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en●joy vt to experience with joy; relish; gain pleasure from

en●joy●ment n the state or act of enjoying

There is no cure for birth or death save to enjoy the interval.

George Santayana

I’m all for rational enjoyment and so forth, but I think a fellow makes himself conspicuous when he throws soft-boiled eggs at the electric fan.

P. G. Wodehouse

If you’re going to do something wrong, at least enjoy it.

Leo Rosten

I believe the right question to ask, respecting all ornament, is simply this: Was it done with enjoyment—was the carver happy while he was about it?

John Ruskin

There are two things to aim at in life: first, to get what you want; and, after that, to enjoy it. Only the wisest of mankind achieve the second.

Logan Pearsall Smith

All of the animals, excepting man, know that the principal business of life is to enjoy it.

Samuel Butler

Life is like a roller coaster; live it, be happy, enjoy life.

Avril Lavigne

I think people should have fun. And don’t get so down on yourself. Enjoy life and be the best person you can be.

Keke Palmer

Enjoy today and don’t waste it grieving over a bad yesterday—tomorrow may be even worse.


Enjoy yourself. These are the “good old days” you’re going to miss in the years ahead.


Enjoyment is not a goal; it is a feeling that accompanies important ongoing activity.

Paul Goodman

Not what we have, but what we enjoy,

constitutes our abundance.


No man is a failure who is enjoying life.

William Feather

The art of life is to know how to enjoy a little and to endure much.

William Hazlitt

Just because you’re miserable doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy your life.

Annette Goodheart

Everyone only goes around the track once in life, and if you don’t enjoy that trip, it’s pretty pathetic.

Gary Rogers

Why not learn to enjoy the little things—

there are so many of them.


A person will be called to account on Judgment Day for every permissible thing he might have enjoyed but did not.


The Lighten Up Book

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