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How the book works


There is advice from the early years all the way through to the teens, so whatever age your child is when you come to this book you can find plenty of help and ideas. But to encourage a love of reading, the earlier you start the better. It allows the maximum time for your child to grow up with reading and for the love of it to take root and become part of their life.

Although the chapters are divided into age groups, they are guidelines only. I can’t stress enough that all children are different, that they develop at different speeds and that there is no such thing as a typical child. So if your child is not yet at the reading stage I talk about, don’t worry, don’t get stressed, don’t nag your child, just enjoy the special time you spend together reading. It will stick eventually.

Each chapter has advice on the reading habit, what the reading home should be like, how to read aloud and with your child, a list of handy Dos and Don’ts and some broad pointers to developmental stages in childhood appropriate to the age range. All of this is based on my research with families and schools, as well as my personal experiences. There are also comments from three specialists: David Reedy, General Secretary of the United Kingdom Literacy Association and a literacy expert; Dr Amanda Gummer, a research psychologist and child development expert; and Dr Aric Sigman biologist and psychologist, who works on raising awareness among children, parents and doctors of the potential impact of electronic media and screen dependency.

Help Your Child Love Reading

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