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​Author Aulo Irzio


Many things are known about him because he played a more than active role in the tumultuous political period of the two triunvirates.

We know he was a politician of some importance even before taking command of a legion of Caesar in Gaul. Here he takes on the task of completing De Bello Gallico, the eighth and final book is his work. This is one of the reasons that accredit him as a writer of the entire Corpus Caesarian, but this seems unlikely today, more reliable is the news that the publisher of the texts wants. In any case, he married the cause of Caesar, it was in Spain and Asia Minor and that's why we choose to consider him as the author of the Alexandrian, even if we cannot consider it a historical truth but only an authoritative possibility.

It seems to have been in Alexandria, will be indicated by Caesar as Consul and then, in 46 BC. was Proconsul of Transalpine Gaul. It does not seem to have been in Africa or Spain but this does not exclude the possibility that he is still behind Africa and Hispanic, who may have been sent to him as drafts or simple military dispatches to allow him to carry out his historian.

After the assassination of Caesar, he initially placed himself in the service of Marco Antonio but was subsequently persuaded by Tulio Cicero to embrace the Senatorial cause. Here happens a little known but fatal fact to Aulo Irzio, in this political phase, Marco Antonio was alone against all the others but strong of the consent of the plebs of Rome. Tenth Brutus was fortified in Modena om pending events, here he was joined by Consul Vibio Pansa, by the other Consul Aulo Irzio and by an ambitious young Octavian, legitimate heir of the dead Dictator. This short war was very bloody, in a first confused battle at Forum Gallorum the Consolo Vibio Pansa was seriously injured, but the legions sent by Aulo Irzio to help his colleague forced the tired Antonian forces to fall back, the losses were huge for both sides . However, this battle did not change the situation, Tenth Brutus was besieged in Modena while Aulus Irzio and Octavian were unable to bring him relief; the injuries sustained by Consul Pansa were fatal to him, here an episode concerning Aulo Irzio occurs, because the news of the battle of Forum Gallorum arrived in Rome through a letter from Irzio himself, this made it clear to the senatorial faction that the war against Antonio was won Cicero pronounces his latest Philippine in which he praises the two Consuls and neglects to mention Octavian, which in all probability will have its weight in the birth of the Second Triunvirate. While in Rome they were already celebrating, in Modena a new battle was preparing, Irzio and Ottaviano attack the field of Marco Antonio with a daring plan, the Consul Irzio, at the command of a legion was then able to penetrate until he reaches the tent of Antonio, but the latter's counterattack will cause the death of our Irzio, a melee ignites around the Consul's corpse which is resolved with the intervention of Octavian who, even if forced to fall back, will manage to recover the corpse. Aulus Irtius died on April 21, 43 BC but for the record, we must report that some important Roman historians make us aware of rumors that attribute to Octavian the murder of Irzio who was gaining considerable political consensus at the expense of the same shrewd future Octavian Augustus .

As can be understood from the biography of Aulo Irzio, the wars between the Triunviri were a fluid period with many changes of face and political arrivalism that cost the Romans many losses, shortly thereafter the second Triunvirato will be born right in Modena, which will slowly suffocate man Republic.

On The Alexandrian War

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