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List of Writers.


Table of Contents

"A. Chee"

Bill's Yarn : and Jim's My Horse

Abbott, Perce

A Night at Kelly's

Allen, Alex.

The Benefit of Clergy

Baynton, Barbara

The Tramp

Becke, Louis

Long Charley's Good Little Wife

"Boiling Billy"

Selling Scripture Texts


Caught on the Beach

Bruton, Nellie

A Woman and a Fly

C. W.

He Had Not Hurt Her

Castieau, John B.

Jessop's Coat

Conway, A.

Nick Vedder's Gold

Daley, Victor J.

Bailiffs I Have Met

Davis, Arthur H.

On Our Selection

De Bakker, L.

The Ferryman

Delmer, F. S.

At Yarrawonga

Dempsey, E. J.

Dies Irae

Dorrington, Albert

A Bush Tanqueray

Dyson, Edward

The Funerals of Malachi Mooney

"E. & O. E."

An Egotist

Edmond, James

A Row in our Boarding-House

Elmes, F. F.

Under the Rose

Evison, J.

Collop's Mother

F. M. W. G.

The Patient's Hand-Bell

Favenc, Ernest

The Parson's Blackboy

Fletcher, Henry

On the Land

"Frank Renar"


Greene, J. H.

From the Log of the Outward Bound


Broken China

Holmes, Mabel

His Hair

J. P.

"Colonial Experience"

Kent, Graham

Two Verdicts

Lawson, Henry

The Drover's Wife

Light, Maud

The Correspondence of a Little Dressmaker

Mack, Amy E.

Her Coup-de-Theatre

Mack, Louise

The Bond

Mackay, G. J. V.


"Mc G."

The Square Ring The Burial Service of a Musician

M'Cay, A. C.

An Error in Administration

Merroll, Max

A Step Too High

Mills, Ethel

A Box of Dead Roses

Millington, J. F.

The Procession of Egos

Montgomery, Alex.


Norris, F. Marryat

Basher's Hurricane

Mowbray, Phil.

Hanging and Hell

O'Meara, J. J.



A Bridal Party and a Dog


He Let His Heart Go

Paterson, A. B.

White-When-He's Wanted


The School at Sergeant's

Poynton, J. J.

Strawberry : A Love Story

Prichard, T. H.

Bowled Out

Quinn, Roderic

A Stripe for Trooper Casey

"Robin Studholme"

The Dispersion of Mrs. Black

Rollett, F.

Three Cups of Tea

Rose-Soley, A.


Sorenson, E. S.

Barmy Barker's Boots

Souter, C. H.

A Martyr of No Account

Squires, E. F.


"Victor Zeal"

After Many Years

Watson, John Reay

Some of Fate's Puppets


The Man Who Saw a Moa

Young, W. B.

Nell's Letter

The Bulletin Story Book

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