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Allan R. Bevere is a pastor with the West Akron Regional Ministry of the United Methodist Church (Akron, Ohio) and a Professional Fellow in Theology at Ashland Theological Seminary (Ashland, Ohio). He received his Ph.D from the University of Durham, U.K. He has written three books, The Character of Our Discontent, Sharing in the Inheritance: Identity and the Moral Life in Colossians and All Is Not As It Seems: Random Reflections on Faith, Ethics, and Politics, and is currently working on several more. He has published sermons, contributed articles to a Bible Dictionary, and most recently contributed a chapter to Jesus and Paul: Global Perspectives in Honor of James D. G. Dunn for His 70th Birthday. Bevere engages in a teaching mission in Cuba with the United Methodist Church. He is married and has four children.

The Areopagus Critical Christian Issues series examines important issues in understanding Christian beliefs and developing sound Christian practice. Each booklet is short — less than 80 pages in length — and provides an academically sound and biblically rooted examination of a particular question about doctrine or practice or an area of basic Christian belief. It is jointly edited by Dr. Allan R. Bevere and Dr. David Alan Black.

The Politics of Witness

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