Читать книгу Provocative Attraction - AlTonya Washington - Страница 4


Dear Reader,

I’d like to start this letter off with a big THANK YOU! Your embrace of the Provocative Series has meant so very much. Provocative Attraction and the stories preceding it—Provocative Territory and Provocative Passion—really hit me out of nowhere and took me along for a ride crafted heavily by the characters.

The journey continues with Rook and Viva’s story. Questions are answered amid the heavy tension and regrets experienced by our hero and heroine. Viva Hail has got a lot on her plate. There’s the new season of her hit show to prepare for, turmoil and mistrust brewing between her and her agent, and then there’s Rook Lourdess—the man she loves...the man she left.

It’s always such a treat returning to the worlds I’ve created. This return was definitely a treat—one that I hope you’ll fully enjoy.

Let me know what you think!




Provocative Attraction

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