Читать книгу Her Emergency Knight - Алисон Робертс - Страница 3

Dear Reader,


I’m lucky enough to live in one of the most beautiful countries on earth. New Zealand is unparalleled for its forests, mountains and lakes, and they deservedly attract many people into our wilderness areas. Some places are untouched—wild and dangerous. Even people who think they are well prepared to deal with the terrain have to be rescued sometimes. Others have such an ordeal forced on them and they have to deal with it the best way they can.

I love survival stories so this time I took my hero and heroine—Guy and Jennifer—and crashed the light plane they were in on a mountainside in one of New Zealand’s most remote places. They have to deal with the situation and the terrain. Together. They also have to deal with the equally wild attraction that develops between them en route.

It was an unforgettable journey for Jennifer and Guy. I hope it will be for you, too.

Happy reading,

Alison Roberts

Her Emergency Knight

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