Читать книгу Voices from the Heart of God’s Inspired Word - Allan Martling - Страница 4


1. Mediator: Happy are they who do not take the arrogant for their guide, nor walk the road the greedy tread, nor take a seat among the scornful; the law of God is their delight, the law their meditation night and day. They prosper in all they do. They are like a tree planted beside a river, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaves never wither. The bigoted are not like this; they are like chaff driven by the wind. When judgment comes, the self-centered shall not stand firm, nor shall the violent stand in the assembly of the good. God watches over the way of the good, but the way of the liar is doomed.

2. Mortal: Why are the nations in turmoil? Why do the people hatch their futile plots? The rulers of the earth stand ready, and they conspire together against God. And God, who sits high and holy, finds them humorous. Then God rebukes them in anger and warns them with holy rage, threatening them with a power that can destroy. But God has lifted me. I remember God calling me, saying, “I am your loving parent and you are my secure child.”

Mother: Ask of Me what you will. I will give you all the richness of this world as your inheritance, the ends of the earth as your possession. You shall break the unjust powers of others, like shattering a clay pot.

Mediator: Be aware then, you rulers of people; learn your lesson. Worship God with reverence; be in awe and love the Mighty One, lest God become angry and you are struck down at a young age; for God’s anger can flare up in a moment. Happy are all who find refuge in God.

3. Mortal: El Shaddai, those who wish to harm me have multiplied! Many rise up against me. Many say of me, “God will not prevail.” But You are like a shield to cover me. I cry aloud to You, El Shaddai, and You answer me from on high. I lie down to sleep, and I wake again, for You uphold me. I will not fear all the many who seem to surround me with worry and fear. Rise up, El Shaddai, and save me, O my God. You can strike all my foes and break their hold over me. Yours is the victory, O God, and Your blessings rest upon Your people.

4. Mortal: Answer me when I pray, O God, maintainer of my soul. When I was in trouble, You helped me. Be kind to me now and hear my prayer.

Mother: How long will you people insult Me? How long will you love what is worthless and go after what is false?

Mortal: I remember that You, El Shaddai, have chosen the good for Your own and You hear me when I call to You.

Mediator: Tremble with fear and stop sinning; think deeply about this, when you lie in silence on your beds. Offer faithful sacrifices to El Shaddai and put your trust in Her.

Mortal: There are many who pray, “Give us more blessings, O God. Look on us with kindness!” But the joy that You have given me is more than they will ever have with all their possessions. When I lie down, I go to sleep in peace. You alone, O God, keep me perfectly safe.

5. Mortal: Listen to my words, O God, and hear my sighs. Listen to my cry for help, O my God! I pray to You, O God. You hear my voice in the morning. At sunrise, I offer my prayer and wait for Your answer. You are not a God who is pleased with wrongdoing. You allow no evil in Your presence. You cannot stand the sight of arrogant folk. You hate all wicked people. You destroy all liars and despise the violent and deceitful. But because of Your great love, I can enter Your holy space; I can worship in Your presence and bow down to You in reverence. Sovereign God, I have so many who wish to harm me! Lead me to do Your will. Make Your way plain for me to follow. What violent people say can never be trusted. They only want to destroy. Their words are flattering and smooth, but full of deadly deceit. Condemn and punish them, O God. May their own plots cause their ruin. Drive them out of Your presence because of their many crimes, and their rebellion against You. But all who find safety in You will rejoice. They can always sing for joy. Protect those who love You. Because of You they are truly happy. You bless those who obey You, O God. Your love protects them like safe home.

6. Mortal: Have mercy on me, O God, and do not punish me in Your anger. I am worn out, El Shaddai, have pity on me. Give me strength, for I am completely exhausted, and my whole being is filled with trouble. How long before You help me? Come and save me, O God. In Your mercy rescue me from death. In the world of the dead, I wonder if You are remembered or that anyone would dare praise You. I am worn out with sadness and loss. Every night my bed is damp from my weeping, and my pillow is soaked with tears. I can hardly see, for my eyes are so swollen from the weeping caused by those I feel are attacking me. So I pray for all that I fear to be kept far from me. And I find comfort that You have heard my weeping and have listened to my cries for help. Peace descends upon me when I remember that You, El Shaddai, can hear even my pitiful prayers. So also is that sense that my fears are thrown into confusion and defeat in Your comforting presence!

7. Mortal: In You, El Shaddai, I seek refuge. Save me from all who pursue me, the ones who seem like predators, who will carry me away and hurt me. O God, here and now, I confess any wrong that I have done, any way I have betrayed a friend, any time I have failed to show mercy. For I am afraid that if I do not, those whom I fear, may be justified in their chasing me down to revenge the harm I have caused. Stir up Your powerful anger, El Shaddai. Stand against those who want to hurt me for no reason. Let Your justice prevail so that I may once more dwell in the beauty of Your community. For You are the arbiter of all mortals and Your justice defends the innocent. Because You are God, you know our thoughts and desires. You can cease violence and greed in Your time and Your way.

Mediator: El Shaddai is the Protector. She saves those who obey Her. She is fair in Her judgments and does not tolerate wickedness. The corrupt, who do not change their ways, will know the brunt of Her holy fury and will feel the pain of Her discipline. The arrogant do not know this about Her. They think up and plan evil, trouble and deception. They set traps. And in Her wisdom, they are caught in their own cunning. They are punished by their own evil. They are wounded by their own violence. Sing praises for El Shaddai’s justice that resolves the brokenness of our lives and shows Her glory.

8. Mortal: Sovereign God, Your greatness is seen in all the world. Your praise reaches up to the heavens and is sung by children and babies. You are safe and secure in the presence of those who despise You. When I look at the sky, which You have made; at the moon and the stars, which You set in their places; what are we, that You think of us? Who are mere mortals, that You care for us? Yet we believe that You have made us inferior only to Yourself and You have crowned us with glory and honor. You appointed us over everything You made. You placed us as stewards of all Creation: sheep, cattle, animals that roam in the wild, and all creatures of the sea. O Sovereign God, Your greatness is evident wherever we are in all the world.

9. Mortal: I will praise You, Sovereign God, with all my heart. I will tell of all the wonderful deeds You have accomplished. I will sing with joy because of You. I will sing praise to You, gentle and wonderful Creator. My enemies sense Your presence and stay away, for they know of Your fair and honest judgments. You treat harshly those who reject You and those who know better, but do wrong anyway. Even their homes are not safe from Your fury. You, O God, are Sovereign for all times. It is Your justice that prevails, and Your Commandments that ultimately are followed. You are a refuge for the oppressed and a place of safety in times of trouble. Those who know You, trust You, for You do not abandon anyone who seeks You.

Mediator: Sing praises to El Shaddai, who rules over all people. Tell every nation what She has accomplished. She remembers those who suffer and does not forget their cry. She punishes those who are cruel to the downtrodden.

Mortal: Be merciful to me, El Shaddai. See how I am suffering. Rescue me from death that I may stand before the powerful and speak of all that causes me to praise You. I rejoice because You save me from myself and others.

Mediator: The violent have fallen into the pits they have dug for others. El Shaddai has been revealed by Her fair and faithful judgments, and those who are corrupt are imprisoned in their own scheming. Death is the destiny of all who reject God. And the needy will not always be neglected. The hope of the poor will not be crushed forever.

Mortal: El Shaddai, do not let others defy You! Make them afraid. Make them know that they are only mortal beings.

10. Mortal: O God, hear my prayer and listen to my pleading. Answer me in Your faithfulness. Be generous to me and do not condemn me, remembering that before You, no one is sinless.

Mediator: The wicked are proud of their selfish desires. The greedy curse and reject and do not care about God. In their arrogance, they think God does not matter. Strangely, the violent are often successful in this world, and they cannot understand God’s judgments. So they sneer and think they will never fail nor ever be in trouble. Their speech is filled with curses, lies, and threats. They are quick to speak hateful, evil words. These folk hide in their communities waiting to do great harm to innocent people like the predators that they are. They lie in wait for the poor, to catch and oppress them. The helpless victims lie crushed by the brute strength of those who think that God doesn’t care; that God’s eyes are closed and will never see this oppression.

Mortal: Sovereign God, punish those hurtful people. Remember the ones who suffer. How can the violent go on thinking You will not punish them? But You do see. You take notice of the trouble and suffering, the heartache and degradation. You are ready to help those who are faithful to You. You have always helped the needy in Your time and Your way. I pray that You will break the power of the oppressors. Punish them for the wrong they do until they cease.

Mediator: God is Sovereign over all principalities and powers, even death itself. Those who worship other gods will vanish from the earth. God will listen to the prayers of the lowly and will give them courage. God will hear the cries of the oppressed and the orphans and will judge in their favor. God will bring peace!

11. Mortal: I trust in the Sovereign God for my safety. How foolish for you to say, “Fly away, like a bird, to the mountains.” The predators are out to get me as I walk in fear. There is nothing I can do when everything falls apart.

Mediator: El Shaddai is all powerful on high. She watches people everywhere and knows what they are doing. She examines the good and the bigoted alike. She rages over those who love violence. She can send fire and hot coals and a scorching dry wind to destroy the greedy thoughts of people. El Shaddai is merciful and just. She loves good deeds, and those who act faithfully will live in Her presence.

12. Mortal: Help us, O God! There don’t seem to be any good folk remaining, nor can one who is honest be found. All of us lie to one another. We deceive each other with flattery. Silence these arrogant tongues, O God. Close our boastful mouths that say, “With our words we get what we want. We will say what we wish, and no one can stop us.”

Mother: I will intervene, because the needy are oppressed and the persecuted groan in pain. I will give them the well-being for which they pray.

Mediator: The promises of El Shaddai can be trusted. They are as genuine as silver that is refined to its highest purity. She shall lift up the poor and guard them forever from this perverse and hard-hearted generation.

13. Mortal: O my God, will You forget me forever? How much longer will You hide Yourself from me? How must I endure trouble? How long will sorrow fill my heart day and night? How long will my enemies triumph over me? Answer me, El Shaddai, for You are my only hope. Bring me into the light, lest I sleep in death. Do not let the ones, who wish to harm me, overcome my resistance or take more advantage of my weakness. I rely on Your constant love. I will sing for joy when You draw me into Your safe embrace, as You have before.

14. Mediator: Only fools think that there is no God. They are corrupt and act in awful ways. None of them does anything good. El Shaddai considers them from on high, searching for any mortal who bows down to worship Her. But the foolish have all gone astray; every one of them is empty and broken.

Mother: Don’t these foolish souls know? How can all these arrogant folk be so ignorant? They live by cunning and dishonesty, taking from others what does not belong to them, and they never truly pray to Me.

Mediator: But the time will come when they will see that El Shaddai sides with the faithful and the humble. The efforts to destroy the poor will be frustrated. She protects Her own. It is El Shaddai’s people who will be lead to salvation. The blessed and precious people will rejoice when She lifts them and restores them.

15. Mediator: I raise these questions. Who may enter Your holy presence? Who may climb Your sacred hill and worship You there?

Mother: Anyone who obeys Me in every way and is good to others, whose words are true and sincere and who does not slander others; those who do not wrong their friends and do not spread rumors about their neighbors; those who reject the arrogant and self-satisfied, but honor those who are obedient to Me; those who make good promises and faithfully carry them out, no matter their cost; those who do not take advantage of the poor and cannot be bribed to testify against the innocent. Whoever lives this way will be blessed and secure.

16. Mortal: I know You always watch over me, O God, and so I seek Your home, El Shaddai. You are goodness itself. I am drawn close to Your faithful people! They are so life-giving to be around. Those who seek other things to worship bring troubles on themselves. They make great sacrifices and bow down to things and dreams that do not love them back. I know the futility of their efforts. You, El Shaddai, are all I have and all I need. My future is in Your care. Your gifts are generous, abundant, and perfect. So I praise You, El Shaddai, for You guide me and direct me even when my vision dims. I am always aware of Your presence, which is near, accessible and trustworthy. So I am thankful and glad, and I feel completely secure. You protect me even from the power of death, for even in death, I will not be abandoned beyond death. You always show me the pathway that leads to life. Your presence fills me with joy and brings me pleasure and joy forever.

17. Mortal: Sovereign God, I thank You for listening to my plea for justice and paying attention to my cry for help, for these are honest prayers. I ask that You will judge in my favor because You are a just God. You know my heart. You have examined my thoughts, even in the deep of night, and found no evil desire in me. I live to be free from evil, seeking to obey Your commands, and choosing pathways free of violence; my longing, to walk in Your way and never stray from it. And so I lift my prayers to You, knowing that You answer them in your time and Your way. I thank You that You reveal Your saving love. I pray for Your continuing protection. Hide me as a mother hen hides her babies beneath her wings. At times like these, I feel surrounded by those who have no pity and speak with swagger and arrogance. I feel dragged down by their presence. They seem like predators waiting to tear me to pieces. Confront them, O God, with Your powerful will. Deliver me from the terror of their greed. Punish them in such a way that not only they, but their descendants, are severally harmed. I am grateful that I can look upon You in some special way this night, so I may know fairness and justice; faithfulness living in peace.

18. Mortal: Sovereign God, I love Your protecting power. You are my rock, my protector, and my strength. El Shaddai, You are my place of safety. You protect me like a strong wall. I call for help and find myself within Your home. Even when I fear death and the grave, You answer my cries for help. Even when the earth trembles and the foundations of the mountains shake and tremble, as though in Your anger; even when they erupt with flame, smoke, and flying debris, filling the sky with thick clouds; even then I am in Your presence. At times when the sky is a torrent of lightning and thunder or when the ocean heaves with a great tsunami, El Shaddai, You reach out and pull me from the deep waters. In such ways also I am saved from the threat of those who wish to harm me. You help me in times of danger as a sign of blessing. So I am grateful because You watch over the faithful and care for the humble and obedient who do not turn away from You. El Shaddai, You know when we have followed Your commands and when we have chosen not to do wrong. So we are rewarded in our faithfulness, rejoicing in our discipline to follow You. El Shaddai, You have covenanted to be our God, if we will covenant to be Your people. We are thankful that You keep Your Covenant when we are faithful and humble, when You give us strength in danger. We are grateful when we experience Your perfect acts, Your dependable words, Your safe love, and Your strong pathways. Your care of us is observed and known by others, for Your power has kept us safe, and we have never fallen. You give us strength for the challenges and battles of life. Because of Your powerful will, our problems sometimes become like dust that the wind blows away. People look to us for leadership because of the strength of our Covenant together. So I will praise You, my defender and my guide. I will proclaim Your greatness. You have protected me from violent folk. And so I praise You among the peoples and sing Your praises in all that I do. You give great power to those whom You have blessed to lead.

19. Mediator: How clearly the sky reveals the glory of El Shaddai. How plainly it shows what She has done. Each day announces it to the following day. Each night repeats Her glory to the next. No speech or words are used. No sound is heard. Yet the message is heard throughout the world. She ordained that the sun appears in the morning like a happy bridegroom and an athlete eager to run a race. The sun runs the race from one horizon to the other. Nothing can hide from its heat. El Shaddai’s Commandments are perfect, giving all new strength. Her will and ways are trustworthy, giving wisdom to those who lack it. Her laws are good, and happy are those who obey them. Her commands are just and give understanding to the mind. The worship of El Shaddai is good and will continue forever. Her judgments are fair. They are more desirable that the finest gold; Her justice is sweeter than honey. They give knowledge to Her servants who are rewarded for obeying them. No one can see one’s own errors.

Mortal: Keep me from the sins I know I should not do, yet I do them anyway. Don’t let these bad choices rule over me. Then I shall be closer to perfection and freer from the temptations of others. May my words and my thoughts be acceptable to You, Sovereign God, my Refuge and my Redeemer.

20. Mediator: May the Sovereign God seek you when you are in trouble. May the God of your ancestors protect you; may El Shaddai surround you with help from on high. May She accept all your offerings and be pleased with all your sacrifices. May She give you what you desire and make all your faithful plans succeed. Then shout for joy and celebrate your humble accomplishments. May God answer your prayers in Her time and Her way. Now I know that God upholds faithful leaders, giving them power to prevail in times of great challenge. Some trust in the weapons of war and other violence. They will stumble and fall. Trust in God, who is Sovereign over all principalities and powers even death itself. Then you will rise and stand firm. Pray always to El Shaddai, who will consider and hold precious your prayers.

21. Mediator: Those with the gift of leadership are glad, El Shaddai, because You give them strength. They rejoice because You help them prevail in times of great challenge. You have given them their heart’s desire, having heard their prayers. You shower them with great blessings and anoint them with honor. They ask for life and You give it, a long and lasting life. Because of Your nurture and direction, they are recognized and respected. Your blessings are with them forever, and Your presence fills them with joy. And the servant leaders trust in You. Because of Your constant love, they will always be secure. They will prevail over those who are violent and corrupt. Those who reject You, El Shaddai, and Your ways, will disappear as though they have been consumed by fire. The arrogant and self-satisfied make their plans and plot against Your messengers. Your purposes and ways will ultimately prevail. Praise El Shaddai for great strength. Sing praise for Her power!

22. Mortal: My God, my God, why have You deserted me? I have cried desperately for help, but still it does not come. Every day I call, but You do not answer. Every night I cry, but You are silent. Our faith community calls you the Holy One and sings Your praises. Our ancestors put their trust in You, and You rewarded them with salvation. They called to You when in danger, and their trust was rewarded. But I am not even a mortal in my distress. I am like a worm, despised and scorned by everyone. Others make fun of me, abuse me, and shake their heads. “You relied on El Shaddai,” they say. “Why doesn’t She save you? If She likes you, why doesn’t She help you?” It was You, O God, who brought me safely through birth and when I was a baby, You kept me safe. I have relied on You since the day I was born. You have always nurtured, saved, and sustained me. So, in these times of distress, do not stay away from me! Trouble is all around, and I see or hear no one to help me. I am overwhelmed by the strength of those who bear down on me. They are like predators. My strength is gone, like water spilled on dry ground. All my body is like ashes and dust. My heart melts like wax in a hot flame, and my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth. Have You left me for dead? I am surrounded by violence, like a pack of dogs trying to tear at my hands and feet. The only thing they value is my clothes. I am so hungry that I can count all my bones. Sovereign God, do not stay away from me. Help me! Hurry to my rescue. Deliver my soul from their attacks, my body from their assaults. Save me from their devouring mouths, their evil threats . . . El Shaddai, You have saved me! I will tell my people what You have done. I will praise You in their assembly. I will say, “Praise El Shaddai, you faithful servants. Honor Her, you descendants of Jacob and Rachael. Worship Her, you blessed people. She does not neglect the poor or ignore their suffering. She does not turn away from them. El Shaddai answers their prayers in Her time and Her way.” In the full assembly, I will praise You, El Shaddai, for what You have done. In the presence of those who worship You, I will offer the sacrifices I promised.

Mediator: The poor will eat as much as they want. Those who come to El Shaddai will praise Her. May they prosper forever; all nations will remember Her. From all directions they will turn to Her, and all races will worship Her. She is Sovereign over all people. The proud will bow down before Her. Future generations will serve Her. Mortals will speak of Her to coming generations. People not yet born will be told, “El Shaddai saves the people!”

23. Mortal: Because You, El Shaddai, are more than a healthy and loving parent to me, I have everything I need. You embrace me in Your safe home. You provide me with good water to drink. You nurture and strengthen me. You guide me in the way I should live, as You promised You would. Even if I face death itself, I will not be afraid, El Shaddai, for You are with me. Your power and protection surround me. You prepare abundant and nutritious meals for me, even when I am troubled and in danger. You always welcome me into Your graceful presence, and my cup of joy overflows. I know that Your goodness and mercy will follow me as long as I live. I will live forever in the comfort of Your loving presence!

24. Mediator: The universe and all that is in it belong to El Shaddai, as do the earth, and all who live on it. She built it on the deep waters, beneath the earth, and laid its foundations in the ocean depths. Who has the right to go up Her holy hill? Who may enter into Her presence? Those who seek to be pure in act and in thought, who do not worship gods of their own making, or make false promises. El Shaddai will bless the faithful and save them. She will declare them innocent. Such are the people who come to God, who come into the presence of the God of our ancestors. Swing wide the mighty gate, open the ancient door of your soul, and the Sovereign One will enter. Who is She? She is mighty in Her caring and humble in Her power. Open the tightly closed door of Your soul, mind, and strength. Who is El Shaddai? The One who is triumphant in Her gentleness!

25. Mortal: O God, I open my heart to You. In Your love, I put all my trust. Do not let me be mocked. Do not let my adversaries triumph over me. Vindicate the confidence of all those who wait for You, but shame those who deceive others without reason. Teach me Your ways, O God, so I can live according to Your truth, for You are my God, who saves me. I will always trust You. I remember Your kindness and constant love, which You have shown from long ago. I confess the sins of my younger years, and in Your constant love and goodness, ask for Your mercy.

Mediator: Because El Shaddai is righteous and good, She teaches sinners the path they should follow. She leads the humble in the faithful ways and teaches them Her will. With faithfulness and love, She leads all who keep Her Covenant and obey Her commands.

Mortal: Forgive my sins, in Your love for me. My sins are many. They are . . .

Mediator: Those who obey El Shaddai will learn from Her the path they should follow. They will always have enough, and their children will inherit the blessing. She is the friend of those who obey Her, and She affirms Her Covenant with them.

Mortal: I look to El Shaddai for help at all times, and She rescues me from danger. Turn to me, O God, and be merciful to me, because I am lonely and weak. Relieve me of my worries, and save me from all my troubles. Consider my distress and suffering, and forgive all my sins. See all my troubles and how much they bear down on me. Protect me and save me. Keep me from disaster. I seek You for safety. May what I have done in goodness and honesty preserve me, because I trust in You, O God. And from all their troubles, O God, save all Your precious people.

26. Mortal: Dear God, judge me innocent because I do what is good and trust You completely. Examine me and test me, Divine Lover. Judge my desires and thoughts. Your constant love is my guide. Your faithfulness always leads me. I do not keep company with worthless people. I have nothing to do with those who say one thing and do another. I hate the company of those who are schemers, abusers, and the corrupt. O God, look upon my clean hands as a sign of my innocence, as I approach Your altar in worship, singing a hymn of thanksgiving and telling others of all Your wonderful deeds. I love being present in Your Holy Place, where I sense Your glory. Do not destroy me with those who betray Your love. Spare me from those who harass the lives of others, those who oppress the poor and are always ready to take bribes. I maintain that I do what is good. Be merciful to me and save me! Then I can be safe from all dangers. Then in the assembly of Your people I will praise You, merciful God.

27. Mortal: The Sovereign God is my light and my salvation. I will fear no one. El Shaddai protects me from all danger. I will never be afraid. When unjust people attack me, and others devour me with slander, they will stumble and fall. Though they surround me I will not be afraid. I will always trust God. In my prayers, I pray that I may live close to El Shaddai’s presence all of my life, and to ask for Her guidance. In times of trouble, She will shelter me, keeping me safe in Her home. She will set me firmly upon the rock of Her purposes, so that I cannot be shaken. I will always be filled with the joy of Her presence and sing praises to El Shaddai! I am grateful that She answers me in prayer. When She calls me to worship, I enter into worship, joyfully knowing that my Savior does not abandon me. She has heard my prayers, “Don’t be angry with me! Don’t turn Your servant away! Don’t leave or abandon me, my Helper. My mother and father abandoned me, but You will take care of me. Teach me, El Shaddai, what You want me to do, and lead me along a safe pathway. Don’t abandon me to my enemies, within and around me. I know that I will live to see Your goodness in my lifetime.”

Mediator: Trust in God. Have faith; do not despair. Trust in El Shaddai.

28. Mortal: When I call to You, O God my Strength, do not turn away from my plea! If Your response is only silence, I will be completely devastated. Hear me when I cry to You for help, when I raise my hands to You on high. Do not condemn me with the wicked; with those who look out only for themselves and trample on the unfortunate; who are hardhearted toward the lowly and outcast. Punish them for what they do; for their arrogant ways. Give them the punishment they deserve. They completely disregard what You are doing in life. So I am praising You, for You have heard my cry for help. You, O God, protect and defend me. I trust in You. You give me help and make me glad. I praise You with joyful songs.

Mediator: El Shaddai protects Her people. She defends those who are called to lead others. She saves and blesses those who are precious and valuable, taking care of them forever!

29. Mediator: The heavenly beings and all angels praise God’s glory and power, bowing down before the Holy One’s presence. The Word of El Shaddai is heard on the waters, like thunder; Her Word reverberates in might and majesty. Her power can break mighty trees and make mountains jump like calves or leap like a young bull. The Word of God flashes like lightning, illuminating even the wilderness. The power of God can bend mighty oaks and strip the leaves from their branches. Glory to God, all people! El Shaddai rules over the deep waters. She is Sovereign forever. She gives strength to the people and blesses them with peace.

30. Mortal: I praise You, El Shaddai, for rescuing, and lifting me up. You healed me when I cried to You for help. You kept me from dying. My life was slipping away, but You brought me back from the edge.

Mediator: Sing praise to El Shaddai, all faithful people. Remember what the Holy One has done and give Her thanks. Her anger lasts only a moment. But Her goodness lasts for a lifetime. Tears may flow in the night, but joy comes in the morning.

Mortal: In my security, I feel safe because of El Shaddai’s gentle strength and protection. But when She seems far away, I feel vulnerable and afraid. Then I call out in prayer, “Help me, O God. What will You accomplish by letting me die? If I die, can I praise You? Can I proclaim Your goodness in the grave? Hear me, O God, and be merciful!” And in great mercy I can rejoice that She changed my sadness and fright into a joyful dance. I pray, “You, El Shaddai, have taken away my sorrow and surrounded me with joy. I will sing Praise to You. You have shown me Your mercy. I will give thanks to You, O God!”

31. Mortal: Sovereign God, when I feel close to disaster, I pray to You for protection. You are a righteous God. Save me, I pray! Hear me! Be my refuge to protect me, my defense to save me. Guide me and lead me as You have promised. Keep me safe from the dangers that await me. I place myself in Your care, trusting in Your saving and faithful power. I will separate myself from those who follow false values. I will reject all the ways society worships the things and values they have created. I will trust only You and rejoice in Your constant love. You know of my suffering and my troubles. You know when I am surrounded. Save me to live free from fear. When I am troubled, O God, my eyes tire from so much crying and I get completely worn out. It is as though my life is shorter because of all my weeping and sorrow. At times, it is like my very bones are wasting away. And around me, it seems as though even my neighbors treat me with contempt. When I am troubled, it is as though my friends are afraid of me. When they see me in the street, it seems like they turn away and run from me. In my deepest troubles, I wonder if I am dead, for people act like they have forgotten me. I feel discarded, with people whispering about me, and everywhere I go, I am afraid. But my trust is in You, Sovereign God. I find comfort knowing that I am always in Your care, saving me from my enemies within and around me. My prayers are that You look upon Your servant with kindness, saving me in Your abundant love and mercy. I pray that I may not be disgraced. I have even been known to pray that others who dishonor me be punished as I would have them suffer. At all times I give You thanks, Sovereign God, for the wonder and goodness that You show to the faithful. I rejoice in how securely You protect those who trust You. You hide them in the safety of Your presence, safe from plots, rumors, insults, and violence. I praise You, O God, for Your abundant love. I give thanks that even when I almost give up hope, You hear my cries and surround me with Your strength.

Mediator: Love God, you faithful people. The Sovereign God protects the faithful but punishes the arrogant as they deserve. Be strong, be courageous, all you who hope in God.

32. Mediator: Happy are those whose sins are forgiven, whose wrongs are pardoned. Happy are they whom God does not accuse of doing wrong and who are free from all deceit.

Mortal: When I did not confess my sins, O God, I was worn out from crying all day long. Day and night, You punished me. My strength was completely drained, as moisture is dried up by the summer heat. Then I confessed my sins to You, O God. I did not conceal my wrongdoings. I decided to confess them to You, and You forgave all my sins. So all Your loyal people should pray to You in times of need. When a great flood of trouble comes rushing in, it will not reach them. You are my hiding place. You will save me from trouble. I sing aloud of Your salvation, because You protect me.

Mother: I will teach you the way you should go. I will instruct you and advise you. Don’t be stupid like a horse or a mule, which must be controlled with a bit and bridle to make it submit.

Mediator: The wicked will have to suffer, but those who trust in God are protected with constant love. You who are good and faithful, be glad and rejoice because of what God is doing. You who live in obedience to God, shout for joy.

33. Mediator: Good and faithful folk, shout for joy for what El Shaddai has accomplished. Praise Her, all you that obey Her. Give thanks to Her with harps and stringed instruments. Sing a new song to Her. Play the harp with skill and shout for joy. The words of El Shaddai are true and can be trusted. She loves what is good and just. Her constant love fills the earth. By God’s command, the heavens were created as were the sun, moon, and stars. And all the seas were gathered into one place. Have reverence for El Shaddai, all the earth. Honor Her, all people of the world. When She speaks, Creation happens and newness appears. She frustrates the schemes of nations and keeps them from carrying out their plans. But Her will and way shall endure forever. Happy is the nation who follows God. Happy are God’s own people. She considers it all from on high and sees mere mortals. She knows their thoughts and all that they do. Leaders do not win because of powerful armies, nor do soldiers prevail because of their strength. War machines are useless for true victory; their great strength cannot save. El Shaddai watches over those who have reverence for Her, those who trust in Her constant love. She saves them from death. She keeps them alive in times of famine.

Mortal: We put our hope in El Shaddai. She is our protector and our help. We are glad because of Her. We trust in Her holy name. May Your constant love be with us, El Shaddai, as we put our hope in You.

34. Mortal: I will always thank El Shaddai. I will never stop praising Her. I will praise Her for all that She has done. May all who are oppressed listen and be glad! Proclaim, with me, Her greatness. Let us praise Her name together! I prayed to El Shaddai, and She answered me. She freed me from all my fears.

Mediator: The oppressed look to El Shaddai and are glad. They will never be disappointed. The helpless call to Her, and She answers. She saves them from all their troubles. Her angel guards those who have reverence for Her, and She rescues them from danger. Find out for yourself how good El Shaddai is. Happy are those who find safety with Her. Have reverence for El Shaddai, all people. Those who obey Her have all they need. Everyone goes hungry for lack of food, but those who obey Her lack nothing good. Come, my young friends, and listen to me. I will teach you to have reverence for God. Would you like to enjoy life? Do you want long life and happiness? Then keep from speaking in an evil way and from telling lies. Turn away from dishonesty and do good. Strive for peace with all your heart. El Shaddai watches over the faithful and good and listens to their cries. She opposes those who are wicked and disgusting; so when they die, they are soon forgotten. The faithful and good call to Her, and She listens. She rescues them from all their troubles. She is near to those who are discouraged. She saves those who have lost all hope. Good people suffer many troubles, but El Shaddai saves them from disaster. She preserves them completely. Evil ways will ultimately destroy those who hate what is faithful and good. El Shaddai will save Her people. Those who go to Her for protection will be spared.

35. Mortal: At a time when I am surrounded by many troubles, I pray that God may come to my rescue with all power, glory, and majesty. I pray that God may save me from defeat and disgrace. May God’s presence make my troubles like straw blown in the wind. May God’s angels make those who pursue me slip and fall. Without any reason, I have been placed in great danger. I pray for God’s justice to roll, bringing peace and hope. Then I will be glad because God has saved me. With all my heart, I will pray, “O God, there is no one like You. You protected my weakness in the presence of overwhelming odds as You protect the poor from the oppressor.” Evil folk testified against me and accused me of crimes I know nothing about. They paid me back evil for good, and I sank in despair. But when they were sick, I dressed in mourning. I deprived myself of food. I prayed with my head bowed low, as I would pray for a friend. I went around bent over in mourning as one who mourns for a mother. But when I was in trouble, they were all glad, and gathered around to make fun of me. Strangers would strike me. Like those who would mock a crippled soul, they would glare at me with hate. I pray, “How much longer, O God, will You just look on? Rescue me from these attacks. Save my life from these predators. Then I will thank You in the assembly of Your people. I will praise You before them all. Don’t let these liars gloat over my defeat. Don’t let those who hate me for no reason smirk with delight over my sorrow. They do not speak in a friendly way. Instead they invent all kinds of lies about peace-loving people. They shout accusations at me. But You, O God, have seen this. So don’t be silent, O God. Don’t keep Yourself far away. Rouse Yourself and defend me. Rise up and plead my cause. You are righteous, O God. Declare me innocent. Don’t let my enemies gloat over me. Don’t let them think they have prevailed as they wanted. May those who gloat over my suffering be completely confused and defeated; may those who claim to be better than I am be covered with shame and disgrace.” I pray, “May those who come to my assistance, shout for joy and say over and over that You, O God, are great and good. May they shout that You rejoice in my vindication. Then I will proclaim Your righteousness and will praise You all day long! Amen.”

36. Mediator: Deep within the hearts of the wicked, sinfulness whispers constantly, with no fear of God. The uncaring and self-centered folk flatter themselves with their own opinions. When their ways are held accountable, they do not change. They would rather lie and testify falsely against the lowly. They never consider the strength of wisdom. In their beds, they plot how best to continue their corruption and violence to the poor. They welcome all that is harmful; so wrong is their pathway. But El Shaddai’s unfailing love reaches far and wide. Her righteousness is high like lofty mountains. Her judgments are deep like the great canyons. El Shaddai saves all Creation with unfailing love. Wise mortals seek refuge in the shadow of Her wings. How precious is Her generous affection. The faithful are filled with the rich and plenty of Her abundance. To quench their thirst, She grants them water as from a flowing stream, for She is the fountain of life. All their days are filled with Her radiant light. El Shaddai’s love will never fail, and Her justice will continue toward all who honestly follow Her. No treachery will come near them, nor shall they know wickedness. But the arrogant will be defeated, never to rise.

Voices from the Heart of God’s Inspired Word

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