared.’ She pressed her lips together, then said, ‘You, young lady, are in danger of turning into a disillusioned and sour old maid. We’ll have to do something about that before it’s too late, won’t we?’

Catriona stared at Madge in silence, her blue eyes perplexed. This was her own personal problem…a problem of her own making, caused by her own stupidity. Madge’s sympathy was understandable, but she was acting as if she was the one who’d been betrayed.

‘You are suffering from a personality crisis,’ Madge went on relentlessly. ‘You’re beginning to lose your sparkle and your youthful exuberance, and that’s bad for business.’

Bad for business? She gave Madge a long, perceptive look, then smiled wryly. ‘You’re a terrible liar, Madge. That isn’t the reason at all, is it?’

Madge returned the smile, then shrugged. ‘I know, but the truth is too embarrassing to admit.’

‘Huh! I doubt if you’ve ever been embarrassed in your life.’

‘No. I don’t suppose I have,’ Madge admitted cheerfully. ‘But then I’ve always been a selfish bitch. The only person I ever really cared about was myself. But they say that every woman has a mother instinct. Well, mine has been about twenty years late in arriving, so let’s just say that I’m trying belatedly to make amends.’ She paused, and for a moment her eyes were filled with a sadness that suddenly made her seem vulnerable, then she brightened up. ‘Just look on me as a shop-soiled old fairy godmother who hates to see you unhappy.’

Revenge By Seduction

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