Читать книгу The Re-Enlisted Groom - Amy Fetzer J. - Страница 3


“Please take me away from here,” Maxie Parrish silently prayed.

But she knew no rescue would be coming as her past walked steadily toward her.

She would recognize Kyle Hayden anywhere, anytime. By his stride, the shift of his shoulder... his sexy rocking hips.

“Is this the Wind Dancer Ranch, ma’am?”

“Yes, Kyle. It is.”

His head jerked up, his gaze narrow and piercing.

His eyes still held the same intensity, making her body talk when she wanted it to be silent.

And unfortunately, after all this time, he knew it.

“Hello, Max.”

The sound of his voice, deep as the ocean floor, sent tremors through her bloodstream. It didn’t help that he still looked good. The last time she’d seen him, he was cramming his gear into a marine green sea bag, expecting to marry her the next day before he shipped out. Don’t panic, she thought. He doesn’t know about the last seven years...or his daughter.

The Re-Enlisted Groom

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