Читать книгу Breaking Her No-Dating Rule - Amalie Berlin - Страница 11



WHEN ELLORY KNOCKED on Mira’s door, she wondered if she would be interrupting something she didn’t want to interrupt.

Not usually one to be shy about sex, Ellory could only blame her squeamishness on the fact that being around Anson was making her think naughty thoughts, and now she was acutely aware that she wasn’t allowed to follow through with them.

She hadn’t specifically said her resolution not to date included no hook-ups, but she was trying to break that cycle as she’d spent her adult life sublimating her desire for love with lots of sex. Safe, sterile sex. So in the spirit of the resolution it had to include hooking up with handsome, inexplicably surly, dog-owning doctors—because Anson and his mile-wide shoulders were the best Fling Contender in Silver Pass.

She scrambled out of the stairwell on the top floor, already avoiding the elevators so she didn’t get trapped when the power went off, and jogged down the corridor to Mira’s Stately Pleasure Dome.

In the plus column, Anson would never want to date her, so her Stupid Resolution wasn’t in danger. He’d already remarked on finding her strange—unsurprising as most people who didn’t move in her circles found her odd. Add to that him now thinking she was someone who would use the spirit quest as a reason to go to the rainforest and take drugs …

Breaking Her No-Dating Rule

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