Читать книгу The Recovery Assignment - Алисон Робертс - Страница 8



‘YOU bastard!’

Charlotte’s head turned sharply at the raw anger in the statement from the rapidly approaching stranger.

‘There’s a dead woman in that car and it’s your fault!’

‘I didn’t even see her!’

‘You shouldn’t be allowed on the road. You’re a useless, incompetent—’

‘Excuse me.’ Charlotte turned her body and stepped sideways into the path of the stranger. ‘Who are you?’

‘I work in those offices.’ The man jerked an arm in the direction of a building over the road. ‘I saw the whole thing.’

‘Then we’ll certainly take your statement,’ Charlotte told him calmly. ‘If you go and wait beside that police car over there, I’ll—’

‘He just turned this bloody great truck in front of her. She didn’t stand a chance. Look at her, you moron!’

Unfortunately, it was still possible to see the mangled body in the driver’s seat of the small hatchback. The fire officers were trying to position a tarpaulin as a shield prior to cutting the woman’s body free from the wreck, but it was proving difficult. Wellington wasn’t known as the ‘windy city’ for nothing.

The Recovery Assignment

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