Читать книгу Cowboy Cavalry - Alice Sharpe - Страница 7



Frankie Hastings—The youngest of the Hastings brothers, Frankie has been living with secrets his whole life—not only his but his mother’s unrevealed past, as well. A run-in with an enigmatic beauty fuels his desire to take back his future. Now the goal becomes making sure they both survive to see it.

Kate West—She’s desperately trying to keep her ailing grandmother afloat. When an opportunity to ensure security arises, she vows she’ll take it no matter the cost to her peace of mind; she doesn’t count on the cost to her heart.

Dave Dalton—He has something he wants to talk to Frankie about, something that could change everything. Is it true a dead man can’t tell tales?

Gary Dodge—A producer intent on helping Frankie realize his dream to film a documentary about a one-hundred-year-old event. Is that his only intention?

Jay Thurman—He represents a part of Frankie’s past that Frankie has tried to overcome. He’s back now, meaner than ever, more determined to get “what’s his,” and he doesn’t care who he has to destroy to do it.

Patrick Lowell—The documentary team’s fuddy-duddy historian is positive there’s gold buried on Hastings land. If he’s right, its discovery will make a heck of an ending for the film.

Ed Hoskins—Does this numismatist hold the key Frankie needs to unlock the deadly mystery of his past?

Gerard, Chance and Pike Hastings—Frankie’s brothers swear to stand—or fall—together.

Sara Kane—This grieving daughter has a hundred thousand reasons to support her conviction that her father did not commit suicide.

Cowboy Cavalry

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