Читать книгу Cobwebs from an Empty Skull - Ambrose Bierce - Страница 30



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Seeing himself getting beyond his depth, a bathing naturalist called lustily for succour.

"Anything I can do for you?" inquired the engaging octopus.

"Happy to serve you, I am sure," said the accommodating leech.

"Command me," added the earnest crab.

"Gentlemen of the briny deep," exclaimed the gasping savant, "I am compelled to decline your friendly offices, but I tender you my scientific gratitude; and, as a return favour, I beg, with this my last breath, that you will accept the freedom of my aquarium, and make it your home."

This tale proves that scientific gratitude is quite as bad as the natural sort.

Cobwebs from an Empty Skull

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