Читать книгу Multi-Agent Coordination - Amit Konar - Страница 3
List of Tables
Оглавление1 Chapter 1Table 1.1 Trace of Dijkstra's algorithm for Figure 1.11.Table 1.2 Trace of A* algorithm from Figure 1.10.Table 1.3 Trace of D* algorithm from Figure 1.12.Table 1.4 Expected reward of R1 and R2 at MSNE.
2 Chapter 2Table 2.1 List of acronyms.Table 2.2 Details of 10 × 10 grid maps.Table 2.3 Run‐time complexity of Algorithm 2.3 over reference algorithms in d...Table 2.4 Run‐time complexity of Algorithm 2.3 over reference algorithms in s...Table 2.5 Time taken by Khepera‐II mobile robots to reach a team‐goal with diffe...Table 2.A.1 Number of joint state–action pair converged in deterministic situ...Table 2.A.2 Number of joint state–action pair converged in stochastic situati...Table 2.A.3 Count of team‐goal explored in the deterministic situation for tw...Table 2.A.4 Count of team‐goal explored in the stochastic situation for two a...
3 Chapter 3Table 3.1 List of acronyms.Table 3.2 Planning performance.
4 Chapter 4Table 4.1 Average of the percentage (%) of joint state–action pair converged ...Table 4.2 Average run‐time complexity of different learning algorithms (secon...Table 4.3 Average run‐time complexity of different planning algorithms (secon...Table 4.4 Average run‐time complexity of different planning algorithms (secon...Table 4.A.1 Time‐complexity analysis.
5 Chapter 5Table 5.1 Comparative analysis of performance of the proposed ICFA with other...Table 5.2 Comparative analysis of performance of the proposed ICFA with other...Table 5.3 Average rankings obtained through Friedman's testTable 5.4 Comparison of number of steps, average path traversed, and average ...Table 5.A.1 No of successful runs out of 25 runs and success performance in p...