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a. Eating As a Compulsive Behavior

Compulsive eating is just one type of addictive behavior. Alcoholism, drug abuse, smoking, and caffeine use are other common additions. Both psychological and chemical factors contribute to them. Using these substances triggers a physical desire for more, and overuse leads to physical dependency.

Some compulsive behaviors have a psychological basis only. For example, compulsive spenders buy on impulse and cannot save their money. Compulsive gamblers don't stop when they run out of money; they may steal to continue. Compulsive cleaners become upset by any disarray and spend hours keeping everything in order. Compulsive savers never throw anything out.

Both psychological and chemical factors contribute to compulsive eating behavior. When you eat some chocolate, caffeine, or sugar your body needs more. Sugar and carbohydrates elevate your blood sugar level; when that level drops, your body needs more to elevate it again.

However, despite the chemical factors that complicate compulsive eating, this behavior is primarily a psychological problem. Compulsive eating is any eating done in response to your mind instead of your body. Your body will respond to hunger and internal cues, but when you eat beyond the point of satisfaction, it is your mind that keeps you going. When the contributing psychological factors are very strong, even the knowledge that a certain food is harmful may not be enough to prevent your eating. Since total abstinence from food is impossible, compulsive eating is the most difficult addiction to overcome.

Compulsive eating has several things in common with other addictions:

(a) It involves much of your time to the exclusion of many other things.

(b) It occupies your thoughts, even when you are not doing it.

(c) It cannot be given up unless you have help.

(d) Giving it up usually leaves you with withdrawal symptoms.

An addiction, in a sense, controls you, which means that you have no choice about it. But in another sense, you have made a choice. Because you derive some benefits from doing what you do, you choose to keep doing it.

The “benefits” gained from compulsive behavior include such things as:

(a) Time spent obsessing about the addiction leaves less time to think and worry about things that cause anxiety.

(b) The addiction provides a diversion from unpleasant chores like laundry or term papers.

(c) It removes you from reality and leaves you in a stupor, so you can blot out anxiety. This is especially true about alcohol, drugs, and sugar, but even excessive cleaning can do this.

(d) It gives you a temporary high, a kind of euphoria, until guilt sets in about what you did. Food does this when you feel full; gambling and spending money give a sense of danger and power.

(e) It brings a sense of order to your outer world, which you need if your inner world is chaotic. This refers especially to compulsive neatness.

These benefits are not usually recognized or acknowledged consciously, but they may be powerful enough to hinder change.

Eating compulsively is a way of indirectly taking care of emotional needs. It may result in unhappiness about weight or control, but unless your needs are met directly, the alternatives to eating may seem worse to you.

The negative consequences alone are not severe enough to stop the behavior. As an addiction, compulsive eating is probably the least harmful. It usually affects your health less than other forms of substance abuse, and any effects on your appearance are usually based on distorted ideas about beauty and its importance.

b. What Triggers Compulsive Eating?

The desire to eat is triggered by hunger — a physical sensation. But compulsive eating is triggered by signals in your mind, not your stomach. If this happens too often, you lose touch with your normal body signals.

Some of the triggers for compulsive eating are:

Food: seeing it on a plate, in the market, in the refrigerator, in a pot, at a buffet, in an ad, on television. When you see it, you think, It is there, so I must have it.

Time: eating by the clock, instead of when hungry. This starts with rigid scheduled feeding as a baby, followed by having to eat at set times in school and then at work. You look at the clock and determine if it is time to eat, ignoring your body signals.

Habit: eating while watching television, reading, riding in the car, or cooking. Snacking in front of the TV comes from years of buying popcorn and candy at the movies. As a child, you may have been given food in the car to keep you quiet. Now, you eat when you drive.

Associations and memories: being given ice cream as a child after a hospital stay, for a birthday, or as a reward for good behavior, or being given cookies when you cried may lead you to want them now. When you have them, they stir up fond memories.

Feelings: being angry, lonely, tired, even happy can lead to eating if you think that food will make you feel happier or better.

c. Kinds of Compulsive Eaters

1. The anorexic

Anorexia is a prolonged, non-medical loss of appetite. It is the most severe of all eating disorders and the most difficult to treat because it involves many distortions, especially about body size. The anorexic usually denies that anything is wrong and does not seek help. Typically, anorexia strikes young females with some history of being overweight. They are obsessed with being thin at any price, and believe they are fat.

The anorexic looks starved. She does not allow herself pleasure from food or anything else. She thinks about food all the time, and about not eating. She tells herself she is full, when she really is starving. She believes that any eating will make her fat. She thinks eating is being weak and prides herself on her denial.

2. Borderline anorexic (anorectic thinker)

This person thinks eating is bad and eats only limited amounts. She may be normal weight, but thinks she is overweight. She has a distorted body image. This is much more common to females than males. Anorexia as such is not dealt with in this book, although many of the principles in the second half of the book also apply to it.

3. The bulimic

Bulimia is massive overeating followed (usually) by self-induced vomiting. Many bulimics are former anorexics. As bulimics, they allow themselves to eat, but they binge as the result of having felt starved for so long. The binges are seen as a weakness, so they compensate by purging through vomiting or by using laxatives. Thus, the bulimic has devised a way to eat without guilt and without gaining weight but it is a self-destructive way.

During a binge, the bulimic consumes huge quantities of food. This is done alone, so there is a secret quality to the eating and purging.

4. The bulimic thinker

The true bulimic binges and purges. The bulimic thinker is a binger-starver, following the same principles. At times, maybe once a week, or once a day, the binger-starver eats to the point of discomfort, then regrets it and either diets or fasts. She has a distorted body image and sees herself as fat, but she is less secretive about what she does. If your weight yo-yos because you are always “on” or “off” a diet, you fit in this category.

5. The compulsive overeater

Overeaters eat too often or too long and weigh too much as a result. In time, they may become obese. The eating disorder, therefore, is apparent to others, unlike bulimia. Although overeaters claim they want to be thinner, they always have fears about being so. When they do stop overeating and lose weight, they often panic and go back to old habits.

d. Are You a Compulsive Eater?

Where do you fit in? Do you have some characteristics of all of the conditions described? Have you been different at different times? You can begin to make changes when you can see how you think and what you do. Use the checklist in Exercise #1 to quickly assess whether you are a compulsive eater.

Exercise 1: Compulsive Eater Checklist

☐ I think about food much of the day.

☐ I live to eat more than I eat to live.

☐ I spend a lot of each day eating.

☐ I eat when I am not hungry.

☐ I never say no to an offer of food.

☐ I feel controlled by food.

☐ I get strong cravings for specific foods.

☐ I eat when I get upset.

☐ Eating makes me feel better.

☐ I can only diet for short periods of time.

* * *

If you have checked five or more of the boxes, you are a compulsive eater. If you are, take heart that you are one of millions and that reading this book can help you.

To lose weight, lower your intake. To keep it off, raise your awareness.

Overcoming Compulsive Eating

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