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ОглавлениеPart 1 Dreams Defined
Scientifically speaking, dreams are images, sounds, and emotions sensed in the mind while you are asleep. There are times that you may have dreams where your senses are involved. The dream may feel so real that you believe the scenarios that are happening are real. You may think that the dream is actually happening. When you wake up from these types of dreams, you may even question what just happened. There are times that you may recall waking up out of your sleep crying, in a cold sweat, or having emotions that you did not have before going to bed. Your dreams will also visually communicate what’s going on in your mind, consciously or subconsciously. However, dreams are one way that the Lord chooses to share with humanity.
Dreams Are For Everyone! God Can Choose To Speak To Anyone Through Dreams
Children: I mentioned earlier that I could remember dreams from my childhood. There are specific dreams that I had as a child that I still remember to this day. If you have experienced being around children, then you know what I am saying is true. Children can and will describe some of the most vivid dreams I have ever heard. Both of my teenage children are dreamers and have been dreaming since they were young. I have always created a safe and encouraging environment for them to come and share their dreams with me. If you are a parent or plan to be, don't shrug off your children’s dreams. Teach them to cultivate them. I pray that some of the principles in this book would benefit you and the children around you.
Unbelievers or Non-Christians: There are accounts in the Bible where God spoke to unbelievers. Pharaoh “Two years later the king of Egypt dreamed he was standing beside the Nile River.‘, The king went back to sleep and had another dream. - Gen 41:1,5 CEV Pharaoh was not a believer, but the Lord still communicated with him through a dream. With God, there is always a purpose in his sovereign plan. Even speaking to people that don’t believe in him. The wise men are another example of the Lord speaking to a non-christian. It is the historic belief that these men were astrologers and sorcerers. “When the men went into the house and saw the child with Mary, his mother, they knelt down and worshiped him. They took out their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh and gave them to him. Later they were warned in a dream not to return to Herod, and they went back home by another road.” - Matthew - 2:11-12 CEV
Believers: Joseph “After the wise men had gone, an angel from the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Get up! Hurry and take the child and his mother to Egypt! Stay there until I tell you to return because Herod is looking for the child and wants to kill him.” - Matthew - 2:13 CEV. Creator God Yahweh sent his angel to warn but ultimately to protect the messiah's life. We know that was all apart of God’s plan.
Daniel is another example of a believer who God had spoken to in a dream. “In the first year of king Belshazzar of Babylonia, I had some dreams and vision while I was asleep one night, and I wrote them down.” - Daniel 7:1-2 CEV. I suggest that you read the entire book of Daniel, chapter seven, when you get a chance. I like to pattern myself after the way Daniel handled his dreams. When you read it, you will understand what I mean.
The Purpose Of Dreams
The word of God is filled with several accounts of dreams directing, guiding, warning, and prophecy. Obeying the instruction of the Lord through your dreams can save your life and those around you too. God doesn’t want us in the dark with life. He wants to communicate with us. Dreams are one of those ways. Keep in mind, most of your dreams will be about you. Even if there are other people in them that stand out, the dream will most likely be about you. However, there are times where your dreams may be about other people.
God Will Give You Terrifying Dreams To Warn You
I will admit that I used to believe that if a dream was scary or a nightmare, I automatically assumed that it was a dream coming from the devil or my insecurities. It wasn’t until I realized that God would give you a terrifying dream to warn you. Job 33:15-18 says,
“God speaks in different ways, and we don’t always recognize his voice. Sometimes in the night, he uses terrifying dreams to give us warnings.” God does this to make us turn from sin and pride and to protect us from being swept away to the world of the dead.”
When I read this, I couldn't believe it. Can you imagine that God would give you a terrifying dream? I know it seems like I am repeating myself, but I am because I couldn't believe it.
In the church, we always hear that God has not given us the spirit of fear. Not that this is not true, but the way that it is perceived is almost like anything that scares you is not of God. However, scripture says clearly here in the book of Job that the Lord would terrify you. Unfortunately, many of us are stubborn. So this is the only way to get the point that the Lord is trying to convey. If I can have a moment of transparency, I know for a fact that I used to be so stubborn. So I know that there may be a need for some terrifying dreams for stubborn ones like my former self. Dreams can help guide you throughout your life if you begin to understand and value the messages that are sometimes so blatant, and at other times hidden. God’s dreams really can be a blessing to you and the lives of those around you. Only if you allow the dreams to do what they are supposed to do. However, I understand that it may be challenging to understand the role dreams play in your life.
Prophetic dreams can be terrifying too. I want to share with you this prophetic dream that I had. This dream manifested within 24 hours.
A Pool Of Blood Dream
In the dream, a former friend of mine had called me. While we were on the phone, she ran through the courtyard of my former apartment building. She was running and screaming, saying that a woman was chasing her. I could hear her running up the stairs, screaming and crying hysterically. She began to bang on my door. When I opened the door for her, she fell, and a pool of blood appeared. The very next day, she called me screaming and hysterically crying. She told me that she was stabbed in her forearm by a woman.
There is a responsibility that we have to learn how to understand our dreams. There are certain things that we should do to help us along the way. Knowing what you should do will help.
I want to give you an example of one dream that I had when I first opened up my salon years ago. This warning that came through my dream helped me avoid some financial hardship later.
Water Pouring From The Roof Dream
I will never forget back in 2007, when I opened my first brick and mortar business. It was my first hair salon. I was 23 years old and super excited about this outstanding achievement in my life. My place was small; it was about 600 Sq Ft. Nonetheless, while going into this place, the landlord had assured me that there were no issues with the location. He assured me that everything was ready to go until the night that I had a dream. In the dream, I was in the salon, and all of this water started pouring out of an opening in the ceiling. I mean, the water was rushing out. When I woke up, I had a tug in my spirit to take a closer look at the ceiling.
Later that day, I did. I went to the location, and I looked at the ceiling in the same area of the wall in my dream where water was rushing out, and I saw a tiny little water spot. I had someone move the tile for me, and low and behold, there was a big hole, where you can see that would cause a potential major leak. So I mentioned it to my neighbor, who shared with me that the Landlord was aware of this issue and just tried to cover it up with a new tile. When I brought it to my landlord’s attention, he agreed to fix it.
That dream saved me from having an issue after being locked into a lease agreement. I obeyed the prompting of the Lord, and it kept me from possible trouble in the future. That was an example of the purpose of dreams. This dream served its purpose in revealing something that I would not have known about.