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Vibrational healing is a kind of energy medicine. It springs from the belief that each of us has an energy or life force which influences our wellbeing, and that everything vibrates with energy. Although we cannot see or touch this energy, like the air we breathe it is essential to life. This invisible energy can be enhanced and rebalanced by naturally occurring vibrations such as light, colour, sound and the energies of plants, flowers and crystals, to restore harmony in mind, body and spirit.

The origins of vibrational healing can be traced back to the mists of time. Over 5,000 years ago wise men became aware that there is more to human beings than meets the eye. They spoke of a universal energy pervading all living organisms, a concept that formed the basis of many ancient philosophies and healing methods.

Throughout history different peoples such as the Aztecs, Ancient Egyptians, Native Americans and Australian Aborigines have used forms of vibrational healing. Traditional Chinese and Japanese medical systems also view life force as something that can be harnessed for healing.

Feelings of wellbeing are inextricably linked to this energy. When we have abundant, free-flowing and balanced energy, we enjoy vitality, good physical health, mental clarity and real contentment and fulfilment. Disturbances in the body’s energy field often accompany and are thought to underlie all kinds of discomforts and dissatisfaction.

Nowadays stress and ever-increasing exposure to man-made vibrations such as artificial lighting and the noise of traffic are primarily responsible for throwing our energy systems out of balance. Is it any wonder that we dream of escaping to a desert island to soak up the sun’s natural rays and listen to the soothing sound of waves lapping against the shore? Human beings are attuned to the energetic vibrations of nature and nothing else can nourish and revitalize life force in the same way.

Vibrational healing uses a variety of invisible wave forms to restore energetic equilibrium. Each therapy has its own healing frequency or energy waveband.

Light and colour, sound and music, crystals and gemstones, plants and flowers can all be used as catalysts for healing. Some healers can transmit healing vibrations through themselves to others.

The benefits of vibrational healing can be far-reaching. As well as healing the body and helping to release deeply ingrained tensions, vibrational healing causes a profound revitalization at all levels: mind, body and spirit.

Vibrational therapy is increasingly finding favour with people who sense that there is more to good health than the absence of illness. True wellbeing means having boundless energy, feeling emotionally balanced and being at ease with yourself and the kind of life you are living. When mind, body and spirit are nourished life becomes full of meaning and purpose.

The resurgence of interest in vibrational healing comes at a highly significant time. The ancient prophecies of Vedic seers (6,000 to 8,000 years ago), the Aztecs, Hopi Indians, Mayans, Tibetans and Aborigines refer to a golden age which is said to occur every 25,000 years, and predict that the next era of enlightenment will dawn around the year 2000. Recent translations of sacred texts and inscriptions found on Mayan stone discs suggest this information was recorded all those years ago for the benefit of future generations.

Legend also has it that there is a concentration of energy, rather like an electromagnetic sheath of light, that encircles the world. This energy can be likened to the photon belt, a band of light energy particles discovered by scientists in 1961, in the vicinity of the Pleiades. It is said that the photon belt is moving ever closer to our own solar system and that sometime between the year 2000 and 2012 the Earth is scheduled to slip into it. No one knows for sure what this event may bring. Some predict that it will heighten the vibrations upon the planet, resulting in the dawn of super-consciousness, so bringing to pass the ancient prophesies of a golden age.

Many healers believe, therefore, that it is extremely important to enhance the vibrational patterns of the human body to enable us to cope with the changes this event will bring. Vibrational healing has a major part to play at this time of transition.

Vibrational Healing: The only introduction you’ll ever need

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