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Sermons need an audience. I would like to thank the good folks of First United Methodist Church in Cambridge, Ohio for listening attentively to my sermons each and every week. It is a privilege to be their pastor and I am grateful for their faithfulness as God's people.

I would also like to thank a colleague of mine at Ashland Theological Seminary, Dr. L. Daniel Hawk, who teaches Old Testament and Hebrew. I did not consult with Dan directly on this manuscript, but it has been quite a pleasure “picking his brain" on matters that pertain to, as he likes to say it, "The First Testament." With some fear and trepidation, I look forward to his critique of my Old Testament exegesis. I also very much appreciate his friendship over the years.

Finally, I want to express my great appreciation to Henry Neufeld and Energion Publications for such hard work in seeing this volume through the process of publishing and distribution. It has become quite a pleasure to work with them as an author. I see my writing as a ministry, and so I am pleased to work with a publisher that sees its work as a ministry as well.

The Character of Our Discontent

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