Читать книгу The Last Tariff - Alistair Nunamaker - Страница 5

Chapter 5


After having been in Aerahagen for almost a month, word reached Alaric that Estad had fallen. The Kudranian army had crushed the army of Estad within about a week, but pockets of resistance fighters sustained the conflict for another three. There was supposed to still be some fighting going on from small groups scattered around the country, that the Kudranians couldn't seem to find, but for the most part things were quiet again. Not only had word reached the city, but it was Kudranian traders that had brought the news. Many of the merchants were normal merchants just like Alaric. There were however a few that seemed to have been specifically sent by the Kudranian government to make certain purchases. After speaking with several other merchants, Alaric discovered that the Kudranians were in the market for new, more advanced firearms. Maitland Arms Manufacturing, which was based in Aerahagen, jumped on the deal.

Silas Maitland was a brilliant man, and his family had been in the business of firearms for three generations. After Warren Bray's idea of the brass cartridge was introduced, Maitland set to work to create the very first firearms to use this new ammunition, and, thus, the Maitland Rifle was born. The rifle was only about two inches shorter than the rifled muskets most militaries used. The gun opened up at the breach, so that it could be loaded even faster than the cartridge innovation had already sought to provide. This created a deadly weapon that would allow a soldier to get off many more rounds than they had previously been able to. The Kudranians bought Maitland's entire stock of ten thousand rifles and ordered another two hundred thousand to be manufactured.

While Alaric was distressed, to hear about his home nation, he was far more concerned that he still hadn't been able to find Charlie and had no leads as to where he could have ended up. Alaric did however suspect the slave ring that he had uncovered. When he went back to the place where the men had taken him to purchase Brisco, there was nothing there. Everyone and everything had been moved.

Business on the other hand had been wonderful. Alaric had sold his entire wagon, not just the goods in it, but the wagon itself as well. While this was a good thing and had given him enough money to rent a place to live and work for awhile, it also meant that he had to get new products. Alaric realized that there were many inventors in the city that wanted a place to sell their inventions. There were some inventions that did not seem to Alaric to be very useful or like they would sell very well. There were others however that seemed to already have a demand, and, once Alaric had managed to track down their creators and work out a deal, he had a thriving store.

One day, while Alaric was moving a machine meant to make washing clothing easier, a man approached him. He seemed to not be much older than Alaric, he was tall, had brown hair, and carried a revolver on his right hip. “Good afternoon, I'm looking for Mr. Wyverstone, do you know if he's in?”

“I'm Alaric Wyverstone, how can I help you?”

“You? Uh, yes, well, I didn't realize you were so young. My father seemed to know you very well... but you seem too young for him to have known you as long as he claims.”

“He may have been speaking of my father. He was a merchant for much of his life.”

“Oh, I see. Where is he now? Maybe he remembers my father.”

Alaric went silent for a few moments before responding, “My father passed away a little over a month ago. I run the business now.” The man frowned and shook his head, “I am sorry for your loss. My own father is on his deathbed. I was to inherit his business but I know nothing of what it is to be a merchant. I'm a soldier. I fear I would cause his business to fail.”

“He didn't teach you?”

“He tried, but I never really understood any of it. He was disappointed in me when I joined the state's military.”

“I see, but how does that involve me or rather my father.”

“Well, when I voiced my concerns, my father told me that if I had to sell it, he'd prefer it go to old Ezekiel.” Alaric's eyes widened, “He must have held my father in high esteem.”

“You might say that. They were each other's greatest rivals.” Alaric laughed, “So you're Cornelius Beggley's son?” The man nodded, “So you have heard of my father.” Alaric then donned a more serious face, “Unfortunately I don't know that I have the money currently to buy a business.”

“As I said, I wouldn't know what to do with it. I'll sell you the whole business for a hundred dollars now and another five hundred when you've made the money.” Alaric's eyes once again widened, it could be a very good deal. It would give him more stock and possibilities. “What comes with the business?”

“Four wagons with their own teams of horses. A storefront over on Smoke Street with its entire stock and a storefront in Ravenburg.”

“Ravenburg? Isn't that several hundred miles from here?”

“It is. My father felt that it would give him more diversity to have the stores so far apart.” Alaric nodded, and gestured for the man to follow him into the store. Alaric went into a back room and counted his money. He wouldn't have a lot to work with if he accepted this deal, but it was indeed a very good deal, that he might regret passing up. After a few moments of weighing the positives and negatives, Alaric decided he was going to take the chance, but he wanted to see the store here in Aerahagen before handing over the money.

Alaric walked back out front and explained to the man that he wanted to see the store first. The man nodded, “Of course. I figured that you'd want to see it. Follow me.” As they walked Alaric realized he hadn't gotten the man's name. When he said as such, the man looked ashamed for not properly introducing himself. “I am Clint Beggley, though you already knew my last name. I apologize for not telling you earlier. I was too worried that I wouldn't find the right person and then excited that I had.” They both laughed and continued walking towards the store. They turned right onto Smoke Street and Alaric could already tell which building was the store. It had a little warehouse and stable attached to it with a sign hanging out front that read “Beggley Trade Goods”. Clint led them through the stable first showing that the horses were healthy and good for pulling the wagons. They then moved into the warehouse, which was only about a fourth full, but it still had plenty of goods to sell for awhile.

The goods consisted mostly of fabrics, flour, sugar, silverware, and other various every day things. Clint explained that they always had customers because of the basic things that they sold. Alaric looked through the store and found that it was fairly well kept. As they were walking about the store, a young man appeared around a corner. “Ah, this is Arthur. Since my father has been ill, he was hired on to take care of the store here.” Alaric nodded, “Well, if I'm going to buy the business, I'll have to most likely keep him on, since I've got a full shop here already. How much does he get paid?”

“Arthur gets five dollars a week.” Alaric was a bit shocked at how little the man was paid, but said nothing for the time being. “I've decided to accept the deal. I will take ownership of the business and its resources.” Clint beamed in delight, “You won't regret it. You'll make your money back in no time. You'll see.” Alaric pulled the silver from his pocket and handed it to Clint. Clint in turn handed over the deeds, and they shook hands to seal the deal. Clint took his hat off as he left, “Thanks for taking over this place. I can keep doing what I'm good at.” A thought dawned on Alaric, “You work for the city guard, correct?” Clint nodded, “I do.”

“Have you heard of a human trafficking ring in the city?” Clint's face got more serious, “I have, but no one wants to do anything about it. They hold too much power, and have too many men to deal with effectively. They also move about so much, we can't keep track of them.” Alaric nodded his understanding, “I found the same to be true. I would like something to be done about it. I've been trying to find a way to take them down. Could I count on your help, once I've figured out a plan?” Clint nodded vigorously, “Of course. I know a few other guys that would love to get rid of them too. You head over to the guard station on the east side of the city between noon and midnight and I'll be there.” Alaric thanked Clint, and Clint continued out the door. Alaric took a look around his new holding and sighed. Emilia was going to berate him again. Some people might think him cowardly, letting a girl and technically an employee, berate him, but truthfully, he didn't mind it. He liked having someone that told him to be careful with his spending. It kept him grounded. Not that he really obeyed the advise, but, he appreciated it.

Alaric made his way back to his original shop and, upon arriving, saw a crowd outside. Alaric approached the crowd to see what the fuss was about. It was Emilia, showing people how the clothes washing machine worked. Alaric hadn't gotten it inside before he had taken off with Clint. Someone must have seen it outside and gotten curious. Emilia explained that you put the clothing inside the device, as well as water and soap. Then you turned the wheel on the outside to cause the inside to spin the clothing around. You would then open a nozzle to drain out the soapy water, add more water and spin it again a few times to rinse the clothing. You would drain it again, and the clothing would be clean. At least, that was the idea.

The crowd consisted mostly of men who were interested in the machine as a way of washing their clothing more quickly. One man asked how many machines were available. Emilia replied that currently there were only two available for sale, as the inventor had yet to find someone to manufacture them. Another man said that he would be interested in manufacturing the machines for a cut of the profit. At this point Alaric interjected, “I could arrange for you to meet with the inventor.” The man walked over to Alaric and gave him an address to contact him, when a meeting could be arranged. Another man walked over to Alaric almost immediately after, “How much is being asked for those machines?”

“I believe we're looking for twenty dollars each.” The man nodded, “Could you come with me then?” Alaric followed the man to a building a few blocks away. It made sense that he didn't have the money on him, as most people didn't carry around that much. It was too dangerous and asked for trouble. They entered the building and the man turned around to speak to Alaric. “I firstly wanted to inform you that the leaders of the various states are meeting this week to discuss a universal, credit type, currency to be used in the states. Just using gold and silver coins has become too dangerous for people. Not to mention carrying all of that metal can get heavy. So the economy will most likely be changing. I'll give you ten dollars for each and buy both machines.” Alaric frowned, not sure whether he should believe the man's story or not. However he did believe the man was right in that the machines probably weren't worth that much silver. “Fifteen each, and, if the economy does change as you say it is going to, I'll give you the equivalent of two dollars back to you for each.” The man thought about it for a moment and then smiled, “It's a deal then.” He opened a drawer and pulled out the silver, handing it to Alaric. Then the two of them walked back to the store for the man to get what he had paid for.

Alaric stored the money and helped the man cart the machines off. After returning from that job, he explained to Emilia what he had done. Luckily for Alaric, Emilia didn't seem upset at the idea of expanding, so he didn't have to worry about a scolding that day. As evening set in, Alaric and Emilia closed down the shop and went to collect Arthur, to get acquainted with him over dinner. It was going to be interesting having so many shops to handle, but Alaric was excited at the idea of actually expanding the business.

The Last Tariff

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