Читать книгу God Money And The Blessed Poor - André Cronje - Страница 5
2. A Bad Deal
ОглавлениеNow everybody knows how to spend money, but the secret on how to make money is a pearl on a necklace. And when you seek those clues and put them to work, then money and opportunities will make room for you. Everyone has their own way of doing business that works for them. Some prefer the easy route to fortunes, while the wiser stick to hard work that eventually pays off. But have you ever thought about what God says of wealth and riches? The bible states that Christ became poor to make many rich. But isn't it good news to the poor, that they too can be rich? And for the poor living in poverty, it certainly is good. How can anyone dispute that this is not God's will for them? Is it not written that God makes rich and God makes poor? And is it not right and comely for one to eat and drink and to enjoy the good of all his labor under the sun, all the days of his life, which is his portion from God? Who wants to stay poor anyway? Poverty is a curse, they say, but why is some poor much happier than certain rich and famous? Of course, they suffer, and riches do offer comfort against most severe weather, but it's not to be trusted as the answer to everything. The thoughts of God and the imagination of man are not the same. Indeed, God has chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith and to be heirs of the kingdom which he promised to them that loves him, giving them an inheritance, they never had. This is the grace of our Lord Jesus that though he was rich, yet for our sake, he became poor, that we by his poverty could be made rich. But this has little or nothing to do with the pursuit of riches and happiness in this life. For in Christ alone is every man's freedom secured and their debt to God paid in full. Stop turning God's words into a money-making machine. God forbids. Jesus never endured the shame and sorrow of the cross for financial gain.
Countless money-making offers and investment opportunities float out there both online and offline. But for your own safety and peace of mind Google search the reviews on each selected choice before signing up, or buying in. Many lucrative offers come with a deceitful 'free' label that turns the sweet candy into a sticky mess. Often people are invited to financial seminars to help them cope, or escape their current state of affairs into a Utopia, a lifestyle of milk and honey. And like any business, they do require you to invest time and money. Whoever promises a quick effortless return is a con artist. Farmers know that it is essential to prepare the soil for sowing before reaping, which may take months and even years to fully mature. But don't despair, hard work has its rewards. But it is in these hard times when the vulnerable and desperate are lured with fast-food cash-in and drive-off scams. Most offers are so tempting it is hard to resist, and when swallowed it has that bittersweet ending. Just like, when the serpent deceived Eve with his cunning sales speech. Did God really say that? It's because he doesn't want you to become gods. Just try it once, no one will know! And when she saw that the fruit was good to eat, she ate of the forbidden tree of knowledge of good and evil. Then she also gave it to her husband, and when Adam took his bite, their whole world went into a total Black-Out. And instead of becoming gods, they found themselves bud naked hiding from God.
What happened in Paradise should never happen again. Adam’s sin bankrupted the entire human race. Created in the image and likeness of God, the bite of sin into human DNA corrupted good, with evil thoughts and intentions. A one-night stand with that snake in Eden and all went horribly wrong. When their eyes opened, all innocence was gone. They found themselves stripped naked and hiding from God. So, they lost their home and friendship with God and got evicted. They stock market crashed down from shining glory into a Pandora’s Box of sin and death. Only the redeeming blood of Christ could stop dead men walking and save them from his wrath to come. Tormented with curses and the fear of death, they served the god of this world with the passing pleasures of sin. But for this reason, Jesus came from heavens beauty down to earth's manure, to destroy the works of the devil, and not to judge or to condemn. Satan’s lies made slaves of them, but the love of God makes men sons again, turning sinners into saints, and teaching rebels to obey. The lights came on in the rooms he went to prepare for them, and till he comes again, these living stones in pots of clay will cry psalms of praise to him night and day. Lose him and let him go, Jesus said! The foolishness of God’s wisdom much wiser than brainy men.