Читать книгу Love Songs And Lullabies - Amy Vastine - Страница 8


“I’m thrilled to present Piper Starling and Sawyer Stratton!” country icon Sara Gilmore exclaimed.

As the lights came up and the music started to play, Piper reminded herself that the stage was home. Nothing could hurt her here.

Piper sang the song, holding nothing back. The song was about fear—the fear of letting go. Piper was very much afraid, but this time of having to hold on.

As the song neared the end, her gaze locked with Sawyer’s. He stepped closer. Piper froze. At rehearsal, they had decided he would back away as the music faded. He was clearly changing the plan here.

Piper’s heart pounded. Sawyer pushed the guitar behind his back then reached up and cradled her cheek in his hand. The blood thumped in her ears. She had no idea what he was doing. As the lights began to dim, he leaned forward, his lips inches from hers.

The crowd gasped and then exploded into thunderous applause.

Piper blinked and everything went black.

Love Songs And Lullabies

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