Читать книгу English & motivation for teens. Английский язык и мотивация для девчонок - Анастасия Константиновна Пустовойт, Анастасия Константиновна Майская, Анастасия Константиновна Дятлова - Страница 9



congratulate63 you! You are lucky to be born64 a woman. It means that you have a gift to bring a new life in this world. No man can experience65 and feel what you can feel as a woman. Someday you can become a mother. It is very beautiful gift of nature.

That is why you have to celebrate your period and take care of your body.

What should you do to avoid66 female discomfort and pains67?


First of all, you should eat healthy varied68 food rich in vitamins, minerals, complex carbs69, proteins and saturated fats. Cut out70 sugar or try to eat less sweets.


Sport is a best way to become beautiful and healthy girl. Long walking71 in the open air72 is the best cure73 from period pains. Your body saturated74 with oxygen, and oxygen it is the thing without which no one can live in the earth.


You should let yourself feel what you really feel. Never block and silence your emotions75, instead of it try to express them ecological way without hurting people.

Remember your delicacy nature76 and be thankful for those opportunities77 of your body that it gives you.


Try to follow these 3 rules next month and you will see your pains go away78.

English & motivation for teens. Английский язык и мотивация для девчонок

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