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… She was inside a story … parts of which felt like stories she’d lived through before: the expression of a face she couldn’t quite place, a word or phrase spoken by someone she forgot a moment later, a detail of a room, a stick of furniture, the pattern of a curtain, the color of wallpaper, part of a doorway: it was not a story, really, not a narrative at any rate that moved from A to B to C, but rather a shower of moments, all out of order, trying to cohere in some manner, trying to show her something: some lesson, or crystallization of many things she had missed the logical connectives of: that she was herself outside this “I” the story seemed to be about …

—Gary Indiana, Depraved Indifference

For awhile, I hadn’t actually been writing but doing a transcription that fell in the deep space between drawing and landscaping.

—Renee Gladman, Calamities

MacArthur Park

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