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He’d been around too long not to know that lightning could strike twice. That the one kiss they’d shared wasn’t just some random fluke.

Kissing Kimi Taka—no matter how many times—was like lassoing lightning. Intoxicating, exhilarating and dangerous as hell.

Even knowing that, it took him too damn long to tear his mouth from hers, and when he did, he found his hands were wrapped around those long, silky skeins of dark hair. “Dammit to hell.”

She pressed her lips together as if savouring the taste of him. Her voice was husky when she finally spoke. “Sorry.”

Greg let out a strangled groan. “You’re not really sorry?”

Kimi sucked in an audible breath. “No.” Her fingers fluttered over the loosened knot of his tie. “Does it help if I take all responsibility? I kissed you. It is not as if you were an interested participant.”

His gaze fastened on her face. “If you think I’m not interested, you haven’t been paying attention.”

The Boss's Christmas Proposal

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