Читать книгу The Summoner - Alisha Steele - Страница 8


Chapter 5

Alex was trying to bring the image of her own bed into her mind, desperate to escape this bizarre, deliciously sinful encounter. But Kasdeya, as if knowing her intent, wouldn’t give her a chance to concentrate. As soon as he had placed her on the mattress, his smooth naked body settled over hers and his mouth renewed its persuasion.

Her body acknowledged defeat before her mind did. A scrumptious lethargy stole through her limbs as the demon ravished her with his clever tongue and even cleverer hands, making her feel as slothful as a cat basking in the sun.

The sound of her nightgown ripping down the center startled her enough to momentarily clear the sensual haze from her head. Oh, but then he moaned, a heart-wrenching, masculine sound of need as he sat back to look down at her nakedness. Alex’s sex throbbed in response, releasing a flood of silky fluid at the blatant lust in his eyes and the sexy sound of his desire.

“Little mortal,” he said on a sigh, running reverent hands along her neck and shoulders before drifting lower. Her nipples, already hard and aching, strained into his palms. His long, fine fingers caught at the pebbled nubs as he admired the slight weight of her small curves. “You have the beauty of an angel.”

And he would know, right?

She told herself to snap out of it. There was no way she could let this happen. “Kasdeya, I banish…”

Kasdeya rolled his eyes and took one hand away from her body to place it gently over her kiss-swollen lips. “Desist now, Alexandra.” His index finger slipped inside her mouth and Alex moved her tongue over it, her mind and body still at odds with each other about what exactly she wanted. Kasdeya’s own tongue peeked out to touch the deep indent in his upper lip as she suckled him and another groan was torn from his chest. His finger pressed further into the wet heat.

“You want me, pet,” he said, his voice a deep burr. The fingers on her breast constricted, trapping the nipple almost painfully. It was Alex’s turn to moan. Kasdeya’s mouth curved. “I can see it,” he continued. “I can feel it.” He pinched her nipple again and Alex’s head tossed in pleasure, releasing his finger from between her lips. “And I can smell it.” His mouth opened, drawing the cool air over his tongue.

Alex blushed in mortification. She could smell the heat of her feminine arousal too, but none of her other lovers had ever commented on it. How embarrassing.

Kasdeya’s grin widened and his thumb stroked the heat of her cheek. “You smell delicious, Alexandra. I find myself eager for a taste.” He leaned over to brush her lips with his. “So why not forgo this foolish banishment notion?” he whispered, nibbling at her lower lip.

He leaned up again, straddling her thighs, and stroked his long cock. His other hand slid through the dark waves at his temple. “After all,” he said, “should you not sample the wares before deciding to turn down the purchase?” His wings opened and fanned the air behind him, creating a stunning backdrop for his unearthly beauty. Alex’s breath came in pants as the breeze they created washed over her body. She couldn’t make herself form any kind of coherent reply while her gaze tracked the slow, lazy movement of his palm on his prick.

Kasdeya picked up her right hand from where it rested limply on her stomach and wrapped it around his erection. Her fingers barely fit around his girth.

“Touch me, Summoner,” he ordered in a harsh, guttural voice, his hand guiding hers over the glass-like smoothness of his shaft. His eyes fell closed and he thrust into her hand. “Yes,” he sighed. “Like that.”

Alex gave up the ghost. He was right. She did want him—more than anything she’d ever wanted in her life. He was just as god-damned irresistible as he thought he was. She sat up between his spread legs, holding onto the curved muscle of his hip for leverage, and stroked his cock more forcefully. His piloting fingers fell away and came to rest on the gloss of her hair instead, applying gentle pressure to incline her already bent head toward his cock. She went willingly enough, as eager for the taste of his velvety-soft prick as he was for the heat of her mouth.

Alex swiped her tongue over the plum-sized crown and gave a whimper of excitement as the tang of his pre-come flooded her mouth. The flavor was like nothing she had ever encountered before. Ambrosia. Every decadent dessert and every illicit drug rolled into one heady bouquet. She nudged him back so that she could kneel up, the better to swallow his length and taste more of his delicious essence.

* * * *

Kasdeya didn’t bother to choke back his groans as she dipped her lovely, fey face and took him deep into her mouth. Being an exceptionally experienced lover, he knew that the sounds of his enjoyment would be a spur to her own. Regrettably, he wasn’t exaggerating the strength of his response. This little slip of a mortal was managing to do what countless Angels in Heaven and even more Fallen in Hell had been unable to accomplish: she was making him lose control.

“Damnation,” he hissed as her tongue flicked at the underside of his glans. One of her tiny hands slipped between his legs to cup the weight of his balls, which were tightening in anticipation of an explosive release.

His fingers tensed in her hair. He was torn. What he really wanted to do was thrust deeper down her throat and just give in to the pleasure, but he knew he had to push her away. After all, he was supposed to be seducing her, not the other way around.

“Stop,” he said, but his voice was too husky to be understood. He tangled his fists in her slinky locks and wrenched her off him, bringing her lips up to his. The taste of himself on her tongue rocked his control even further. Kasdeya snarled as he devoured her mouth, his own tongue becoming violent, demanding everything she had to give. He ground helplessly against the sleekness of her skin.

When Alexandra brought one slim thigh up around his waist to grant him the access he seemed to be asking for, he cursed and pushed her away. She sprawled back on the ebony silk, a look of confusion on her face. “You’ve had your taste,” he said, trying to will himself back to calm. “Now I will have mine.”

The confusion was replaced by a knowing feminine smile, the same look all women wore when they realized they were desired. Alexandra relaxed back into the sheets, her eyes falling half shut as she brought her hands up to cup her breasts. She and Kasdeya moaned in unison when her fingers found the sharp peaks of her cherry nipples, plucking them aggressively. Her thighs fell open, allowing him a glimpse of the hot-pink crease nestled within the lacy golden-brown thatch of her pubic curls. Kasdeya’s mouth went dry at the sight and he closed his eyes against it, against the temptation to take what was offered in every way known to man and in some ways not yet known.

At the dropping of his eyelids though, her pungent scent became his body’s stimulation of choice. Once again he opened his mouth, letting the delectable odor tantalize his palate.

“Well,” she urged. His eyes snapped open to see her thighs spread even further, her hips lifted up to him in enticement. “What are you waiting for?”

Control, he wanted to say. But there was no reason to grant her that truth.

“Patience, pet,” he murmured instead, lowering himself over her to lick her fingers, which were still restlessly kneading her small, proud breasts. She moved her hand away immediately, sliding it through his thick mane to the back of his skull, urging him closer. He smiled against her skin and took the pert little jewel of her nipple between his lips.

* * * *

Alex sighed in bliss, arching into his mouth. “Kasdeya,” she whispered, rolling the syllables in her mouth like a fine wine.

“My pet,” he said, trailing kisses across her chest to taste her other nipple.

“I’m not your—oh, Jesus!”

Kasdeya had bitten her. Not hard enough to bruise, but hard enough to send pain flickering along her nerve endings. Pain that was immediately followed by the warm rush of pleasure.

“I’ll stop calling you my pet,” he said between long, rough licks, “when you stop calling me by my enemy’s name.”

“I wasn’t…” Her words faded away as his hands ended the descent they’d been making down her body at the apex of her thighs. Her muscles tensed in expectation. He didn’t make her wait. With no preamble, his hands dipped lower, pushing her legs hard to the side so that she was splayed like a starfish. His thumbs caressed the creamy, damp creases where soft skin met soft hair, and then they darted inward, spreading her wide.

“Chri—” she exclaimed, but the word strangled in her throat.

Kasdeya gave her breast one final kiss and then tilted his head to regard her with amusement as his mouth followed the trail his hands had blazed. “Did you say something?” he asked, his warm breath stirring the curls of her sex.

Alex shook her head.

“Are you sure, pet?” He was so close now that she felt his lips form the words.

“No, damn you,” she gasped, pushing up into his mouth.

With a soft laugh, Kasdeya admitted he may have been mistaken before thrusting his tongue deep inside her slick center.

“Oh Go—” Once again, Alex cut herself off. This was going to be hard. She was an “Oh God” kinda gal when things got going. Rifling through her mind for a safe word—she was vocal, she had to be able to moan something—while Kasdeya lapped at her, was a lesson in wicked distraction. “Fuck,” she hissed, both in response to her internal query and in response to the external stimuli of the dark man’s thumbs rotating in tandem over her distended clit, first one and then the other. His tongue had set up a strong rhythm, surging again and again into her molten core. It felt much longer and thicker than any tongue had a right to be; Alex was sure she could feel it brushing her cervix each time it delved inside.

“Oh fuck!” she said again, happy with the way the word sounded in her mouth. Her hands tightened on what she, at first, thought were Kasdeya’s shoulder blades. But no; they were too high, too downy soft.

She raised her head to see her fingers embedded in the thick midnight feathers of his wings. Just then, his hands slipped around to cup her ass and lift her up to his lips. His thumbs were replaced by the strong suction of his mouth and the lash of that sandpaper tongue. Alex gave up caring where the hell her hands were, just using them to hang on as she was catapulted into the most soul-shattering orgasm of her life.

* * * *

Kasdeya drank from her greedily. When she started to descend from the first plateau of pleasure, he moved up, ever so slightly, and pushed down with his tongue, sliding the small swollen hood over her spasming nub, decreasing the intensity just enough to send her soaring again.

“Fuck!” she cried for about the tenth time in the last minute. He repressed a chuckle. Apparently, his little Summoner became rather monosyllabic when deprived of God’s name. He thought about the word “fuck” as she came down from her second climax, shuddering and moaning, her sweat-sheened thighs pressed tight to his ears. Was the word Dutch in origin? Perhaps German. Whichever it was, it certainly seemed to be a versatile word. His Prince had taken to using it rather profusely himself in the last hundred years.

Kasdeya shrugged off the idle thought and again switched positions with his tongue. Her clitoris would be too sensitive now for any direct stimulation, but the rest of her pretty, puffy sex was fair game and so responsive with the fresh engorgement of blood. He readied her for a third climb, tracing the butterfly spread of her inner lips, and then pausing to beat a rapid tattoo on the sensitive spot just inside of her now incredibly tight channel. When he’d first started, she had been nicely firm. Not virginal, but toned, sleek. Now…

“God, please stop,” she gasped, trying to tug his head away. “It’s too much!”

God again? She’d clearly forgotten herself in her delirium but Kasdeya decided to forgive her, just this once. When he felt her muscles stiffen, almost twanging as the third crest hit, he once again plunged his tongue inside, lengthening it to chafe the entrance to her womb.

Alex screamed as her body arched off the bed, held in place by only his hands. Her sex constricted around the length of his tongue, milking it in time to the swells of ecstasy. He expanded his tongue in opposition to her contractions, rippling it inside of her sensitive flesh.

“No more,” she whimpered. “Please, no more.”

Kasdeya relented, but only because he could not wait one second longer to bury himself in her tight wet heat. If he had been so inclined, he could have gorged on her for hours, bringing her to climax repeatedly until she was rendered unconscious from the sheer orgasmic pleasure.

“Of course more,” he said, moving his body up between her lax legs. “We haven’t even come to the best part yet, pet.”

* * * *

Alex felt as if she’d already had marathon sex. She was vibrating like a tuning fork, still suffering random, heart-pounding quivers of delight. Hadn’t come to the best part yet? She couldn’t even open her eyes, couldn’t seem to control any part of her body. All she could do was whimper and moan.

“No, wait,” she mumbled, summoning the energy to turn her face away from his.

He grinned as he picked at a few wet strands trailing across her mouth, cheeks and forehead, and smoothed them back into the hair at her temple. “My, my, little Summoner, you are full of words I prefer not to hear.”

Kasdeya turned her face back to his and laughed when she squeezed her eyes shut tighter, expecting him to lay violent claim to her mouth once more.

Instead, he smoothed his cheek over hers while rocking his body, ever so gently, against her. Chest to chest. Groin to groin. The lightest of glides. His hands whispered over her hair as he brought his wings forward to enclose them in darkness. His breath was heavy in her ear, moistening the blackness with his exhalations and establishing an intimacy that was as undeniable as the pounding of her heart.

When her trembling subsided, he once again brought his mouth over hers. He said nothing, did nothing. Alex slid her hands around his lower back and pulled him closer. The almost intangible friction of his prick against her sex became a solid, pulsing thrust. She gasped. She was so sensitized that she felt the heavy vein on the underside of his cock.

“Little mortal,” he said in a hushed, strained voice, “I would never take something not freely offered. But if you do not offer soon, I may well die of wanting.”

“Angels can’t die,” she murmured, lifting her head from the bed to get an equally satisfying increase of friction at the point where their mouths met.

Kasdeya smiled when she licked his lips, seeking entrance, but he didn’t open for her. “No, they can’t. But I’m not an angel.” His hands left her hair to tenderly shape her body, drifting down to the curve of her ass. He lifted her so that his cock butted against her wet heat, seeking entrance of its own.

“Demons can’t die either.” When she realized he wasn’t going to kiss her back, she turned her attention to his jawline, nipping and sucking.

Kasdeya tilted his head for her, almost purring when her tongue found his Adam’s apple. “Fallen,” he corrected, but his reprimand lacked any strength, coming out as it did on a husky moan.

“Whatever.” Her hands clenched on his hips and she lifted her body to take him inside, sighing in pleasure when his cockhead parted her, so magnificently hard against her tender flesh. “Look, I’m offering, okay? Please, Kasdeya.”

He lowered his head to plunge his tongue deep into her mouth while pressing his prick farther into her snug sheath. His groans trembled against her teeth.

Alex wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling away from the kiss to arch her back in pleasure. He filled her so completely.

“Please,” she panted again when he made no attempt at motion once he’d hilted. The feel of his heavy pulse buried between her legs was almost enough to send her round the loop one more time. Almost. “Please. Hard. Now.” She raked her nails up his back. “Move, damn you.”

Kasdeya’s handsome face contorted in what appeared to be either agony or anger. His wings rose violently behind him, unfolding like a black cape. They slapped the air.

* * * *

“Foolish woman,” Kasdeya hissed between clenched teeth, lifting his body away until the only parts of him touching her were his cock and his hands. “Give me a moment.” He wanted to last, not to spend in the first second like a stupid human. But, by the nine hells, the feel of her was too much.

“No, now.” She raised her head to take one of his small mauve nipples between her teeth and bit down, shaking her head like a predator killing its prey. Her nails scored his flesh once more, from below his wings to the cheeks of his ass, and her sex worked over his length, heedless of his desire to go slow.

Kasdeya tossed his head back, shuddering in ecstasy. Such sweet, sharp teeth she had. “Oh Go—” He snapped his mouth shut on the word, unable to believe what he had almost said. “As you wish!” he roared instead. His hips snapped, delivering sharp, brutal thrusts. He could feel the snarl he wore.

Alexandra whimpered beneath him and her mouth on his nipple gentled to the suckle of a newborn. His cock throbbed in time with the pulling warmth. He lifted his hands to tangle them in her hair, forcing her away. Her womb was starting the flurry of ripples that signaled her release and he wanted to watch her this time.

His Summoner’s eyes were squeezed shut and her mouth was half open. His cock pulsed again at the sight. His strokes grew longer, harder. Kasdeya fucked her with the full strength of his thighs behind every thrust.

“Kasdeya!” she cried, sinking her nails deep and bucking beneath him.

“Look at me,” he commanded, his voice fraught with the tension of holding his orgasm at bay. Her eyelids fluttered open. “Do not close your eyes, pet, stay with me.”

She did. Even as her body convulsed beneath him her gaze stayed trained on his face. Alexandra’s mouth opened on a silent scream when he dipped his hand between their bodies to pinch her clit. Her inner muscles grabbed and held, refusing to unclench.

“Perfect,” he moaned, following her into oblivion. His hips drove forward with what should have been way too much force for her frail mortal body to handle, but she matched him stroke for stroke. Kasdeya’s cock erupted, an endless geyser, one pulse followed swiftly by another and another. Pleasure without reprieve.

It was he that ended up breaking eye contact, laying his head in the hollow where her neck met her shoulder and gasping for air at the sheer magnitude of the orgasm she had called forth. It had never been like this before. Never. “Perfect,” he repeated incredulously. He sighed in contentment at the feel of her hands petting his skin while his shudders slowly diminished.

“Yes, it was.”

Kasdeya could hear the satisfied smile she wore.

The Summoner

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