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Preface to the Third Edition
ОглавлениеThe study of science and religion brings together two of the most significant – and different – forces in human culture. The remarkable surge in books and television documentaries dealing with God and physics, spirituality and science, and the great mysteries of human nature and destiny are a clear sign of the growing interest in this area. Many colleges, seminaries, and universities now offer courses dealing with the field of science and religion, which often attract large and appreciative audiences. This book introduces this field, offering a window into some of its more interesting themes and debates.
Based on lectures given to students at Oxford University over the period 2014–2019, this book aims to be accessible and engaging, encouraging its readers to take its themes further. It sets out to introduce this fascinating field on the assumption that its readers have no detailed knowledge about either the natural sciences or theology. The main themes and issues in the study of religion and the natural sciences are carefully explored and explained without making unrealistic assumptions about what its readers are likely to know already.
My own interest in the field of science and religion goes back to the early 1970s. I began my studies at Oxford University by studying Chemistry, specializing in quantum theory, before going on to gain an Oxford doctorate in molecular biophysics. After this, I studied theology at Oxford and Cambridge, focusing particularly on the historical interaction of science and religion, particularly during the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. It is my hope that my own experience of relating the two areas of study may be of value to others seeking to do the same.
This book represents a major revision of the first and second editions of this work, responding to feedback from many readers. This revision is reflected in changes that have been made to both its structure and contents, aiming to make the book useful and helpful in engaging questions that are seen as both important and representative within the field. Both the author and publisher will be delighted to receive further comments and criticism, which will be helpful to them in developing future editions of this work.
Alister E. McGrath
Oxford University
September 2019