Читать книгу Parson Kelly - Andrew Lang - Страница 2

Table of Contents


The Parson expresses Irreproachable Sentiments at the Mazarin Palace.

Mr. Wogan refuses to Acknowledge an Undesirable Acquaintance in St. James's Street.

Mr. Wogan instructs the Ignorant Parson in the Ways of Women.

Shows the Extreme Danger of knowing Latin.

A Literary Discussion in which a Critic, not for the first time, turns the tables upon an Author.

Mr. Nicholas Wogan reminds the Parson of a Night at the Mazarin Palace.

Lady Mary Wortley Montagu has a word to say about Smilinda.

Mr. Kelly has an Adventure at a Masquerade Ball.

Wherein the Chivalrous Mr. Kelly behaves with Deplorable Folly.

What came of Mr. Kelly's Winnings from the South Sea.

The Parson departs from Smilinda and learns a number of Unpalatable Truths.

The Parson meets Scrope for the Third Time, and what came of the Meeting.

Of the Rose and the Rose-Garden in Avignon.

Of the Great Confusion produced by a Ballad and a Drunken Crow.

At the Deanery of Westminster.

Mr. Wogan acts as Lightning Conductor at Lady Oxford's Rout.

Lady Oxford's 'Coup De Théâtre'.

Wherein a New Fly discourses on the innocence of the Spider's Web.

Stroke and Counter-stroke.

Mr. Scrope bathes by Moonlight and in his Peruke.

In which Mr. Kelly surprises Smilinda.

An Eclogue which demonstrates the Pastoral Simplicity of Corydon and Strephon.

How the Messengers captured the wrong Gentleman; and of what Letters the Colonel burned.

Mr. Wogan wears Lady Oxford's Livery, but does not remain in her Service.

How the Miniature of Lady Oxford came by a Mischance.

Mr. Wogan Traduces his Friend, with the Happiest Consequences.

How, by keeping Parole, Mr. Kelly broke Prison.

Mr. Wogan again invades England, meets the elect Lady, and bears witness to her Perfections.

Parson Kelly

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