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Beetroot Beta vulgaris


An easy crop with round, flat or tapering roots that are usually red, but also yellow, white or bicoloured. With the exception of ‘monogerm’ varieties like ‘Solo’, seeds are capsules producing several seedlings that need thinning. Choose a bolt-resistant variety for earliest sowings. For ‘baby beet’ grow at half the normal distance apart, or use alternate roots from maincrops, leaving the rest to mature for storing. The white variety ‘Albina Vereduna’ has good-flavoured leaves for use as greens; those of ‘Bull’s Blood’ are deepest red and ornamental.

HOW TO GROW Sow outdoors in full sun for good roots and less foliage, 2cm (3/4 in) deep at monthly intervals from about 4 weeks before the last frosts; earlier crops can be multi-sown indoors (see page 135). Sow maincrops at least 12–14 weeks before autumn frosts. Thin several times, keep weed-free until large enough to mulch, and water every 2–3 weeks in dry weather. Start pulling alternate roots when 5cm (2in) across, about 2 months after sowing. Lift and store maincrops like carrots after twisting, rather than cutting, off the foliage.

WHEN TO SOW Late spring to late summer; from late winter under glass

GERMINATION 2 weeks at 7°C (45°F) minimum

SPACING 10cm (4in) in rows 23–30cm (9–12in) apart; or 15cm (6in) square


HEIGHT 15–30cm (6–12in)

AVERAGE YIELD 450g (1lb) per 30cm (12in) row

VARIETIES ‘Alto’, ‘Boltardy’, ‘Burpees Golden’, ‘Chioggia’, ‘Cylindra’, ‘Forono’

The Allotment Book

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