Читать книгу Vignettes of San Francisco - Almira Morey - Страница 2

Table of Contents


As Pilgrims go to Rome

At the Ferry

The Union-Street Car

The Latin Meets the Oriental

The Pepper and Salt Man

The Bay on Sunday Morning

Safe on the Sidewalk

Port O’Missing Men

Market St. Scintillations


The Open Board of Trade

The San Francisco Police

A Marine View


I’ll Get It Changed, Lady

Fillmore Street

In the Lobby of the St. Francis

The Garbage Man’s Little Girl

The Palace

Zoe’s Garden

Children on the Sidewalk

Feet That Pass on Market St.

Where the Centuries Meet

Bags or Sacks

Portsmouth Square


Impulses and Prohibitions

Stopping at the Fairmont

San Francisco Sings

Van Ness Avenue

The Blind Men and the Elephant

You’re Getting Queer

The Ferry and Real Boats

A Whiff of Acacia

It Takes All Sorts

The Fog in San Francisco

A Block on Ashbury Heights

The Greek Grocer

Billboards or Art

Golden Gate Park

Extra Fresh

On the California-Street Car

Western Yarns

Mr. Mazzini and Dante

On the Nob of Nob Hill

Vignettes of San Francisco

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