Читать книгу Decadent - Alexx Andria - Страница 14



KISSING HER HADN’T been the plan but I took opportunity where I found it.

But in all honesty, I’m not even sure when game play had dropped from my brain and my primal instincts took over.

I’ve never been struck by a woman’s beauty, losing all sense of reason over a hot body and pretty face, but for a heartbeat, the only word I could muster to describe how I was feeling was—struck.

Struck by lightning.

Struck by lust.

Struck by awe.

And it was disconcerting as fuck.

That dress, clinging to every hill and valley of her lush body, her breasts high and practically spilling out like candy from a crystal bowl, did crazy things to my head—and other places.

Too many times I’d watched with scorn as men slobbered and made fools of themselves over beautiful women. I never imagined I might fall into the same trap, but in that wild moment I probably would’ve done anything to feel those luscious lips on mine for just a heartbeat.

The kiss ignited something deep inside me but somehow by the grace of God, I pulled myself back to reality and broke away.

This woman—lovely as she might be—stood in the way of my goal. Strategy was in order.

“Before you judge Mia too harshly, she did manage to sell me an entire case of your Riserva, which I had shipped home to my father in New York. I’d say she’s a pretty good saleswoman.”

Cheeks flushed, Alessandra smoothed her dress and nodded, as if trying to regain her mental footing. Her scent still lingered in my nose, citrus and a tease of musk that did terrible things to my ability to focus. She exuded sexuality without trying, moving with effortless grace, yet the roll and sway of her hips were a moving violation.

“Mia’s job is not in jeopardy,” Alessandra assured me, but she was still struggling to put what’d happened into perspective. Our kiss had rattled her. Good—because it’d rattled me, too, but I was better at hiding it.

Every woman I’d ever spent time with paled before Alessandra and I found my tongue sticking uncharacteristically to the roof of my mouth.

“I’m sure kissing me wasn’t your sole intention for this evening. Why did you come here?” she asked.

Straight to the point, she pulled no punches, which I found invigorating. Hell, everything about her excited me right now but I had my game face on. “As I mentioned, I’ve come to enjoy fine wine and finer company. To that end, the evening has already started off well.” We were surrounded by people but it felt as if we were the only two in the courtyard. “Una Notte Magica…a fitting name. There is something magical in the air. Hard to believe how quickly you transformed the grounds from this afternoon into this wonderland.”

“I wear many hats here at Castello di Baroni, the least of which is party planner.” She stopped short and disengaged from my arm, turning to face me, all business. “I know what you’re doing.”

Hot boss lady. I like it. My brow rose with interest. “Oh? Pray tell. Please enlighten me.”

“You’ve crashed my party for a reason. You’re seeking some kind of leverage to use because you think our negotiations are ongoing, which they are not.”

I shrugged. “Maybe I’ve lost interest in the winery entirely and I’m simply looking to enjoy a nice evening.”

“I find that highly unlikely.”

“And why is that?”

She lifted her chin, assessing me without apology. “Because you’re the kind of man who doesn’t take no for an answer. Defeat isn’t in your vocabulary. Your arrogance—”

“Confidence,” I corrected.

Alessandra narrowed her gaze. “Arrogance clings to you like that tuxedo. You couldn’t hide or disguise it if you tried. It’s part of your DNA. Even if I told you a million times that you were wasting your time, that we would never sell, you’d still try to win.”

Astute observation. I smiled, pausing to accept two flutes of champagne from a passing attendant, handing her a glass before saying, “The invitation was a bonus. Mia took pity on me for being new to Italy and gave me her invitation. Perhaps she thought I’d make a new friend or two.” Knowing this would hit a chord, I made a point to gesture discreetly to the redheaded woman Alessandra had been standing with. “Perhaps with your friend…she’s quite beautiful.”

I wasn’t disappointed. Alessandra’s eyes flashed and she stiffened as she retorted, “She’s not your type.”

“How would you know my type?” I chided, amused. “You don’t know me.”

“You cannot kiss me and then make eyes at my best friend. Even for an American, that’s low.” Alessandra was quickly becoming my type but the game was afoot and it wouldn’t work to show my hand too early. “Your purchase offer isn’t welcome at Castello di Baroni and your attention isn’t welcome with my friend Sophia. Please don’t make things awkward by making me throw you out.”

That hot-blooded protectiveness was alluring as fuck. My breath quickened as a slow smile followed. “Are you always this delightful to guests?”

“You are not my guest,” she pointed out, sipping her champagne, smiling gracefully to a passerby as we moved through the courtyard to end in a slightly darker section where there were less people. “You are an interloper trying to poach on my property for your own gain.”

I wasn’t going to gain any ground this way. If Alessandra had her guard up every time I was around, I’d certainly lose. I needed a new tactic. “I think we got off on the wrong foot. May we start over?” I asked.

She hesitated, wary. “You assume that I am interested in starting over.”

“I respect your position as the head of a historic winery in an industry that is predominantly male-dominated. If I’m being honest, I’m a little in awe of how well you’ve managed to carve a place for yourself in this business. I came with an offer from my father, but to be honest, I really could not care less about purchasing your winery. My father is old and bored. Purchasing wineries is his new pastime. I agreed to make the offer but I find you far more intriguing than a bunch of grapes.”

Alessandra opened her mouth as if to fire back a retort but thought better of it. “So you’re not going to press me for more negotiations?” she asked.

“You gave me your answer.”

“And you accept it?” she asked, openly disbelieving me. “Just like that. You give up.”

“You want me to keep trying? I’m getting a mixed message,” I said, biting back a smile. “There are easier ways to get me to call than to lead me on a wild-goose chase. I’d be happy to take you to dinner.”

She blinked, her adorable mouth popping open again before she snapped it shut and narrowed her gaze. “Good. Then I won’t expect to see you again, crashing my parties or skulking around my winery.”

“I’ve never skulked in my life,” I said, affronted. “I’m not even sure I’m capable of skulking.”

That cracked a tiny smile from her. I wasn’t used to being the jokester—I left that to Nico—but I enjoyed sparring with Alessandra. There was something satisfying about matching wits and finding myself challenged. “Perhaps not but the meaning remains the same. I’m not selling.”

“You’ve said that, and I’ve heard you.” I waited a moment before asking, “Out of curiosity…what drives your passion to hold on to the winery? Surely, there are less stressful careers out there. From what I’ve seen, Italy is still staunchly patriarchal when it comes to the wine business.”

I expected her to shut me down but she surprised me with an answer. “It was my twin brother’s passion. I honor him by keeping Castello di Baroni alive. In some small way, it’s like having him here still.”

The genuine emotion in her statement left no room for quips or jokes. Mia had given me accurate information but hearing it from Alessandra’s lips further validated my gut instinct. Sentiment was difficult to negotiate around. Not impossible but it definitely raised the stakes.

I digested her answer, giving it the weight it deserved, then said, “So, now that we have settled our business disagreement, what do you say about dinner?”

It was a bold move but I was ready to put the chess pieces in play. All I needed was the queen to make her move.

Alessandra regarded me with interest, something in her beautiful eyes flickering in a way that made my groin tighten. I wanted her to say yes so badly that I felt myself holding my breath in anticipation.


The fact that she was considering it gave me a sudden thrill. “You know the best places in town, I’m assuming, and basically I’m a tourist in your country. Seems smartest to have a well-connected local to show me the hot spots.”

She laughed. “You want me to play tour guide? I don’t have time for that.”

“I could make it worth your while. What if I paid you for your time?”

Alessandra’s brow furrowed as she pursed her lips. “There you go throwing money around again. If I choose to show you around, it won’t be because you’ve paid me.”

“So you’re considering it?” I asked, grinning.

“Of course not,” she answered with a smile. “But I will consider dinner.”

Yes! Success. I kept my triumphant smile to a minimum. “I’ll put that in the win column.”

“Don’t count it yet. First, a few questions…”

“Like a job interview? I haven’t had one of those in a while.”

“Are you married or have a girlfriend at home? I don’t want to deal with a jealous woman showing up on my doorstep.”

“Over dinner?” I teased. “This better be the most amazing food ever made.”

“I’m serious. It’s happened before and I don’t have the time for drama.”

If she knew me better, she wouldn’t have had to ask. I didn’t keep entanglements. I preferred to remain unfettered by emotional attachments. My two brothers were shackled and I had no interest in following in their footsteps.

But I was happy to allay her fears. I took a bold step forward, entering her personal space. She didn’t pull back. The blood roared in my ears as she met my gaze with a boldness of her own. I hungered for another taste of her kiss on my lips. The first kiss had been a shock to us both, a reaction to the magnetism between us. This time, I was going to make it happen with all the finesse I was known for.

I knuckled her chin, noting the soft, firm skin of her jawline. “I promise you, I am very single and I am not interested in changing that status—no matter how enticing the vision before me.”

Her slow smile tickled me in private places. “Good. Then you may take me to dinner.” Yes! I took the invitation her parted lips offered, sliding my mouth across hers, tasting that exotic flavor of Italian spice I knew I’d always remember, and thrilled at the bold dart of her tongue against mine.

Heat kindled between us as if the ember had always been there, waiting for the right spark to start a fire. Even if the kiss lasted only a moment, it left me aching for more.

She pulled away, her cheeks flushed slightly, saying with a devilish smile as she walked away, “Dinner only.”

I remained rooted to the spot she left me. My lips tingled from her touch.

My cock surged to life, nearly splitting the zipper as every primal need known to man came knocking on my door, urging me to toss her over my shoulder and carry her off like a Viking.

“Dinner it is,” I murmured, staring after her like a hungry wolf. “At least to start…”


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